...life can be translucent

"Aha!!" Answers - little chat, just post your favourite or encouraging results


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Is that an 'aha' moment ? It looks more like a question.

I would never leave a 16 year old with important exams to do. Someone I know did that last year and came home to a crying girl who had actually needed some support. So he may be perfectly fine but then again if any kind of domestic emergency cropped up do you really want to be away from home ? He takes these exams, GCSE I'm guessing, once in a lifetime so surely it's worth staying. He will of course say he's perfectly fine by himself and he probably would be....but that's not the point. You need to be there as background support.

I don't care what the I Ching means here, to my mind a parent should not leave a 16 year old alone at home during important examinations. Supposing there was some plumbing disaster...or any of the domestic mishaps that can happen any time, like the toilet not working...On ordinary days it's okay but on important exam days nothing should distract him from his work. So you do need to be there as unobtrusive background support IMO.

From Hilary's translation in wiki

'A fine horse for pursuit.
Harvest from constancy in hardship.
Daily setting limits, transporting, defending.
Harvest in having a direction to go.'

Personally I'd see it as making sure the horse is fed and watered, rested and calm, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to run the best race.

But whatever answer you had got I'd think he certainly should have someone at home, just in case, so nothing distracts him from doing his best.

butterfly spider

Yes - that is what I meant by my son being the horse - I had visions of him running amok with his friends - or at least being all over the place. Like an untamed horse he needs training or feeding and watering and nurturing everyday.

I thought the analogy was spot on really - and I was answered very clearly ....

And yes of course I know I should be there to support him. It's just that sometimes life isnt perfect



I had asked I ching about my relationship and answered me an unexpected answer: 8,2,4/ 47...
Hold to him inwardly. Perseverance brings good fortune.
Hold to him outwardly also. Perseverance brings good fortune.
47 Exhaustion

Our breakup was an "aha" moment...

Sometimes I ching can be so clear!


Apr 12, 2014
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Hexagram 33

This should have been really obvious but I messed up. Last October I did a daily reading for general guidance on how to approach the day. I received Hexagram 33 Unchanging and then promptly forgot all about it. Later that afternoon I was working with some old material that I had produced with an ex-colleague. He and I had had an acrimonious "break-up" when we decided to stop working together. I decided to send him an e-mail (for the first time in years) and see how he was doing. Initially he seemed glad to hear from me but after a few e-mail exchanges he started to antagonize me about stuff that had happened a decade earlier. I was amazed at how much his needling bothered me. Belatedly I remembered the admonition contained in 33 UC:

"The superior man, by keeping his distance from men of inferior character, avoids having to display wrath and preserves his dignity."

Ever since the aforementioned episode I make it a point to heed the warning in 33. Just received 33.1 several days ago when asking about a potential social engagement. Needless to say, I declined the invitation and stayed home.


I asked: will we meet with X?

" ...it makes the other hasten to come and rejoice..."
For my suprise we arranged to meet the same day! it was an aha moment!!

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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Today I tried to turn off the hot water, for the entire flat, using the ball-valve located on the entry tube/pipe. I don't know the proper term - I'm speaking of the first valve in the flat, that is attached to the building's common water pipe. [you can't do anything with it until you make a request to shut off the water in the whole building].

So when I tried to rotate the handle a small spring gushed out from under the handle, the pipe itself was intact. I immediately turned it back, the water stopped, I wiped the valve dry, but after few minutes I noticed that the handle of the valve slowly leaks. Like one small drop every 2-3 minutes. Put a cup under it hoping that it would stop by itself. I remember something like that happened a few years ago, it went well.

Had a dialogue with Yi, not a very clear one but I just let the problem go.

Later in the evening, I'm watching the latest episode of How It's Made and lo and behold - one of the subjects is a ball-valve :) I burst into laughter.

Asked Yi: are you kidding me? showing me that, today?! :D
16.4 → 2 Crowley: Shed happiness, call friends to share success!

The source of enthusiasm. He achieves great things. Doubt not.
You gather friends around you as a hair clasp gathers the hair.

Yi and Universe have a good sense of humor :)

Immediately I decided to check on the valve and metal cup - to my surprise both were dry :)
The problem solved itself in about 8 hours.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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So I found someone else's phone bill in my mailbox.
Didn't recognize the postman's error till I got my phone bill couple of days later.
Upon closer inspection I saw that instead of bld. 4 the postman delivered it to my building, #6.
Flat no. was the same.

