...life can be translucent

"Aha!!" Answers - little chat, just post your favourite or encouraging results



Just reporting back to say that after the third session, 1and 25 could not have been more accurate. If any of you have seen the movie School Of Rock, you'll have a pretty good idea of what's going on at these jams. It's a lot of work and lot of fun too. In some cases I'm teaching someone an instrument from scratch, but we do wind up making music once they get the feel of it, and then others join in. We come with expectation of something creative happening, but not knowing what. Good spirits all around.


Jan 8, 2008
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Hex 12

In January I was very worried about a friend. I could not contact her by telephone, letter or email - she answered nothing. We had not fallen out, she had simply disappeared and her internet business was showing signs of neglect. I asked for a picture of her and received #12.

Last week I did re-establish contact. Her husband was and is seriously ill and another tragedy had befallen her. She had felt completely unable to contact anyone outside her immediate circle of family and could not even log on to her computer. She had received letters, but had no energy or enthusiasm to reply in her grief.

I think Yi was absolutely right.


Apr 8, 1970
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Not an 'aha' answer, this, but an aha moment all the same. I had to stop working and go out just as I was trying to get a sense of the essence of 31.1, 'Influence in your big toes.' So I left my desk reluctantly, got ready, and then I was hovering and pacing around the hall for a few minutes, ready to go, with nothing to do but wait for my husband. I caught myself thinking,

‘Come on - while I’m waiting for you I could be getting into the experience of 31 line 1.’

(And then trying to explain to him why I was suddenly laughing out loud.)

There are times working on this book when I seriously wonder just who is writing whom.


Oct 24, 2009
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My thread 'a noob asks' could have gone here since I basically had this aha! moment time and again the first time I ever used the i ching.
especially the question 'can I ask too much?' which returned 14, possession in great measure, first line of description: 'The fire in heaven above shines far, and all things stand out in the light and become manifest'. WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW. that's all I can say.


Oct 30, 2009
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Money Worries

I was sitting this morning worrying about money (haha like you do!) and I was convinced that certain Direct debits had gone out and my bank account would be suffering! :eek: So I worried for ages then decided to do a cast. I got 14 Possession in great measure. I said haha I-ching you are having a laugh at me, felt a wounded sense of pride and put the I-ching away disgruntled. Then about 15 mins later my bank statement came through the door! There was no debt or anything it was ticking along merrily I literally had possession in great measure! I checked and I'd actually paid off my laptop! so the payments weren't going out! and my mum had put the £500 she owed me in there :D

Yes so apparently the I-ching knows my bank account better than I do :rofl:

Nice to meet everyone xx :D


Oct 30, 2009
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Estranged Friend came back!!

Thanks to team work with the Yi my friend came back!
see thread-- http://www.onlineclarity.co.uk/friends/showthread.php?t=8905

I drew joy (or exchange) I took this as saying to stay true to my friend, hold inwardly and outwardly and approach her showing my attachment openely! SO I did! I sent my friend a message after a confirmation of 42.4 as being the right course of action- "If you walk in the middle and report to the prince he will follow." I asked if she'd really answer?! & the Yi gave me the same hex 42.4! & a short while later she replied & apologised!!! Our friendship resolved! :D


Apr 8, 1970
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Another book-writing one. I'm concerned about what to call Hexagram 8. I've been calling it 'Seeking Union' for years and years in readings, and this has always been a good fit. But I notice that the 'seeking' part of that isn't really in the meaning - either of the character, or of every reading. It's more to do simply with getting the best fit. Brad Hatcher calls it 'Belonging' - much better, why couldn't I have thought of that? Or maybe 'relating' or 'joining' or 'uniting' or...?

So on the one hand, I have this translation with lots of readings behind it. And on the other hand, a sneaking suspicion it doesn't really belong/ fit. Time to ask:

Me: 'What if I change the translation?'
Yi: 8, unchanging.
Me: '******!!!!'

Me: 'What if I keep on calling it "Seeking Union"?'
Yi: 9.5.6 to 11

So I will honour the de contained in all those readings and not try to bring any further order. 'Seeking Union' it is.
(I think.)


Oct 30, 2009
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Hilary! just a thought....

I love hexagram 8, its definetly one of my favourites!

Whenever I recieve this I always think of it as Loyalty. Water and earth go together! They nourish and absorb each other! Water is the emotions flowing in harmony with the earth which I always think of as devotion! Water & Earth blend & stick together! So I vote you should rename the hexagram MUD :rofl: (sorry couldn't resist)

Well, when you get the right consistancy or balance of water (emotions) and earth; something solid/grounding to base the feelings on. With balance you get a union which will last & can be relied on- something trustworthy! (Water + Earth= A full earthen ware bowl!)The lines show you how to get that balance! Thats my take on it! when I look at the changing lines I always see them as telling how to maintain loyalty in my relationship or situation!

