...life can be translucent

62. Hsiao Kuo / Preponderance of the Small


Mar 22, 1971
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62.2 - So we have in some respects resisted the temptation to run before we can walk in 62.1. Here we are walking our path in a way that shows how to relate and react to our past conditioning. We need to walk away from the old things that ran our behaviours and take up a new stance that feels right for us now. This isn't about going out on a limb and being radical but finding gradual changes in behaviour/ beliefs that take us to new perspective. We certainly don't want to get above ourselves. Remember small is beautiful. Try to see beauty in all that you do.

62.3 - Now we are having a good look at how we feel about things and how we take stock. if we keep our blinkers on then we'll probably go charging around like a bull in a china shop, but it's important to recognise that it doesn't have to be like that. We don't have to give it all up, or take up the new with too much gusto. It's important to do the right thing for now but do it in a manner that causes least disruption. "Softly softly catchee monkey."


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Jun 3, 2006
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Thank you! Well said!
Interesting that we've been discussing how a coin should be dropped over on another thread here. I mean, how better an example can we have of a tiny detail making a world of difference?



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Jun 3, 2006
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Nine in the third place:

If someone is not extremely careful,
Someone may come up from behind and strike him.

"Somebody may come up from behind and strike him."
What a misfortune this is!

This line is strong, it is true, but the six in the second place is in a more favorable position, because it is not only central but also a ruler of the hexagram. The nine in the third place, being at the top of the primary trigram Ken, can guard itself against unexpected accidents. If it fails to do this, disaster comes from behind.


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May 29, 2006
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Am thinking of this proverb though not sure if its 62.3 its 62 ish..?

For want of a nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost
For want of a shoe the horse was lost
For want of a horse the rider was lost
For want of a rider the battle was lost
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail


Mar 22, 1971
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Am thinking of this proverb though not sure if its 62.3 its 62 ish..?

For want of a nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost
For want of a shoe the horse was lost
For want of a horse the rider was lost
For want of a rider the battle was lost
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail

Is 62 about "wants" or is it about "needs"?


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May 29, 2006
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Is 62 about "wants" or is it about "needs"?

Mykey I believe the word 'want' here is being used in the old english sense of 'need'. Or at least the word 'want' here isn't being used in the sense of "i want an icecream" The Kingdom is lost because the horseshoe needed a nail and did not have one hence the shoe was 'wanting' a nail. Thats the point of the proverb. That through neglecting the smaller necessary details, greater things may be affected..sorry i thought it was obvious :rolleyes: here the word 'need' could be used instead of want. 'in want' means also 'in need'. The whole poem is about the lack of a very much needed part...

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Mar 22, 1971
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Brilliant :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Pingu strikes back !!!!

Hi Trojan
Thank you. Now it's all clear for everyone. Perhaps it wasn't obvious to all of us.
It may also help if we note here that behind every want there is a need....whether it's ye old english or not.:)


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Jun 3, 2006
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Nine in the fourth place means:

No blame. He meets him without passing by.
Going brings danger. One must be on guard.
Do not act. Be constantly persevering.

Hardness of character is tempered by yielding position, so that no mistakes are made. The situation here calls for extreme caution; one must make no attempt of one's own initiative to reach the desired end. And if one were to go on, endeavoring to force his way to the goal, he would be endangered. Therefore one must be on guard and not act but continue inwardly to persevere.


Aug 31, 2007
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Is 62 about "wants" or is it about "needs"?

Hi Mikey,
It would be for 'lack' of... in modern English in the sense that lacking a nail the horseshoe caused the war horse problems and for lack of that horse in battle the battle was lost and for lack of that battle win the war was lost.

However, hex 62 being about intense passion and feelings, line 3 &4 Yang while all the rest of the hexagram is open Yin matrix, speaks more about a lack of connection between inner drives and any organization or relationship or connection beyond those deep feelings, which is a different issue than just lacking, or wants or needs.

In the horse context it would be insisting upon riding the horse off from the stable immediately since you are so intent upon driving on to your goal without waiting for the horseshoe to be properly nailed, or perhaps even the saddle put on right. You will most likely fall off soon.

In hex 62.3 this is purely the expression of passion in this isolated situation which is particularly dangerous, and moves as this Yang line expresses and exhausts itself to hex 16, thus yelling or cheering to express this passion without connection to anything.
In the horse example, everyone around would just laugh at the spill.

Hex 62.4 is expressing the heart or personal feeling in this situation of excessive intensity and isolation, so it is better able to raise sympathy and support from others. This tends as a result toward hex 15 where the passion is refined by its isolation and overall balance is available, as long as things are expressed more and acted upon less. Again in the horse example, someone is more likely to pick you up in a carriage and take you where you so much desire to go.

Structure illustrates the hexagram meaning allowing a context to explain the various words that can be attached to the commentary.



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Jun 3, 2006
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Could you talk more about 62.4 Frank? Can you give an example? I think 62.4 is a very important position in the evolution of consciousness. I think of a sage who comes back to earth to role model how things should be done. Something to do with complete lack of ego aligning with complete consciousness. A soul who can go into any situation and bring it to life. Maybe a changing of the guard. The Past passing all it has learned onto The Future.


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May 29, 2006
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Nine in the fourth place means:

No blame. He meets him without passing by.
Going brings danger. One must be on guard.
Do not act. Be constantly persevering.

