...life can be translucent

"Aha!!" Answers - little chat, just post your favourite or encouraging results


Clarity Supporter
Jun 3, 2006
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I think this experience of connecting with others whose I Ching tosses are similar to our own or attracting students who's level of understanding is on par with ours is described in the Image of hex 2: "The superior man with breadth of character carries the outer world." That is, the wider our experience, or understanding, the more we will be able to connect with, understand, support, what we see going on in the outer world - indeed, the greater our breadth of character the more we will be able to see in the outer world.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
Will I receive a sign from universe that the time to travel has come? [So that I'll definitely recognize it] → 9
3 - Troubles at the start and 9 - small restraint.

3 - 9.png

3.2 → 60 (Limitation), Legge:
Shows (its subject) distressed and obliged to return;
The young lady maintains her firm correctness, and declines a union.
After ten years she will be united, and have children.

Wait for now, yes. The time will come, and there will be even children/fruits of moving to another country.

60.3 → 5 (Patient Waiting), Richmond: He acts without limitation then regrets it. No error.
Premature start will bring troubles.

5.6 → 9 (Small Increments), Richmond: Entering the pit.
Three guests arrive unexpectedly, honour them and good fortune comes.

There will be a sign, yaay!

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
How should I act (behave, approach to) in life? 30.2 → 14

30.2 → 14 (Great Possession),
Crowley: Here's fortune - rightly placed and clothed in yellow.

Daniels: Good fortune when you avoid extremes or excess.

Yellow is the color of measure and mean. Yellow light is therefore a symbol of the highest culture and art, whose consummate harmony consists in holding to the mean.

14, Wilhelm:
Thus the superior man curbs evil and furthers good, and thereby obeys the benevolent will of heaven.

Yep, the middle way is golden.

butterfly spider

Another thing That has popped up is when I look at a hexagram that I have very little experience about - in this case 57 - subtle penetration - it reminds me if an Uncle who used to use it as a response in a gruff Eastend accent! For about a year I have looked at this hexagram - dont know why.

Not much in the site on this hex - but on reading the memorising thread on it liked the under bed references - the slight murmurings of ghosts and unseen things lurking - cleaning out the cobwebs ... I liked this hexagram and its somewhat shadey dark feel. No experience if it really ...had it once when I asked about a friend - 57.2 a bit of a dark character as it turned out

A few weeks ago I cast the coins and got 57.1256 to 36 about a residential situation - lodgers hairs on the back and dreams about witches. Interesting this Bradford and Wilhelm link it to dark ancestors in some way

Today after letting to of a situation that has completely disturbed my equilibrium - totally made me feel out of kilter - a sense that somewhere the feelings of injustice went far deeper
Than the actual incident. Almost as if somewhere in my DNA or in my soul or whatever - the feelings if powerlessness and overwhelming injustice were being stirred and shaken ... And were touching a very real nerve - they still are ...devastation to the point that it felt yesterday that I was about to watch an execution of someone quite horrible.

Rationally I knew yesterday that I need to move on from
The incident (which I have) so I cast very late last night about my feelings - why am I having these feelings?

I got hex 57.2

Just now I asked why I cannot let go of this specific feeling of injustice and got

Hex 57.1256 to 36

Scarey stuff


Oct 21, 2011
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I have occasionally felt the Yi has kinda given me platitudes, but in this time has been so supportive and encouraging, that my heart just had to say "Thank you." I did a casting, the Yi replied -

58.2 - (Lise)
"9 at 2: Inspiring confidence in exchanging, auspicious. Regrets go away.
Deep and relaxed exchange makes all heaviness go away. Talking or even only feeling the others presence puts everything in perspective. A shared heavy heart weighs only half as much, a shared happy one is twice as happy. "

- LL

butterfly spider

Sometimes the wording of a casting is so apt that you almost feel as if someone is sitting opposite. Some nice Auntie or friend.

I asked today - do I need to travel to sort something out with my family - did I really need to go
Got 7 to 2 - The centre of the army - and guess who is chosen to lead it - you ... Said Hilary in a posting. Seems then I need to go and sort things out :hugs: Last night my (human) friend said of course you need to go - your the only one who can deal with this ..

I will have to leave my son on his own for a couple of days - looking afterhimself and sorting things out
He said that he was perfectly fine ...
Cast 4.2 to 23

The child is perfectly fine to govern the home ...

It doesn't always work like this but it feels especially the last few days that the answers are so directly related
to my questions someone is personally taking an interest


Oct 21, 2011
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I asked a couple weeks ago "So what do I do today?" I got 47.1 "The buttocks tied to a tree trunk. He enters a secluded valley. For three years he does not encounter anyone."
Well you have to go into work, is basically what the Yi had to say. Went in early and sit around on my butt all day, in my studio I often liken to a cave since it has no sunlight, all by myself. That was about it though. No end of the world trapped in pain for literal years... When the Yi says three years it can be discouraging, but I find often the scale is much smaller, and in this reading where I did say "today" so years is scaled down to that... More like a few hours at a time here.

