...life can be translucent

"Aha!!" Answers - little chat, just post your favourite or encouraging results


Aug 4, 2006
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A bit over a year ago I posted this (April):

For those who remember me I've also been doing some debating on cars. I've narrowed it down to two, the VW Rabbit and the GTI.

I asked the questions is Car X good for me for both.

Rabbit: got 14 changing lines 3 and 6 to.....54

GTI: 53 2, 4, 5, changing to 50.

From Willowfox:
GTI Hex 53.2,4, 5 > 50 . Hex 53.2 this car is calling you, it is a symbol of peace and concord, but again you should share it with others, giving rides etc but not quite the same idea of public as in Hex 14.3.
I frequently offer to be the driver, I just can't get enough of the car, nor can my passengers. <3

In July a meeting of family happened and my Arrest Me Red GTI was right where it needed to be for me to buy it, now he is currently napping in my drive way. Humorously enough my last name is Wood and I had to cross a mountain to acquire the car. Hah! The yi works in such odd ways sometimes, also has one heck of a sense of humor. :D


Jun 13, 2008
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I am new here, but I have practiced I-Ching for a few years, but in a much different way.

In China, instead of interpreting the I Ching texts, most of the I Ching masters calculate by rules of the 5 elements. With calculation, the exact date of what's about to happen, and what had happened in the past may be revealed. It can also help detect the specific disease and/or disasters ahead (and many many more) that might be encountered in the near future.

I can understand why people don't believe in I-Ching, because it serves more like a big fortune cookie jar for fun, and never taken seriously. It's a sad thing that such a powerful tool is left out by the world.


Jun 13, 2008
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It's a very complicated but fasinating process, but I haven't seen anyone in the West learned about that. You need to learn the relationships between the 10 Heavenly Symbols and the 12 Earthly Symbols and refer to the Heavenly Calendar. You may follow the rules to find the balance point for the Hexagram, and then, if the strength of a certain force of an element is a good influence toward the balancing point, then you are better off at the direction in life. It's a method full of logical referencing and mathmatical calcalation under many specific rules (different masters may have slightly different rules, but be aware, not all the masters are using the correct rules, that's why they cannot guarantee 100% accurate). As a matter of fact, this method is more fun and pro-science, it can be even taught at a school.

There is also another method derivate from I-Ching called "Bazi" or "4 Pillars", which use a person's time of birth to read his complete life (twins or triplets have some specific techiques to read). As far as my study goes, Bazi can achieve 100% accuracy, however it takes decades of practicing to be that good.


Aug 4, 2006
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I know of 4 pillars, my mother is into it, just not sure how deep. :D

The method you describe does sound quite fascinating. I don't suppose you have any resources we could use to look up your method do you? :)


Jun 13, 2008
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I haven't seen any introduction of the method in English. There are lots of materials (some of them are misleading however) online in Chinese. If you know Chinese, I can show you some.

But it's so awfully hard to interpret. I'd like to help, but I don't know how. I have the idea to maybe introduce this method to the West, do you see any possibilities? I think the 4 pillars is a very scientific method which can be used to predict the diseases, it's just like human genes that tells everything about you and more.


Aug 4, 2006
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As far as introductions go, I'd offer to show some of your work. Take a consultation from the past, demonstrate how it was done and how it ended.

An easier way to describe this, for me anyway, is to show off work I'm capable of. I'm interested in getting into car audio. I did a reading on this as well and if I'm correct is VERY positive. However my lack of experience is doing to stop me from getting in easily. I've been considering fabricating some fiberglass enclosures to show that I'm capable of doing the work needed just lack the raw time in service to be attractive to employers.

So for you I'd write up a walk through of how to get from your question to what it means, step by step. Lets face it, we all cast coins to stalks, but the majority read from a book. What you could do is write the book for us to read, be our map to another method of divination.


Jun 2, 2008
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Wow that sounds like a totally different way of looking at the iching and quite exciting too. For now as a newbie I'm just content at analysing my readings and trying to connect with my answer..

