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Access to the spells in the Egyptian Book of the Dead by means of the numerical code of the I Ching

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Oct 24, 2008
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Here is the introduction to a new divination method that is present in the book: The Phoenix and The Eye of Horus https://www.lulu.com/shop/umberto-capotummino/the-phoenix-and-the-eye-of- horus / paperback / product-r9zq86.html? page = 1 & pageSize = 4.
Access to the Egyptian spells, in divination key, is achieved by means of the numerical code of the I Ching which is introduced in this article.
“It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human culture, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments may follow”. -Werner Heisemberg (1)

Advanced Divination is an objective prediction method that uses the hexagrams of the I Ching to access the Spells of the Book of the Dead of the Ancient Egyptians, or in its most pertinent title, for Going Out to the Day of Osiris by framing each Spell of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, in key divination. This is possible given that the 'lines' of the hexagrams of the I Ching are numerical symbols encoded in 'trigrams' that can be transferred into the numerological matrices of the magic squares of the Unified Mandala. Numbers and matrices that recur with analogical relationships in the cosmology of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The use of numerical matrices, taken from the secrets of the cabala, allows the conversion of the numerological key of the I Ching into the symbolic score of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, generating the Unified Mandala in which the forces of becoming are balanced in the process of change and transformation. I refer the interested reader to this Unified Mandala that I published in the book The Phoenix and The Eye of Horus, Sekhem. (See link). Derived from the writings of the Spanish kabbalist Avraham Abulafia, active in Messina in 1280, I developed a kabalistic technique, tracing the threads of the secret, relating to the divine Name of YHWH whose permutations of the letters of the Name are expressed in a manifestation now straight, now retrograde. In an Oxford manuscript, attributable to the Hayye work ha -'olam ha ba 'of Abulafia (2), the 72-letter Name of God is permuted, using the technique described in the Sefer Yesirah, into eight 'houses' repeated three times, giving a total of 24 letter combinations in turn they are exchanged 9 times for a total of 216 letters corresponding to the letters of the Name of God made up of 72 combinations of 3 letters each (2). The value of the number 216 corresponds to the same number referred to in the text of the I Ching to a count that founds the hexagram 'The Creative' - Heaven - in relation to the hexagram 'The Receptive' - The Earth - as reported by Richard Wilhelm: “The numbers that give the Creative are 216; those who give the Receptive are 144, together 360; they correspond to the days of the year "(3). Now note that 72 x 3 = 216, while 72 x 2 = 144, giving the number 3 associated with Heaven, the number 2 associated with the Earth, so that we can understand how a Chinese cycle of hou about 5 days long determines a ritual number of the days, that is 72 x 5 = 360, in the composition of the astrological calendars. Similar distribution in the secret cabal: Avraham ben Alexander of Cologne in his The Crown of the Good Name reports that a 72-letter Name of God is contemplated which expresses the unitary manifestation of the divine virtues, and although it is "firm in one", it can nevertheless "recede" (4). The number 72 is also the basis of the I Ching in which the Primary Sequence appears on the outer ring, the Secondary Sequence appears on the inner ring, expressing a unitary manifestation connected to a retrograde motion examined in the book The Phoenix and The Eye of Horus. In fact, in the unitary framework of the two Primary and Secondary Sequences, by assigning the value 1 to each yang line and the value 2 to each yin line, the sum of all the lines will be 72. According to the foregoing, it is then possible to use a ‘straight’ and a 'left' (retrograde) reading of each hexagram obtained with the I Ching to access advanced divination that allows you to predict the future with precision. The double aspect of the ‘right’ and ‘retrograde’ vital energy considered corresponds in the esoteric cabala to the double aspect of the energy expressed by two forms: Metatron, called the Prince of the Face, who appears together with Sandalfon, called the Prince of Shoulders. According to Avraham Abulafia the two forms interact with powers that correspond inversely: before the Face of YHWH the emanation of the angel Metatron is twofold, the first manifestation is revealed by the potential inherent in the events of personal reality, which takes place with a voluntary act in the straight motion, the ‘face’ predominates on the ‘shoulders’; in a complementary way, by considering the "shoulders" towards the "face", the roots of the events will be known in their non-voluntary essence that is waiting to reveal itself in personal reality, in order to make the Tetragrammaton reign on Earth. As it is explained in the verse of Isaiah 41,23: Announce what will happen in the future [lit. announce the letters of the "back"] and we will know that you are gods "according to the sequence:" from the actions one will know the agent, from the fruit the branch, from the branch the root and from the shoulders the face "(6). As developed in the book The Phoenix and The Eye of Horus, each hexagram corresponds - by consulting the Divinatory Book - an Egyptian Spell that describes the journey of the Osiris in its exit to the day, the outcome of which is read by Thoth on the Sacred Balance. In practice, having obtained a hexagram with the I Ching and using the Tables published in the Divinatory Rubric of the book The Phoenix and The Eye of Horus, consider the right hexagram and subsequently the retrograde hexagram obtained by bringing the change itself back towards its root, thus calculating the inverse process of emanation.