I think I should carry the letter to its rightful owner to next building, cmnt. ?

18.1 → 26
(Great Potential), Richmond:
The child deals with the actions of the father.
A son makes the father (postman) blameless. Peril, but good fortune eventually.

Lol :)

A couple of days later I spotted another letter lying on top of the communal mailbox - again it was meant for bld. 4. Went over and corrected the error again.
Both times the owners were home and buzzed me in to slip the mail into the mailbox.


Aug 1, 2016
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I was walking alone at night, because i was feeling good.

Then a dog comes to me (this happens a lot) but the strange thing was that he tried to talk to me, he really worked those vocal chords lol, making all kind of noises to me. I was "what?" and started to work my vocal chords making all kind of noises to him, we started walking together for 10 blocks or so, then drift apart.

I asked the IC, what was that about? 41.3.4 > 14. Lovely.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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41.3 When one man journeys alone, He finds a companion.

nice :)

41.4 Reducing the number of his mistakes, others come to him in happiness, no error.
don't know about that one though, by walking maybe you distanced yourself from some other 'bad' activity ? 'others come to him' yes that fits.


Aug 1, 2016
Reaction score
41.3 When one man journeys alone, He finds a companion.

nice :)

41.4 Reducing the number of his mistakes, others come to him in happiness, no error.
don't know about that one though, by walking maybe you distanced yourself from some other 'bad' activity ? 'others come to him' yes that fits.

I think is both of just letting worries go, reducing my own troubles and going out for a walk. Maybe he reached because i was calm or is a stray dog that people dont treat right, so he went "oh, a friend!".

Also think about 14 as the possesion without having (i dont know if im getting this right, since english is not my first language). He wasnt my dog, and i wasnt his owner, so we shared the road with each other company. It just strike me how simple sometimes things are, just go for a walk with no worries, and people or even animals might reach to you, to share each other without the need of being "insert relationship label".


Apr 8, 1970
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This isn't quite a full 'aha' - maybe just an 'ah' - but it was a great help. I spent much of the past couple of days trying to speed up the website (the non-forum parts of it), and one way to do that is to divide the main menu into segments and cache them individually. Very time-consuming, but I think it shaved about 0.75 seconds off load time, so I was pleased. Yesterday I'd just finished setting up a caching plugin (saved 1.5 to 2 seconds, that one, big success!) when I noticed the images were missing from the 'Journal Software' segment of the menu.

The trouble was, I wasn't sure when they'd disappeared, so I wasn't sure what I'd done to cause the problem. I had a list of things I could try to troubleshoot it: removing the caching plugin I'd just set up, laboriously undo the menu-segmenting, contact support for the caching plugin or for the menu plugin - though I don't really want to do that if I can solve this myself, as it's just one man and he's away... - and all of these would require considerable cache-clearing and so on between each step to check I was really seeing the results of the changes I'd made. I could easily spend the next few hours chasing my tail on this.

So I wondered if Yi might help. Question: why aren't those images appearing?
Answer: 48.1.3 to 60

Now... I still don't fully understand either the reading or the problem, but I looked at the lines -

'The well is muddy, no drinking.
Old well, no birds.'

'Well is dredged, no drinking.
This makes my heart ache.
It can be used to draw water,
With the king's clear vision
People together accept its blessing.'

- and thought 'that's a picture of something that cannot be fetched, like the images aren't being fetched, but why not? At line 1, because it just isn't there. But the images are in the menu segment, I checked...'

Then - 'Relating hexagram 60, the measuring or limiting or apportioning of the well... the bamboo in the name of the hexagram, and bamboo segments - this is about the menu segments...' (The plugin actually calls them 'menu segments'.)

And from there I made a small intuitive leap and realised that the images only disappeared when the segment was cached. Leave it uncached - which is only going to add about 0.01 seconds to the load time, nothing to worry about - and they show up again.

I still don't understand why this happened - especially when there are other menu segments with exactly the same kind of image that cache perfectly well, images included - but at least it works.

Come to think of it, line 3 looks very much like what the documentation says ought to work: clearing (dredging!) and recreating the segment's cache. It didn't work for me - lack of clear royal vision, no doubt...