What if I change the translation- 8 unchanging. I think thats saying "now Hilary, why would u want to go and do a thing like that" :rofl: Maybe its perfect just as it is no matter what you call it! I mean a duck is a duck no matter what you call it! I suppose it will have a different meaning for whoever interpretates it? :D


This isn't an actual reading but an association that kinda tickled me.

Through a long, arduous process, a new custom door was ready to be installed to the back of the house, but it required the help of a professional to get it to line up with the out of square steel door frame. Finally the door was hung, but the guy said he'd have to return to complete the project by sealing the door off.

Meanwhile, cold weather has finally come to the desert, with cold winds blowing freely through the door's edges. This morning I stuffed paper towels tightly into the cracks, temporarily sealing the door, keeping the cold wind out.

Then I thought, Ah - 63.4! (LiSe's version)

Plugging a leak with rags. All day long on guard.

Short term solutions can be great for just that: short term. If you don’t replace them with lasting ones, they will keep you busy, and in the end cost much more time and effort than solving it once and for all in a good way.


Jun 26, 2008
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for some time Yi had been screaming 40 at me . . . . and 21.6 and 4 . . and still I couldn't get it :eek: . .
then, some days ago, I tried a different approach and asked

'Yi, what did the arrow hit'?
Yi: 53.6

. . and immediately, next song on the radio: REM's 'Great Beyond' :eek:

ah yes! when Yi winks, the great beyond comes down on us within a single, synchronous moment!:)



Apr 8, 1970
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Another 'wink'.

Background information... my husband David likes a glass of wine with a meal, and I don't really like it at all. So the usual routine is that he has a glass on the table while I'm drinking water as usual. Also, David didn't know the I Ching at all until he started proof-reading my work.

So we're talking over the evening meal, and I'm half way through working on Hexagram 61 and waxing lyrical about it. First I introduce him to the name of the hexagram, and the ideas of centrality, drums, truth, a vertical axis of exchange and trust, and mother birds and their young. And then, as I'm drawing breath to start talking about line 2, he says, 'This is really good, you should try it,' and pushes his wine glass towards me.



Nov 7, 2009
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offering counsel...

Some weeks ago, after reading a very critical article about the Yijing by dr. Koenraad Elst (http://koenraadelst.bharatvani.org/index.html), I was discouraged in my renewed interesse in the Yijing an planned to give up further study. Impulsively I consulted the Yijing to hear if he had still something to say?
I got 45.2.6
Especially the topline hitted me between the eyes: (in the translation of Bradford Hatcher) “Offering counsel while weeping an snivering/But no harm is done”.


Jun 26, 2008
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Another 'wink'.

So we're talking over the evening meal, and I'm half way through working on Hexagram 61 and waxing lyrical about it. First I introduce him to the name of the hexagram, and the ideas of centrality, drums, truth, a vertical axis of exchange and trust, and mother birds and their young. And then, as I'm drawing breath to start talking about line 2, he says, 'This is really good, you should try it,' and pushes his wine glass towards me.


perfect :)


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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for some time Yi had been screaming 40 at me . . . . and 21.6 and 4 . . and still I couldn't get it :eek: . .
then, some days ago, I tried a different approach and asked

'Yi, what did the arrow hit'?
Yi: 53.6

. . and immediately, next song on the radio: REM's 'Great Beyond' :eek:

ah yes! when Yi winks, the great beyond comes down on us within a single, synchronous moment!:)


what arrow :confused: Theres no arrow in 21.6 or 4 or in 40 unchanging is there...goes to check 40 unchanging...nope don't see any. 21.6 a cangue, no arrow...4 no arrows...
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Jun 26, 2008
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check Bradford's 40 ;)
(4 and 21.6 were about me not understanding 40 :rolleyes:)


Nov 20, 2009
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bradford's method of transition

yesterday i Ask the Yi "something".
i got one hex changing with 2 lines; i got the derivated one: i read, thought, read again...
then i reminded of the method rodaki was suggesting me about bradford's work;
i counted for the "inner journey" the third hex....and... ta-dàààà! PERFECT!...perfect line and even so clear, no doubt in understand it...:rolleyes:
...well, a bit teeth-smashing as truth often comes.......:bag:

so thanks again for the new method suggested to me, found through Clarity:)


Jun 26, 2008
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40 and 14.4 . .

Hilary's post on 14.4 reminded me of the time that 14.4 really clicked for me . .

it was last year, wintertime, and I had gotten 40 unchanging as a day reading. Since I had a couple of issues I was working on I asked for further feedback on my 40, to which Yi said 14.4 . . I remember reading here a post by Bradford saying 'this is not yours to worry about' and setting off to the library quickly (40: if there's sth to be done, do it fast!)

