...life can be translucent

Sharing coins


Mar 28, 2023
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I sometimes get asked by friends and family to help them consulting Yi. Instead of casting the coins for them, it always seemed natural to me to let them cast them personally, and so I often let them use my own.
Now I’m wondering - is it ok to share your own coins? Or do the coins somehow reverberate of one’s energy and so it would be better to not have them mix with other people's energies?

Has anyone had experiences of feeling their readings were “off” after having shared their coins?
Is there any way one can energetically “clean” the coins, or am I making this stuff up? :)


Hi Beatrice380,
Is there any way one can energetically “clean” the coins, or am I making this stuff up? :)
To put it straight, you are making that stuff up 😜
Originally, people would go to a diviner and he cast the coins. For the answer, then, it does not matter who tosses the coins
Now I’m wondering - is it ok to share your own coins?
Do you think the probability of a coin ending up heads or tails suddenly changes when someone else holds or has held the coins? If that were so then the whole world of probability and statistics would be turned upside down. Because let's face it, that's essentially what it is: the pure calculation of probability
The probability of 3 coins all falling in heads, for example, is and remains 1/8 regardless of who holds or has held those coins.
People tend to make this kind of thing more "spiritual" by bringing in things like "one's own and other people's energy" etc. but please let's keep it normal, both feet on the ground. There are already enough man-made rules regarding the use of the I Ching.
Energetically clean your coins if you feel comfortable doing so and only use them yourself, but not because you have to or because it will affect the answer.
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Clarity Supporter
Sep 20, 1970
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I agree these things are personal preference but don't make any difference to the reading you get.

But it might help the people you're reading for feel more connected if they cast it themselves, sort of like how it's easier for me to remember how to get somewhere when I drive myself than when I'm a passenger.


Mar 28, 2023
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I agree these things are personal preference but don't make any difference to the reading you get.

But it might help the people you're reading for feel more connected if they cast it themselves, sort of like how it's easier for me to remember how to get somewhere when I drive myself than when I'm a passenger.
Yes that makes perfect sense to me! That’s why I always let whoever asks me to help them cash the coins themselves.
Thank you for your reply!


Mar 28, 2023
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Hi Beatrice380,

To put it straight, you are making that stuff up 😜
Originally, people would go to a diviner and he cast the coins. For the answer, then, it does not matter who tosses the coins

Do you think the probability of a coin ending up heads or tails suddenly changes when someone else holds or has held the coins? If that were so then the whole world of probability and statistics would be turned upside down. Because let's face it, that's essentially what it is: the pure calculation of probability
The probability of 3 coins all falling in heads, for example, is and remains 1/8 regardless of who holds or has held those coins.
People tend to make this kind of thing more "spiritual" by bringing in things like "one's own and other people's energy" etc. but please let's keep it normal, both feet on the ground. There are already enough man-made rules regarding the use of the I Ching.
Energetically clean your coins if you feel comfortable doing so and only use them yourself, but not because you have to or because it will affect the answer.
Hello Hans, thank you! I guess I thought the same but needed someone else to tell me :)


Mar 22, 1971
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Hi Beatrice380

Many people use intention, smudging, incense, salt, sound, spring water, moon light and many more things besides to clear unwelcome energies from their homes, spaces in general, theirs or another's personal aura, crystals and much more besides.

If you feel a need to cleanse your coins after lending them to someone else then there is nothing to stop you doing so. There are a vast array of quick and easy methods available to you.

I use a bowl and marbles for my casts and, even though I do not lend them to others, I cleanse them, the space in which I conduct the divination and my personal space before making a cast and interpretation.

Good Luck


Aug 22, 2017
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Hi beatrice380. I have faced simular situations, and this is how I deal with it.

I keep a special set of coins for Yi readings, although I prefer using yarrow stalks, but I think that any coins can be used, even coins from your client's wallet. As regards coin energy, the way I feel about it is, that coins were invented as a value which could change hands without loosing value. In this sense I think the coins remains constant, no matter who touches it. They are meant to change hands. Copper also has a cleansing quality, as well as silver (proper silver). I used to have a set of Chinese silver trade dollars which I used for yijing readings. They're gone now, but my favourite coins are simple copper coins from my home country, now long since gone out of circulation. 2 cent coins, which makes it easy to decide which side is two. Heads 3, tails 2. My coins have the image of a blue-wildebeest on the tails side, which also makes it easy to decide where the tails are. I rub these coins with silver solution to give them a silver patina. Copper (proper copper) readily reacts to silver solution, and thus you have a combination of two stunning metals. The silver flakes off after a long time of use, but it serves as a cleansing agent, so the coin always remain fresh.

In the case of yarrow stalks, it isn't easy to hand over to a client to do the manipulation, simply because they wouldn't know what to do. So it is better to leave it to the diviner to devide and count. But with coins, it is easy to quickly explain the procedure to a client.

I found an ebook in Chinese containing the wisdom of Old Man Yehe 野鹤老人, or Red Crane, of the Qing dinasty, on coin divination. He writes,

(the translation is by DeepL Ai, and I'm not sure about the accuracy but it comes out as:)

"With three coins of money, he lavendered them on the furnace (smoked them on the stove) and made a toast to the gods. The words were: "What is the word of heaven, which answers the call of the heart, and the spirit of the gods, which is in the sense of the word, and which is in the sense of the word? Now there is a certain person and a certain matter, who is in need of help, and who is in need of help, and who is in need of help, and who is in need of help, and who is in need of help, and who is in need of help, and who is in need of help, and who is in need of help. "The money is thrown after the blessing.

Translated with DeepL

Basically, you have to "smoke", or fumigate, the coins (on a stove) before a reading. That is the basic gaff. So I think, you are right to cleanse the coins, and traditionally you can use something like an insense, or josh, burner to achieve that.

Here is a beautiful fumigator from the waring states period, for sale on Ebay ($300!) a bit out of my price range, but something simular would do, I think.

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Aug 10, 2024
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Hi all -
I'm new here to the community. I purchased about 50 chinese coins on TEMU for a very low price. My intention is to give readings and then on occasion be able to give those 3 coins away to the sitter. For myself, I'm using yarrow stalks, and I do have a few sets of more special coins I use for myself. As to the right or wrong of giving coins away or letting the sitter throw the coins, I don't think there is a definitive rule for that. I've been practicing I Ching for decades, and over the years different sets of coins have served me well. I hope this helps.

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