Sep 20, 2012
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And yes, sometimes the Yi is so clear even I get it right off the bat :D

It's been a very slow two months workwise, with the few offers coming my way so unprofitable (peanuts anyone?) it was financially more efficient for me to turn them down and do lots of DIY repairs I would otherwise have had to pay for (sometimes, financial balance means not earning money but not spending it!).
Summer is coming to a close, folks are getting back to work, and I asked Yi what the prospects were for work coming my way. 36 UC, said Yi, you are invisible, in a cave, out of sight out of mind. Yeah, duh.

So I asked if I got out of my cave and made myself a bit more visible again, how would that affect work prospects? to 35.

Doesn't get clearer than that!


Sep 2, 2016
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I finally started actually following the Yi's advice regarding dealing with a difficult situation / person in my life. I had tried all sorts of habitual ways to try to fix a situation between us to no avail even though the Yi was telling me to stop!

I asked for insight again on what to do (the Yi must be patient) and received 52.1.5. Do nothing and say nothing! Changing to 37. Get my own affairs in order. Very simple and beautiful.

Since this person has been important to me in a way, I asked what this lack of action would lead to and got 13.1 to 33. Retreat but be pleasant, and don't go too far from home.

I did ask another question what will this friendship turn into and got 12.1.3 to 13. I don't know what that is as it is a future question and is really a picture of the present... The future is up for finding out.

Overall I like the path of transformation that has been laid out in this series of readings. Of course I don't know how things will really turn out in the end, but this all seems very logical and harmonious to me. :) seems to make sense.
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Jun 22, 2008
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I just had the most amazing experience concerning Yi (and a little of something else). I was feeling sad about my dog that I had to put down last November. He had a large tumor on his rear, which ended up restricting his being able to defecate and making him lose control of his back legs. He was in pain during the final weeks, but still would not stop trying to walk, in fact, walking seemed to relieve him. I felt horrible taking his life, but I did not want him to suffer anymore. I struggled with feeling that I wanted to put him down more so that I would not have to see him suffer, than not having him experiencing the suffering.
So, thinking back on that and still feeling guilt and grief I asked " What do I do about the whole situation with my dog?" I got Retreat and Stripping Away. I chuckled a little. The line in the description of 23:
"The surfaces are cut and sliced away; the old and unviable is stripped back to expose the living core. This inevitable, natural process often feels like a flaying: the more you have invested of yourself in these old things, the more painful it will be."
was just what I felt and I believed Yi was telling me to retreat from those feelings. If that wasn't clear enough, I looked through other threads with and found this by Lisa;
33.4 - again, I don't know how this would apply to your situation, but I once had 33.4 in a much more clear-cut way, about euthanizing a cat. It was the loving thing to do (Hilary also uses the word "respect" - "[y]ou retreat out of love and respect..."). The "noble one" sees the "good fortune" in doing this; "small people" would hesitate - out of fear, uncertainty about the decision, unwillingness to let go.
Wow! And if that wasn't enough, right at that moment, my phone beeped with a text message from my brother that said he left something for me in my window. When I asked what it was, he said "A new pet"
The timing couldn't have been more perfect. (BTW, he probably left me a solar pet toy.)
This isn't the only time Yi has been so direct and clear, but this was so amazing I had to share it.

butterfly spider

24.2 to 19

I have had a very busy week, and you know those moments when you feel like a headless chicken turning in circles getting nowhere and achieving nothing? I asked about today and how I should be - and very simply got 24.2 - return and rest - good fortune.

If I had paid to go to a practitioner they would possibly have given me the same words......


I asked yi... who are you? -Hexagram 60-

"Thus the superior man creates number and measure, and examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct."


butterfly spider

hex 36UC
Son could not find violin - important concert, leading, oh dear.....stolen, ?????? looked everywhere
What has happened to the violin - hex 36UC

Brightness Hidden - it was put on a shelf and a curtain pulled across it - indeed brightness (violin)hidden.
I must say that when I got this, I was pleased - less likely to be stolen, just hidden from view..