Reaching the library it started raining . . and went on pouring cats and dogs for the rest of the day . . At some point I took a coffee break and stood for a cigarette at the building's entrance. People were huddled there, some waiting for a pause so that they could leave (it was raining that bad, noone dared to come out of our shielding place), others taking a break like me . . So there we were, standing and waiting for the rain to strut its stuff, water pounding the streets and pavements, galloping straight into the canals, just like a rain parade . . yup, that was nature's assets and we were mere spectators :)

(thinking more about 14.4 it reminds me also of that rare occasion of driving in a rural road when coming across a sheep's herd, crossing leisurely the road . . not much to do but hold back and attend to its pace :rolleyes:)


Dec 21, 2009
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Today I asked I Ching about an important matter. I studied the response and thought about it for hours. I concluded it made perfect sense, in fact the answer was straight forward, even literal.

The guidance I received was encouraging and to my liking. And just then the usual doubt lurked in... what if I'm reading into it... what if it's just coincidence? I decided to ask the oracle again to test it. I cast the coins, write them down, see no changing lines. I look up the number its 4, The Youthful Folly... and then I read:

It is not I who seek the young fool;
The young fool seeks me.
At the first oracle I inform him.
If he asks two or three times, it is importunity.
If he importunes, I give him no information.

I did not know that I Ching has a sense of humor!!

lem ming

Today my parents asked me to look for 2 video cassettes from our family archive to convert them into some digital format, they couldn't find them at their place. So I checked several spots where I'd seen them several years ago, didn't find. I started doubting whether I have them at all. And so I asked: "Are they in my house?" and received 21,2,4>41. I laughed, it was like being told: "you look carefully for what you have lost, my dear, and you'll be rewarded". So I 2."Bit through tender meat,
so that my nose disappeared" in every shelf, and in a couple of minutes I 4."Received metal arrows". I loved that! If only our wise friend could always be so literal and easy to understand...


Jun 26, 2008
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most experienced IChingers probably know this already, but it took some time for me to see this side of 55 in full effect, namely its meaning as 'discriminating powers' . . like when one is trying to make a diagnosis for a condition not easily traceable (say a genetic condition not easily recognizeable, or an allergy)

Clarity within makes it possible to investigate the facts exactly

yup -although not always an easy task . . lot's of squinting might be needed for that


Oct 14, 2009
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Hexagram 51 - hilarious!

Well, I met this guy through a friend about a month ago and after a bit of chit chat, he asked me out to dinner. Before I went out that night, I asked the Yi how that night would go and I got 51 unchanging. Ahem, I thought 'oh maybe it's going to be a lot of shocking fun' and I can be into that.

However, things took a bit of a sinister turn because when I met the guy at the restaurant his attitude was a bit arrogant with the waiters and barmen and I thought 'oh, a bit different from the first time we met, maybe he had a bad day at work...?'

Then we are shown to our table, he gets progressively drunk and makes assumptions about me going back to his that night. I felt I had to comment with a flirty 'Whatever makes you think I would?' His reply was:-"Because I have spent so much money on your already tonight!" He did take me to a gorgeous restaurant in Central Park (NYC) that has since closed down but that is beside the point.

But it gets worse. I laughed that off and told him that I would need to go back home cos I had a deadline the day after (I had really started to feel uncomfortable at that point, plus, I am not a fan of drunk guys). His comment to that was:-"Oh come on, what do I have to do to make you come home with me tonight? Would $500 do?"

That's when I stood up, got my coat and left without saying another word. I rang my friend who introduced me to him and she was mortified, she said that he was going through a terrible divorce. Whatever.

I guess that Hexagram 51 Unchanging was a pretty good way of describing that "date" for me haha!!

Bea :) xx


Whoa. Sounds like the kind of guy that if you said yes to $500, he would have switch pitched to $50, saying "We've already identified you're a whore, now we're just negotiating price." Yeah, pretty shocking alright.

I just returned from a rigorous walk way up the wash, over the hill, up to the base of the mountain in back, where we saw 10 deer grazing there, a doe and 9 large fawn, or possibly 2 doe and 8 fawn between them. Was beautiful to watch. Mojo and I just relaxed and watched them go calmly, single file up to the top of the big hill and disappear over the top. Was nice, and maybe a good omen. I received 26.3-41 today concerning a crossroad in my life, and it reminded me a lot of the reading.


most experienced IChingers probably know this already, but it took some time for me to see this side of 55 in full effect, namely its meaning as 'discriminating powers'

I like 'discriminating powers' a lot for 55, hadn't heard it before.