I ave just been using iching for about of a month as a result of a some turbulent events in my life at the moment. I had a recent reading which resulted in hexagram 2 and another which was 22.1 to 52. It was good to be able to interpret these readings separately and gain some insight but what I found so wonderful was when I considered these readings together - the situation just became so clear! I really had a moment of complete clarity and actually felt quite loved by the iching. It was a very peaceful feeling, almost surreal.


Apr 8, 1970
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I had a 'whoah!' I Ching moment yesterday. I'd gone into Oxford to buy something specific, and after a lot of hunting round I found what I was looking for. But for some reason I decided to walk on and look at the next shop I'd been going to visit anyway, where I happened on a pot of minute beads that I thought would make the ultimate portable set of 16.

When I took my beads to the till and explained what they were for, the shopkeeper was fascinated. She didn't know you could consult with beads, but she had a history with the I Ching. She remembered there was a time when she 'wouldn't get out of bed in the morning without casting,' and she remembered vividly how the oracle could give her a firm kick when needed.

But most of all, she remembered the time in the 70s when the oracle talked her out of carrying cocaine through customs. She'd already agreed to carry it, but still asked the I Ching for its comment. It said something about the small fox that soaks its tail in the water and can't complete the crossing; she changed her mind.


Apr 17, 2008
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These are fascinating to read. Recently I asked for direction. I don't recall the exact words of my question, it was generally about what to do with my abilities, how to use them most effectively in life.
The answer was beautiful and encouraging, inspirational.

28. Ta Kuo/Preponderance of the Great with lines 1 and 6 changing to
1. Chi'ien/The Creative


Clarity Supporter
Mar 9, 1971
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My 18 yr old daughter was home from college the week of jewish holidays. All classes were canceled except for two , both on thursday, and she was considering taking an absence for both of them rather than going back into NYC for just the one day. why spoil a nice "vacation" ? Each class allows 2 absences a semester, but the classes are 3 hours each, and it isnt always wise to miss one.

She asked me: What do you think? should I take an absence for the two classes and just stay home? I said it was up to her.

As i was sitting in the living room, I heard the sound of coins jingling in the next room. ( she is not a regular diviner, so I smiled to myself. She has a favorite text she uses on the rare occasion when she throws coins, and I could hear her paging thru it)

She came out after reading the text, and said: "It's 53.2."

I said " Well, it's not an unfortunate line. You're in a secure place so far." I could see her thinking as she walked out to the kitchen again.

Then I thought about it, and yelled out to her: "then again, your classes are three hours long and it s a gradual development of material....You might be disturbing that process....."

BUt she was already getting her stuff together, having had the same intuition.
" Yeah, I'm going to class."

I guess 53.2 could have been read either way, but I was so proud of her wise understanding of the Yi's response. And as always, I am reminded that responses are often not "yes" or "no" but rather, "here's the deal...what do YOU think you should do?" She did good;)


Oct 24, 2008
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Quite a few years ago:

Me to I-Ching: Well, I'll just keep living my life and using the I-Ching.
I-Ching to me: 61.5
Me: *cries*

Today (background - I haven't asked the I-Ching more than 4 or 5 questions in the past 8 months or so):

Me (respectfully): Hi, I-Ching.
I-Ching: 38.5
Me: :)

- Jeff


Jul 8, 2007
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The rich get richer and...

Hi, guys. I LOVE this thread. Thought I'd post something that just happened. I worked in the urban core for many years, and often felt sad (and even desperate, if truth be told) about why some people seem to have it all, and why others always have less. I was doing some online research about a group (that I've been asked to join) which was purportedly formed by our governor to help students achieve greater progress in math, science, technology, etc. and I finally took the time to actually review their plan. Why was I surprised to find that it would actually only benefit about 25% of the students, that it would cost eighty million dollars, and worse, that it was headed by some of the same people in our state that are directly responsible for (mis)educating our students in the first place---the same people who have NOT done their jobs for the past fifty years, who have no intention of doing them, and who won't do them now.