Jun 18, 2016
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Hi everyone,
This is my first post here (or anywhere in english). I just couldn't help but sharing the amazing answer I received to the question "How to continue a dialogue with inner child?" I've found Hillary's questions especially useful, for hexagram 8: Where do you belong? Do you choose to join? Not to mention the Yi's clear picture of unions and new relationships being formed or to be precise: "creating a new world out of relationships"☺ Resulting hexagram 2 and Hillary's suggested questions "How am I being guided?" and "How to be of service here?" absolutely made me smile and have that A-ha moment as if it is saying: find the answers to them, let your self be guided and in time you will form a relationship directly from the source, and a new world will be formed.
I was so overwhelmed that I forgotten to give some background info: I've been going to therapy for more than 2 years and the other evening I "connected" with my childhood-self for the first time. I mentally saw that skinny, frightened, lonely girl and promised I will return and learn to listen to her.
It was so encouraging and reassuring to receive such favourable answer from Yi, that I found it worth starting the thread but I believe it belongs here.


Dec 8, 2009
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This happened over a year ago now, but I kept forgetting to share it. It's a good one!

I had a tooth removed when I was a teenager (I had a snaggle tooth) and I wore a plate for a number of years to move my teeth into the gap on my top jaw. This however meant my top teeth line was smaller than my bottom — I had a very open bite and mismatched teeth that really had bothered me all my life aesthetically but also it was not easy to chew (only my back teeth met each other). We were not a wealthy family, and this dental work was done through the public system. Not so good!

I decided to get Invisaline, and I saw a dentist to see what they might do. They suggested removing a bottom tooth and then Invisaline would close the gap and straighten the rest of my teeth over a year or so. I was not very keen on removing a healthy tooth, so I also asked to see what the plan might be if I didn't remove the tooth. As a background, they create a 3d scan of your teeth and jaws now very easily for Invisaline (this is for planning and calculation purposes) and they can show you a mini movie of the planned progression of moves to straighten your teeth. You see your teeth slowing changing from present to end result.

I wasn't sure if I should remove my tooth (option 1), or not (option 2).

The result from not removing my tooth: 46.3.
Hillary: 'Pushing upward in the empty city.'
Tuck Ching's commentary says "one has complete freedom to rise, like moving through an empty city...one must have correlation with those above.

When I saw the movie I could very clearly see this: there were two gaps in my teeth line on both sides on my top jaw (so would be visible when smiling) because this was the space needed for my bottom row of teach to match my top teeth as a set and work together uniformly (hex 7). POW POW I CHING!

Now when I see 46.3, I'm reminded of this. For me, this line cautions me that just because there is no resistance and things are easy, doesn't mean they will be necessarily be fulfilling. This is something about this line and the emptiness in it.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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Should I buy vacuum-cleaner at this shop? 46.3 → 7
Made an order online, picked it up the next day.
There was no one at the pickup point. A rather large hall with 6 rows of seats and not one person in sight.
Basically it was a storage facility with a cashier and 3 windows/queues for picking up orders.

So I got my order super fast, plugged in and tested the vc - all was in order.
Still enjoying my purchase (late-feb-2015).


Dec 26, 2016
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I asked a question about one person, got a hexagram 19 - approach. I run into that person that day :))


Jun 3, 2006
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I asked why our realtor had not told us about the leaky roof and dry rot in the house we were interested in when she already had reports from previous inspections? We spent several hundred dollars on new inspections only to learn the house needed extensive repairs - which she knew because a previous client had payed to have inspections done only a few months previously. I think she should have given us the old inspection reports at least to give us a clue as to what we were getting ourselves into and to let us decide then if we were still enthusiastic enough to want to purchase updated reports.
I received 48.2.3 - 8.

The jug is broken and leaks.
Wow, that certainly describes the house!

The well is cleaned but no one drinks from it.
This is my heart's sorrow,
For one might draw from it.
if the king were clear-minded,
Good fortune might be enjoyed by all.
Hmmm...maybe she thought the owners had corrected the old problems.
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I was asking a question and yi answered me: 34 <3> 54
I was trying to interpret the answer and then I realized....When I was asking suddenly somebody was coming and I had to hurry up...
I pushed too hard yi to answer me...I was too forceful....I used all of my strength at the utmost... and no answer came out..

I'm impressed from the yi's respond!