- LL

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
Will I find some worthy shoes to buy at this store? 10 → 22

No shoes were comfortable enough for me, but I bought 3 different pants and a t-shirt :)
10 Shoe → 22 Clothes
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butterfly spider

Should I travel and work today then go and decorate a house that I am thinking of selling
Got stillness early this morning - didn't listen rushed for the bus
Thinking that this isn't a good idea - should rest a bit today

Cast 4.6 to 7
Happened to click on a precious casting about someone doing some painting - she got the same casting

Don't stay at home and paint the walls - rest a bit

Bus catching

Much better idea!!!

butterfly spider

The bus driver didn't charge me for the fare back and in the bus depot they had a promotion for the buses - I spun a wheel and won a free bus ticket - so it cost me
Nothing. Added to this the work was cancelled anyway!
So by resting (I went to yoga and a swim) I am now heading off for work tomorrow .. Relaxed and happy

I Ching thank you

butterfly spider

This is all giving me the willies...

I really do need to make a decision - me - based on what is right for everyone but also what is right for me - what so I want??

It is to do with selling a house or not moving and scattering or staying put for Christmas - when folk are homeless are refugees or trying to survive this almost seems petty but we have to start somewhere and deal with what we have in front of us. A lady in the supermarket was getting most upset because her tulips hadn't opened - really? Is this a big deal perhaps it was to her..

Anyway I asked what would happen if I sold the house now (we have had an offer). I feel uneasy somewhat..

I got 37.25 to 26

Stay at home and cook (presumably Christmas dinner)
Be autonomous ie do what I want not what I feel is best for everyone - that's impossible

26 - build up reserves for later have a lovely Christmas and enjoy life

butterfly spider

I am trying to sort things out - working really hard to make things work.

I had my phone on charge and it dropped on the floor - I was awake - mulling working things out..

Don't know why but when I turned on to see the time at the screen on my phone there was a very close up interpretation on hex 7 - don't know what that was doing there at all - it said

With all this effort and hard work are you creating the life you want?

Thank you whoever that was!


Apr 24, 2015
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I had already posted this in the unchanging hexagram section but to this day it still makes me go 'aha', so here it goes:

Asked Yi, 'what is time?' 5 uc.

butterfly spider

This is quite an ah ha thing
Went to a closed circle - lovely people. Varying degrees of thought going on ...
We chose a flower from a vase - roses. Mine was a white one. We then passed it to someone to see if they could interpret - or have thoughts about our flower. The guy who had mine said he found nothing .. I must be a void then. It was then given to a very experienced member ofthe circle. She held it for a while but then so said that she couldn't read it - which was absolutely not true.

I asked why x had not wanted to say anything - should I be worried?

I got 1.15

Submerged dragons
With the dragon flying high why bother with anything down here? Ask directly

Ie. don't bother about her interpretation ...
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Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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The submerged dragon is in line 1of hexagram 1 but as far as I can see you didn't get line 1 :confused:

You got 1.3.5>50..

Except 1.3.5 changes to 38 not 50 so what did you get ?

You wrote

I got 1.35 to 50

I read that as 1.3.5>50 although you left out the dots. Did you mean another cast ?

She held it for a while but then so said that she couldn't read it - which was absolutely not true.

Why did you think it wasn't true ? Maybe she just couldn't read it ?

butterfly spider

Sorry it's getting late and I posted sans glasses ...

Hex 1.15 to 50

The experienced person in the circle was very familiar with doing this - perhaps she just didn't feel like it just then? She knew though ...


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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It doesn't matter how experienced someone is there will be times when nothing comes through. If nothing comes it is better to be honest and say so than make things up. So I think it's quite possible nothing came to her, perhaps it was hidden from her for a reason. That's what 1.1 makes me think. However as you were there and it's your 'aha' then I'll go with your interpretation.

butterfly spider

No - you may be right. I thought this myself with the hidden idea - one of my translations says that even experienced dragons can't
See underwater ...

My ah ha was more
To do with the dragon in the sky - why bother looking for interpretations down here when I could ask myself. In fact that is something I must
Learn to do ...

butterfly spider

An update
Went back to the closed circle tonight. I asked the lasy who couldn't read my flower directly. She said of course she could read my flower. She said that she had things to say that were personal and didn't want to say them in front of the others ...
I feel quite new to the circle - far less experiences than the others. However I know enough when someone isn't telling the truth ..
We will have a chat next week

Did a casting with the question - how should I approach x with her withholding of thoughts..

21 UC. biting through to the truth ...


Jan 31, 2016
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My aha! Answer was given to me a few weeks ago. I learnt an "Easy way" to ask for beginners, which is some sort of "filling the blank"...
So I asked the I-Ching: "what X likes the most about me is......"
And got hex 22: Grace/Elegance.