No, I don't own stock in the book, and frequently disagree with the author on many points, but there's a former state teacher of the year, John Taylor Gatto, who wrote a book called The Underground History of American Education (free online at johntaylorgatto.com). In this book, he tells about how our present system of education is (and has been for the past 150 years or so) designed to funnel students from their homes into one of two places: 1) into their position as leaders, movers and shakers (the top seven percent or so), or 2) as mindless, obedient employees and consumers (the rest of us).

As I put two and two together on this initiative that I'd begun to place some faith in, I asked the Yi in some despair: why do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and will it always be that way?

The answer it gave me was so piquant that I had to laugh:

14.1.6 (Possession in Great Measure) changing to 32 (Duration). In other words, yeah the rich are always with us, and stop whining already.

I paused for a minute to think about how I, although I FEEL poor sometimes, have so much more than other people do, and how maybe it's better to be grateful for what I do have (and I'm not speaking for everyone here--everybody has to draw their own line in the sand). Also, although I might not be rich, I've got more blessings in my life than some rich people that I know, and how I'd never trade them for anything. Then I asked what I should do about it. It said:

50.6 (the Cauldron) changing to (weirdly) 32 (Duration)

In other words, get off my a**, get busy with my own cauldron and whup up something tasty for my life--for the rest of my life:)

I just love this forum, and am thankful to Hilary for providing this rich field of communication and learning, and to the person who started this thread. Great idea!



Sep 17, 2008
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Action acting itself with assured success?Doubt it. My Question was "i devine my sense of sureness regarding free-style house music dancing with this person I love to dance with and around in new york city over the next 6 months.Do nothing so that heaven leaves nothing undone is said in many important different ways none of which imply indolence and headonisme.Come to think of it they don't exactly not imply it either ..............hhmmmm "I'll have the chateaux Bechevillie 82 and be quick about it,I"m late for my next trick".NO, WRONG SORRY. I asked twice achieving #11 unchanging last night and #50 l1,l5 to#1 this morning.I wonder if this is a busy task whereby the chung Tzu Quote applies still.where do you draw the line in none actions peace and confidence in applying this practice without indolantly ,:brickwall::duh::eek::p "missing ships movement"?Hello to merry england!et al.


Dec 9, 2008
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There are so many moments it would be tough to narrow it down to just a few--

June 2005- lump in my breast. 51, no changing lines.

Fast forward to July 2006. Treatment finished, everything in place but no hair! I had gorgeous, thick curly hair before chemo, now, only pathetic fuzz and no eyebrows or eyelashes. I ask the question, will I be happy about my personal appearance in a year from now? 46 changing to 55.

I visit the dermatologist, who tells me that I have a rare genetic fault and that probably my body hair will never return. I begin doing research on the internet and come across something that looks quite extreme... bonded hairpieces. In a silly half-assessed mood, I cast a hexagram-- "should I get one of these?" The response? 22.

So, exactly one year later, I was fitted for my bonded hairpiece and I have never looked back. And I would have never even seriously considered it if it weren't for the I Ching!

Another sad note...

Again 51 comes up for me again in relation to the boy who haunts my dreams. We meet in the park after work. he tells me that his girlfriend's father has come up with the perfect idea for next year when he has to do his teacher training-- New Caledonia, on the other side of the world. Once the news for THAT has sunk in, I ask what will be the result of his application to train in New Caledonia? (In the French school system, they are very strict about paperwork and time spent in a location... there were some things that were missing from his application so it was very up in the air) and I got 14. So I knew he was going and he did....


Clarity Supporter
Jul 11, 1971
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I was feeling pinched financially so I asked what the effect would be of waiting to have the septic cleaned. The answer: 28.6>44 exceed, submerged.... When the guy was finished he said: "It's lucky you had this done now--it was just about to back up into your house." Yech!


Thank you, thank you, thank you Yi!


Oct 25, 2007
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Well, it just happened last year in December, just before Xmas when my Masters exam results were to be released but due to some really lame paper work, I was barred from viewing my results over the Internet. You can imagine my frustration at not being able to view my results when I was wondering if I've manage to pass and failure of just 1 module had serious repercussion, financial wise and of course emotionally.