Jun 26, 2008
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I like 'discriminating powers' a lot for 55, hadn't heard it before.

Funny you should say that . .

that's a very interesting 26.3 . . energy-taming exercise helps one restrict instincts and anger (41) . . I was reading on 26 yesterday since it came up in my day reading -'not eating at home' sounds like 'your insides are still too raw, too early to invest, reach out for a more reliable source' . .

Another one: have you ever had a disagreement with Yi only to gain in the end the benefit of a doubt? Late last night I said to it that I was exhausted and needed to get some sleep and was there something else?
Yi said: 58.1,2,5 to 16 . . . now is it just me or did the Yi wished me 'sweet dreams'???


True dat on 55, lol.

Sweet dreams, very good.

To add a bit to the deer story: Upon seeing us they became nervous, as we came over a ridge and were looking down to them, while below them were the beginning of a few houses, so they felt trapped. When I got a leash onto Mojo, and we both relaxed, they too relaxed (26/41), but the leader decided to retreat from their precarious position, and calmly but assertively led them back up the steep face, navigating like ballerinas around jagged boulders and rock slides. Such beautiful control of strength.


Jul 8, 2007
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Removing the shackles

Hi, just wanted to share an Aha! moment with a reading one month ago... :)

I find it interesting to share since it was one of those type of readings when the Yi answers just doesn't seem to fit with the question:

I asked about the possibility of a bussiness travel, since that was dependant on a bussiness partner... (at least I though that at the moment)

The Yi answered 4.1 to 41

As bardford says (I love your translation btw)...

Delivering the inexperienced
It is worthwhile and useful to discipline another
If practiced to remove the shackles and cuffs
But for this to continue is a disgrace

I was shocked, maybe I was being reprimanded, but about what?

I simply put aside the Yi... thinking how's that? could I somehow lost suddenly my connection with the Oracle? Nothing further from the truth...

Because 2 days later, my bussiness partner dropped his support on my, he had other more important issues pressing on him and simply stop helping me...

Suddenly, hexagram 4.1 came to my mind while I realized that the Yi was trying to tell me that I could make that bussiness, but on my own! My partner was somehow "removing the shackles" on my "dependence" on him

The Yi was driving my attention to another issue, related to the one of my question, but far more important since now, one month later from the casting, I already took care of everything myself in my own way and things, actually began to improve a lot...

I had a lesson from the Yi, and also lost the fear of finally flying on my own (both in a literal and methaporical way), with no help from now on, but at the same time with a lot more freedom, that I really wanted!

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Jun 26, 2008
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. . just for laughs :D

yesterday's reading: 32.4 to 46 . . . hmm, that was weird . . I had a busy day, knew what I was after and had few doubts about it . . but then again, lately I see 46 as 'rise up to the occasion' so I kept in the back of my head whether there was a better way -no, there wasn't. Dinner time approaching, I get out of my books and enter the kitchen, only to find my flatmate and a friend of his preparing chicken for dinner, making big plans over the ingredients, only being a bit baffled about the actual way of cooking it . . all together in the casserole or not? or maybe use the oven? or . . ? (I have to say here that my flatmate ALWAYS cooks by recipes and felt out of his element). Anyways, I had just the idea . . the hunt went straight into a pot, on into the oven and cooked while we were watching a film and drank wine . . later I checked back with Bradford's take:

A hunt without game
Chronically out of one's context
Where is game to be found?

. . The ideals will not leave such tracks, nor do they do much for hunger. Knowledge can go either way but wisdom is always applied.( . .) Mind in the field needs to ask better questions

e x a c t l y!! :mischief::rofl:


Jul 14, 2008
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There are a lot of things going on in my life at the moment.
Contemplating about them, I thought about my father. He was a wise and wonderful man. He died when I was eight years old, I adored him and have missed him very much.
I asked the IC:"Does my father know what is going on in my life?"

It's answer was 19.2.6>27

Nine in the second place means:
Joint approach.
Good fortune.
Everything furthers.

When the stimulus to approach comes from a high place, and when a man
has the inner strength and consistency that need no admonition, good
fortune will ensue. Nor need the future cause any concern. He is well aware
that everything earthly is transitory, and that a descent follows upon every
rise, but need not be confused by this universal law of fate. Everything serves
to further. Therefore he will travel the paths of life swiftly, honestly, and

Six at the top means:
Great hearted approach.
Good-hearted approach.
Good fortune. No blame.

A sage who has put the world behind him and who in spirit has already
withdrawn from life may, under certain circumstances, decide to return once
more to the here and now and to approach other men. This means great
good fortune for the men whom he teaches and helps. And for him this great
hearted humbling of himself is blameless.

I don't know if this belongs in this section, but I found this answer so comforting and beautiful, that I just had to share it with you.

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