# Here is an example of ‘right’ and ‘retrograde’ divination regarding the election of the President of a State.
The candidate (A) is opposed to the candidate (B). The outcome of the election was a real event that could be verified in a short time. A week before the election, a friend of mine threw the hexagrams:
1) Does candidate A win the election? Right hexagram 3 that changes to 42 - Divinatory Rubric: Spell 74;
Retrograde hexagram 42 that changes into 3 - Divinatory Rubric: Spell 86
Will candidate B win the election?
2) Right hexagram 12 that changes to 21 - Divinatory Rubric: Spell 133;
Retrograde hexagram 21 that changes into 12 - Divinatory Rubric: Spell 141

*** Spell 74 sees the Egyptian god Sokar standing between two sphinxes in the hidden sands, being towed into the sunlight and ascending. Spell 86 sees the Egyptian goddess Selkit leading the Guardian of the Wall and sees Horus in command of the Boat. *** Spell 133 sees Osiris sailing in the Boat of the Sky goddess Nut, while integrating into the womb of those who are in the presence of Ra. Spell 141 sees the Osiris in the heart of Ra who invokes the Guides of the Duat and the Guardians of the underground Gates.
*** Divinatory evaluation: the positional value of the Subject (First Spell) is compared with the non-positional value of the Field (Second Spell), destiny announces itself in the balance between conditions.
For candidate A:
First Spell 74 - The god Sokar is in the Land of transformation, the two sphinxes on the sides balance his powers of rebirth displayed in the wings and in the sparrow hawk’s head, on the right of the snakes that lead him is represented the Key of Life, Ankh sign that reappears on the top of the Hidden mountain flanked by two hawks. The Kepri beetle towering over the Mountain announces rebirth.
Second Spell 86 - The goddess Selkit, the one who gives breath, leads the protagonist represented by the god Horus who transforms himself into the Field and takes command of the solar Boat.
For candidate B:
First Spell 133 - the Osiris, or whoever personifies the prediction, is here in the Sky Boat called Nut, and is integrated into the collective and non-positional womb of those who worship Ra, the principle of becoming and the flow of time.
Second Spell 141- The Osiris, or whoever personifies the prediction, in the heart of Becoming represented by the sun god Ra, invokes the Guides of the underground kingdom and the Guardians of the Doors. He is found and remains in the Field of the hidden Earth. The prediction announces the winning of candidate A

Ps. Considering only the hexagrams given, interpreted in a traditional way, from the combination 3 ( Initial difficulty) which changes to 42 (Increase), being only the sixth line of the hexagram in motion, which sees a carriage that detaches itself and waits between tears, it is possible to obtain a prediction consistent with the future outcome of the elections only by reading the hexagram derived from the change of the single sixth line of hexagram 3, which is hexagram 42: ‘Lower the superior and increase the lower, so people rejoice without limit.’ The same observation should be made for the combination of hexagrams 12 ( Stagnation) which changes into 21 (Biting Through), two lines change, first and fifth, in hexagram 12 the first sees weeds uproot and the fifth line sees a tied bundle of mulberry branches, these images describe a job to be done; only by considering those derived in hexagram 21 we have a response that approaches the unfavorable outcome: the first line sees stumps at the feet and the fifth line sees dried muscle and yellow gold, but the latter image is in turn unclear for divination purposes.