So I asked:

Qn: May I please know how did I fare in my exams?
An: 54.4.5

I did eventually view my results, was patient, did not harass the administrators, and the grades were good!

em ching

Apr 13, 2008
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Financial advice!

I have a student loan, as do so many, and most of the pople I know are forgetting about them until the time comes.. but in the mean time it's making a mean bit of interest... as my mum keeps reminding me: 'in my day a debt was a noose' - which I guess it has kinda become now around the globe :eek: but enough of that :rolleyes:

So anyway, as I'm not super rich at the mo I've been hesitant to contribute to paying it off a bit every month, just in case I needed that money for something... so thinking in the present rather than the long run.

I asked Is it right for me to start paying off the interest?
Hex 60 unchanging

A hex full of financial advice!
eg 'In relation to ordinary life it means thrift that sets fixed limits unpon expenditures'...'if we live economically in normal times, we are prepared for times of want. To be sparing saves us from humiliation..'

But as I felt this was too general about money management, and perhaps keeping hold of it rather than outgoing, I asked again should I be taking steps now to paying it off?

64.1,4 > 41
I think saying, 64.1 > Not too enthusiastically, don't try to blast a chunk off it yet
But 64.4 > Seems to be saying it's good to set groundwork for the future and undertake a particular venture by taking some control over it (though it's completion may take a while - true!)

41> Which I read as if I take these steps now and undertake the venture of paying it back then the debt will decrease and that's all good obviously!

Thank you Yi.


Apr 8, 1970
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I like 'subduing the demon country' as a description of paying off the government! And 60 sounds like 'yes, but only ever in sustainable, manageable portions.'

em ching

Apr 13, 2008
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Yes that is what I took it as too thanks Hilary :)
And is all I could manage anyway.


Apr 8, 1970
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Browsing old threads, I came across this little collection of 'aha's:

There was the time I asked how to find a lost book and received Hexagram 20...
Chinuajin receiving Hexagram 48 when he asked about his central heating system...
Dharma receiving #22 when she asked about her newly-valeted car...
a certain mad young entrepreneur who received Hexagram 8, line 5 about her advertising efforts...
One of Diana ffarington-Hook's sample readings, analysing a weight problem - 28 (and we know which hexagram that follows from... )

mary f

Clarity Supporter
Nov 12, 2008
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It's amazing!!
I was waiting for some friends to come to my house where we are having a little party tonite. My friends called from the other town where they live at 17h000m (by car to where I live it takes 1.1/2 hour tops, but no cell phone signal in a dangerous road in the middle of the forest) saying they were leaving. About ten minutes ago, surfing the internet, I decided to cast asking the Yi to give me the image of the reason why they were delayed.
Answer: 22: 1, 2, 3 >> 4
A few moments passed and they called saying the car broke on the bridge over a huge river and they had to walk until the next gas station to find help for what they've waited more than 1 hour.

22:1 = Nine at the beginning means:
He lends grace to his toes, leaves the carriage, and walks. (Wilhelm)

22:2 = 6 at 2: Energetic in one's waiting-spell. Waiting by letting time flow by is a waste. Waiting is part of life, so let it live. (LySe)

22:3 = 9 at 3: Then energetic, then penetrating like water (lingering?). Ever flowing determination auspicious. (LySe)

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It shows that a) 22 is not always superfluous, and b) Yi can be crazy literal sometimes!


Jul 14, 2008
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I've just got a funny one.
I'm head over heals with this guy, but things are really taking their time.
Today, the sun is shining, everybody is walking by holding somebody they love.
I can really feel the summer.
Totally frustated I told the I Ching: "I want to make love!!!"

It's answer...

There are Four Changing Lines.
Read the Upper NON-changing Line.

Hexagram Twenty-Five/Line Five:

No medicine will treat this malady.
Its cause was internal, as will be its cure.