Whether true or false:lalala:, I was veryyyyyy motivated with the answer :rofl::rofl:
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Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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On a quiet evening, having nothing to do, I asked Universe through Yi: "What should I do?"
4.5 → 59 (Dispersing), Wilhelm:
Childlike folly brings good fortune.

Just play the game, enjoy the ride. :)


Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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So what did you actually end up doing?

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
I played a quest game on the computer :)
And then watched a movie.

butterfly spider

I arrived home to find a neighbour on one side and completely chopped down part if my hedge. The otherside had done some extensive pruning well into my garden - about 2ft. Now this is a small garden of about 20ft x20ft so I am now completely exposed. Wren nest new growth has been cut back. Now - one side is very helpful - sends and takes in mail and is very supportive but I still would have liked to have been asked. The bushes will grow back but especially one side I feel encroachment - their house is rented for holidays. I was quite surprised by my nice neighbour. But is it worth a fuss???

I asked last night to just ignore or mention it firmly.

I got 15.5 -

Not Rich in your neighbour

Even Brad's helpful take in the line fosters decisive action here

Thought it was very on target here
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Hi all,

Just wanted to share an experience with 2 UC hexes I just had...

First I asked: Will I hear from him today?
Yis answer: 17UC

I took it as a YES. Hex 17 is one of the good ones, right? But I didnt hear from him that day, so I read through the text again, and 17 says: The superior man, at nightfall enters his house and rests. It was quite late when I asked, so I guess he went right to sleep after work.

The day after, I sent him a message in the morning. And I asked: Will he answer my message?
Yis answer: 29UC

I took it as a NO. Hex 29 is one of the bad ones, right? But then I read through the text, and it says: Deeds will be honored. (Huang) That night he replied to my message.

Just wanted to share this Aha! moment. Made me really understand, that there are no, yes or no, good or bad hexes, we really need to read the text and apply it to the specific question and situation.
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Apr 24, 2015
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Recently, in the outcome position of a tarot reading, I recieved the Death card. I asked the Yi what this card meant in that position, to which the reply was 63 uc.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
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I was walking in the park, when the old man in front of me suddenly dropped his cane and continued to walk without it.
I thought he would turn around and look for it, but no.
So I picked it up, hurried after him and gave it back - he just smiled in return and walked on.

Why did this happen in front of me, what's the message?

47.1 → 58 (Encouraging), Wilhelm:
One sits oppressed under a bare tree and strays into a gloomy valley.
For three years one sees nothing.

A warning not to restrict yourself, shut-off from the world. Don't be blind, be more aware, wake up [58]!
Notice what's happening around.

An hour later, I was coming back from the store, and almost in the same spot but now on the street, a city mini-bus broke lady's car mirror in front of me, with his sliding rear door being open (broken?) while he was approaching a bus stop. Lady's car was parked in a safe place, according to all the rules and regulations. It was 100% bus-driver's fault. She had to run after him cause he didn't even stop! (nasty foreigners ... budget cuts).

What's the message, why did I see that?
11.1 → 46 (Ascending), Richmond:
When grass is pulled up earth comes up with it. Going forward brings good fortune.

Notice good things and bad things, with equal attention!

On the same day later in the evening grandma 'lost' her glasses and asked me to find them, they were right there on the couch's right shoulder|edge.

Divine message for this day was - 18, oh yes.
Body and mind ages, awareness fades, things brake.

Tim K

Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
Had a rough morning today, twisted some chest muscle while turning over in a bed.
I'll have to refrain from doing pushups, bending over backwards and other exercises for at least a week.
Also from sneezing and laughing.
Last time I hurt that muscle in a carting accident, but it was more serious, took 2-3 weeks to heal.

Took a walk to lighten up my mood, it was a glorious weather outside: sunny and almost clear sky.
Suddenly my favourite line came to mind: 'If he sought to any other, he would not find rest.' (61.1)
I started to meditate, concentrating on my feet and breathing, trying to tame my mind, to make it placid as Zen masters say. Still your mind, be aware and just feel the life taking your hand and guiding you to bliss they say.

After 10-15 minutes I started to laugh uncontrollably (although through pain but I couldn't stop). All the stress went out, my mood improved, and I remembered the story of three laughing monks. I guess they did have the same moment - a touch of enlightenment. Why bother about problems with logic, why look to others for advice or try to copy their behaviour. Still the mind and the answers, designed exclusively for you, will come.

At home I asked Yi: What was that about, comment? 61.2 - 42
Richmond: A crane calls in the shade. Its young follow.
I have a fine goblet to share with you.

Be receptive[.2] to the harmony[61], stick to yourself, and the blessing will come[42]. Just allow it to enter.

Very nice :)

butterfly spider

I asked if I should stay and be with my Son who is in the middle of exams - I could go off to work and leave him to fend for himself. He is perfectly capable to get his dinner and sort himself out but friends beckon bed time is less rigid and God forbid he sleeps in. He is 16.

Now 26.3 talks about untamed horses fending for itself and running with the herd. It cautions me about training them daily - keeping them in check and not letting them have free reign.

I suspect my son is the horse here???
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