NOTE 1) Werner Heisemberg. Physics and Philosophy. Chapter XI (p. 187) Harper & Row, Publishers. New York, New York, USA 1962 2) Moshe Idel, The Golem, p. 119, Ms. of Oxford 1582, fol.3a, Einaudi, Turin, 2006. Moshe Idel, Quabbalah, - divine forms and powers, p. 228-237, Adelphi Edizioni, Milan, 2010. 3) R. Wilhelm (edited by) -I Ching- I King, Ta Ciuann, The Great Treaty, chap. IX, par. 4, p. 577, Astrolabe, Rome, 1995. 4) G. Busi, E. Loewenthal (edited by) Jewish Mystic, - Texts of the secret tradition of Judaism from the third to the eighteenth century: Avram ben Alexander from Cologne, Keter Sˇem Tov, The crown of the good name, notes on Job 23 , 13; p. 363, Einaudi, Turin, 1995. 5) Umberto Capotummino, The Phoenix, and the Eye of Horus, Sekhem - Lulu.com. 6) Moshe Idel, The doors of Justice - Ša’are Sedeq - Natan ben Sa'adyah Har’ar, edited by Maurizio Mottolese, page 429; cf. ditto p. 432, Adelphi, Milan, 2001. * The Divinatory Formulas are a synthesis based on the translation of the Book of the Dead of the Ancient Egyptians by Boris de Rachewiltz.


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Oct 24, 2008
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the link of the book has not been inserted correctly, see here.


Oct 24, 2008
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Method that uses 5 dice to access the Formulas of the Book of the Dead of the Ancient Egyptians. The complete method and its key is published in my book "The Phoenix and The Eye of Horus" - Sekhem - Umberto Capotummino. I get the hexagrams quickly with the dice of which two are octagonal and three are hexagonal. The octagonal red die with its numbers from 1 to 8 gives me the upper trigram. The black die from 1 to 8 gives me the lower trigram. The three mobile lines, which can also be only one if the number on the three dice is always the same (from 1 to 6), are marked by these dice: if there is a yang line or a yin line in the hexagram given by the dice octagonal, this is marked by the number given by the hexagonal dice. All the dice I drop from my hands after having 'heard' them in tone. Then I transcribe the hexagram. I repeat the operation if, for example, I am investigating the arrival of eight horses as in the attached example. Once the Base and Mutation hexagrams have been obtained, their two serial numbers allow me to access the Polarized Mandala of the I Ching that I have published, see attachment. The count developed by computer calculus and published in my book gives me a definitive numerical value which includes all the variables of the changes, hexagram by hexagram. The evaluation of this numerical value, in the set of those thus obtained, allows me to know which horse will win, and the second and third. But if you want to get a response for any other eventuality, the method is the same.

In the photos you see: the hexagrams thrown for a horse race. The calculation report here comes from my MAC program, but it is also in my book, in the yellow numbers you see the hexagrams, in the white numbers the result of the calculations given by the Mandala. I'm going to read these numbers in the series of Egyptian formulas of the Book of the Dead of the ancient Egyptians which is based on 192 formulas, a sequence related to the lunisolar key (the explanation is in my book) and also contemplated in the I Ching in fact all the yang lines and yin of the I Ching are 384, 192 yang, 192 yin, correlated to the 64 hexagrams and their six lines: 64 x 6 = 384. ( Ta Ciuann - The Great Treatise, Section I, Chapter IX paragraph 5 - text of R .Wilhem).

Here I transcribe what comes out to the winner, hexagrams 04 -> 53 which hook the Egyptian Formula 20: "Thoth gives a Crown of Victory! on the Night of the Feast in Kem. Horo takes possession of the Meskhenet". To the second horse the hexagrams 61-> 24 hook the Formula 164 which manifests the White and Red Crown of Sekhmet-Bast. But also by reading only hexagram 53 (change of 4) on its fifth line we get the response: "The royal goose gradually approaches the summit" symbol of the victorious ascent.


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Oct 24, 2008
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In the photo you see the numbers of the trigrams according to the Primary Sequence to construct a hexagram and the result of the calculations, hexagram by hexagram.


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