Changing to 29

You are facing a crucial trial along your Journey.
The danger of this challenge is very real.
It is a test of your mettle.
If you can maintain your integrity and stay true to your convictions, you will overcome.
That's not as easy as it seems when you are faced with the sacrifice of other things you've come to depend upon or hold dear.



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Jul 11, 1971
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Where's the missing cell phone?


The center is moving.
Inform the prince and adhere to him.
It is advantageous to act on things that depend on shifting the city.

Aha: In the car, of course (it moves the city about).


Apr 8, 1970
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My 'where's the phone?' reading a while back gave 47.1. It was out of sight down the side of the seat cushion of an armchair.


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Sep 3, 2006
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I once got 25.4-42 for a lost object (a check) I'd looked for everywhere. Wilhelm's commentary said "We cannot lose what really belongs to us, even if we throw it away." The check was in a trash can. I often find that the yi is very literal (perhaps it knows that I am especially dense).


Dec 9, 2008
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Great post

... thoroughly enjoyed the sharing. In some ways, the experience about which you wrote 'tips one on one's head allowing for fresh perceptions and an open mind.' I heard echoes of something my dad once told me. I asked,"Dad. Why don't you ever take a lottery ticket. You are always saying, ' when I win the lottery,' but you never buy a ticket?" He responded, "I do not need to buy one. Eagle ( a friend )won the lottery; he never bought a ticket. His aunt sent him a winning ticket in the mail." Your post set me wondering, again. Thank you. journeyer


dusting off this old sticky thread

Most jam nights I've been to are either blues only jams or just standard cover tunes, neither which excite me very much as a player, though both can be springboards to improv, which is what I like. That rarely seems to happen though.

Bear in mind that I live where the local talent pool is sparse, to say the least. Recently, an interesting thing happened.

I'm running an amp ad on the local cable classified, a free service offered to their subscribers. A chatty guy called one evening, saying he played drums and wants to jam. I said, sure, but first we'd need bass player. He said he thought he knew one and would check into it. Then I found out that his dog had just that day been hit by a car, in front of him, and the dog died in his arms. He's an older retired guy, like myself, and I know how close a man gets to his dog, living alone in the desert. So I got his address, took my grab 'n go amp and guitar and drove there to talk and maybe play a little. We did play a bit, and other than rushing the beat (very excited), he really wasn't bad. He arranges for the bass player to come over a few days later, so a jam date is set.

I don't usually ask for predictions but the devil made me do it :mischief:. What will this get together be like? hx 1, no changes. Oooh, now I am getting interested! The day before the get together, I ask: anything else I should know? hx 25. So, with expectations of 1 and 25, off I went.

A big biker kinda dude with a Chinese bass-with-no-case, that looked like a long, skinny broom in his arms, looks at me as though to say, "what do I do with it now?" So I gave the truss rod a buncha turns to make it playable, intonate, tune it, and handed it off to him to play. He plugs into the drummer's old silverface PA head, going into several mismatched and half blown speakers, sounding like a total fart machine :rolleyes:. I "stop the music", and get to finding a way to get the bass sound cleaned up. Then point to a couple of bass frets, ask the drummer for a beat, and away we went.

It was pure magic! I sheet not. The drummer settled down, the "bass player" showed some great instincts, good rhythm, feeling and a good ear. We went on for a couple hours like that. Made a future date to try it again, this time with a better bass amp.

But what made it so much fun for me was how raw and spontaneous the whole thing was, and it really went places. I've played with a lot of decent musicians, but it seems few of them were able to just groove and improvise, without falling into the same old blues 'n rock cliches and such. What a kick in the pants these guys were to play with! Someone there said it sounded like Phish? Not familiar.

We're getting together this week again, throwing something on the bar-b, and inviting some friends. Will see if hx 1 was a fluke or something more constant. I think the key is just keeping the 25 of it going, which isn't easy. The drummer is already calling it "band practice". That makes it something 63 - not conducive to improvisation. I make my view known, however, that I'm not interested in being a thing, only an active force.
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