Jun 3, 2006
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I really feel bad when I try to answer questions and don't get feedback. "I'll so appreciate any help!" the posters plead. So I spend a big chunk of time working on their problems, I post my reply and....zilch. Not even a thank-you click. This really upsets me. I think it's so disrespectful. In fact, I think it clearly shows why these people have problems in the first place - they're a bunch of clueless, brainless, idiot users who will rot in Hades before I'll ever try to help them again and I'm going to start keeping an enemies list and I'm going to post it and - oops, got a little carried away there. :rolleyes: Well, as I said, it bugs me and my spiteful attitude probably isn't adding to the advancement of mankind. So... I asked the I Ching, What should be my attitude when I get no acknowledgement for my efforts?
I received Hexagram 8.1.5 - Hexagram 24.
8. Seeking Union, line 1 talks about being in harmony with ones self - sort of like saying, "Do the interpretations for your own satisfaction." and then 8.5 is about the animals being free to go if they choose to - as in, know that people (those animals!) are free to respond or not, it's okay. And finally this hexagram changes to 24. Return, which I see as meaning a nudge to me to get over it and get back on course. Anyway, I thought this was a nice helpful spot on answer. :)
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Oct 27, 2017
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I have recently considered taking up a particular faith because it aligns very much with my experiences and beliefs. I feel like it would help me explain my beliefs to others more easily. However, I do not agree with it in certain respects. Another problem is feeling like I have to be able to put a name on my faith, to put it into some little box. I have worried myself over whether I should take up this faith, or any faith at all. In general, I have been very confused and unsure of what to do. I asked I Ching for advice on this matter and received 14.6 > 34.It is difficult to articulate the warm glow I felt within when I received this response. It seemed to say to me, "Don't worry about all of that stuff. You already have everything you need.":)


Oct 29, 2017
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My very first reading , about (surprise) a relationship situation I'm in at the moment. Basically the issue is that I'm in love with someone else's partner.. and he returns the feelings for me. We have decided to keep our distance while trying to make sense of it all. The last time I saw him, he told me he doesn't see anything happening between us at all, not even in the future and that broke my heart. Weeks later it still hurts so much it knocks the breath out of me sometimes.

And so I asked: What can you tell me about the relationship situation with R?
Answer: 5 (waiting)1.2.4 - 31 (influence). Another website calls this one 'mutual attraction'.

Especially nr5 was a big Aha! moment for me, as it confirms the exact position I'm it at the moment. Nr 31 was a bit of a puzzle, until I started googling this hexagram and came up with an explanation that goes more into the mutual attraction between two opposites.

I'm still wondering what the Influence bit is about though. I often have trouble making my way through the hexagram descriptions as the text in my book is quite dense.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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Hi Suzanne, nice to meet you :) - if you'd like some help with your reading, you could post it in the Shared Readings forum. Members come by there and share their thoughts and try to help figure out what Yi's telling you.


Jan 13, 2011
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This is such a rich forum thread --- it's amazing -- the concise connections -- but it's like reading a book without an index or a list of chapters.. . (Hilary/site engineer:) Would it be possible to re-post it in such a way that it could be searched in and of itself, or so comments on individual lines/concepts/images could be found without reading the whole thing?

(...as example ... I searched "mulberry" in the forums looking for a deeper understanding of what it means to be tied/tie oneself to a mulberry tree/bush/shoots as in 12.5 ... this thread is one of my search results & I'm 3 pages in but realize I might be reading for another hour before I find the bits about mulberry... also, in my mind this is one of the best, most concise focused & useful threads in terms of how people talk about the imagery vs their experience, it's a shame to have all these insights "buried"

moss elk

Jul 22, 2013
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If you scroll down towards the bottom of the page,
You can see 'Tags' for this thread, and you can add tags.


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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What I usually do is use the browser's page-search feature "Ctrl-F".

However, that does rely on people using consistent notation like "37.5" to indicate a line...it also works best if you have the forum set to display the whole thread on one page. To change that, go to Forum Settings here:

Scroll down under "Thread Display Options" to where it says "Number of Posts to Show Per Page". There are several options, including displaying 500 posts per page.

While we're on the subject, have you discovered the forum's Hexagram Search feature? The forum search feature which maybe is what you used to find "mulberry" - it can't be used to search for things like "52.2.3". So Hilary commissioned a better one:

Hexagram search is in the menu at the top of the page. Hover over "Community" and look in the "Search" column.
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