Hardness of character is tempered by yielding position, so that no mistakes are made. The situation here calls for extreme caution; one must make no attempt of one's own initiative to reach the desired end. And if one were to go on, endeavoring to force his way to the goal, he would be endangered. Therefore one must be on guard and not act but continue inwardly to persevere.

I vote this one of hardest lines to translate into a broadly understandable course of action in practical divination. How do you do/apply 62.4 :confused: Can't say I really understand Wilhelm here...don't do anything exactly, but don't not do anything either ? Sounds like a very cautious defensive stance and though I don't generally like to compare to Tarot cards reminds me very much of the 9 of Wands. Does anyone else see it like that ?

I checked out Hilarys take, which seems to stress this is something you have to meet/deal with, i checked out Brads commentary which while I kind of get the picture (well epic motion picture lol) its still kind of hard to grasp and I checked out Lise too. I understand what they are all saying when I'm reading but still have difficulty really carrying that over into any life situation where you throw 62.4.

anyone have the pingu commentary ?


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Jun 3, 2006
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I think it's really fitting that we are on 62 at this time of year. I think there is a lot in 62 about releasing The Past and reorienting to The Future.
62.1 The bird leaves the nest. Always it seems too soon but we all knew it was time. The old ways didn't work anymore.
62.2 Only a Fool tells all he knows in one meeting. Be your best self and connect with the one you admire.
62.3 Now watch. something will trip you up. Something you hadn't seen at 62.2 Could 62.3 be "The Past Catches Up and thumps you on the head?"
Thus causing confusion, disorientation, and "Unconscious Reactions." ?

So is a repeating pattern until it kicks into > 51 and you ah -ha! get it that YOU are the one causing The Past to keep coming up and kicking you.

So now you realize you can stop re-creating the unpleasant Past by not responding to the ever changing random flow of molecules that is NOW. By not responding, events will flow on patternlessly in ever lasting joy-filled randomness. The trick is that we now know the Observer changes that which is Observed. So it's a real state to maintain, observing without altering/creating. Allowing the Past to exist without getting caught up in it. When a person wishes to no longer be knocked over by the repercussions of something they did in the past, they can't just ignor The Past. That has no effect and some even say that makes The Past stronger. No. In order to detach completely one must first forgive, must recognize and announce to The Past that there is..


When we truly fully and completely forgive everyone in our past, including ourselves, it's remarkable how frequently old acquaintances from our past will resurface - like Christmas promotes forgiveness and look how many people you hadn't heard from in ages resurfaced in your life this Christmas.

So anyway, these old friends or situations or patterns are becoming obvious. Not necessarily do we want to become involved.That is, when you see the old friend or recognize the old pattern, you don't necessarily jump back together or fight or do anything. Neither do you try to avoid The Past.
So when The Past comes forward, don't try to rush past Him but..


You'd love to say "All is forgiven! I love you! What's mine is yours!"" but you are ahead of your time a bit. Slow down cause being too out...



By not overly responding, The Past will pass without taking you down with it.

Be the Buddha:


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May 29, 2006
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Could 62.3 be "The Past Catches Up"?
I'm thinking now 62.4 means something along the lines of "Don't respond," or "Stay out of it." "Keep walking."


if you take a look at Hilarys book she says something along the lines that you do need to respond, you can't go on as before. One does 'meet' this yet according to Wilhelm does not act ? So one does have to respond i think, but perhaps in rather an inhibited way, not being too upfront or direct ? Cautiously meeting needs as they arise ? 62.4 does change to 15 so that makes some sense....responding in a low key but conscientious way to the demands of the situation ?
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Aug 31, 2007
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Hi Rosada,

I thought I gave a concrete example with the horse rider falling off but inspiring others to offer a carriage ride. The overall situation in hex 62 is that Inside is very full but outside is very empty so that the issue to deal with is toning down the desires and working on filling in the gaps by inspiring others.

In the context of your example of a sage returning to Earth to role model, the hex 62.4 aspect would be that the sage does not return as a celebrity, so although there is great clarity of what would be ideal, the question is how to present that expertise so that others listen and get the message and joint action is undertaken.

In the context of your comment of "Keep Walking " or " Don't Respond" I would suggest the emphasis would be to find a better why to communicate than either just ignoring the situation or jumping in flatfooted. In hex 62.4 you feel all too strongly what you want and you are faced with real difficulties in communication or relationship to make those feeling work out in reality. The need is to extend the reach of those heartfelt feelings, awaken a response beyond that could form a larger process to achieve not just what you feel so strongly but also what will work for all together.



Mar 22, 1971
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62.4 - Maybe something like

This is the line of choices, motivations and decisions. It's the first line of the outer world - where we are able to see the preponderance of 'smallness' that is all around us. From the loudness of the person sitting opposite us in the office, through the greed of the illegal money lender to the political leader who acts as though he is above the law. There are too many points on the smallness spectrum to paint here. The smallness manifests as tiny irritations through to enormous frustrations either singularly or as a conglomeration.......all those things that are outside of our control.

Provided that we can see all these things for what they are, mere illusions, then they will not pass us by and we will be able to deal with them appropriately. We will be able to stay authentic whatever the situation that we find ourselves face with. Whatever form the hugeness of the smallness takes we can cope by staying small within ourselves - cool, calm and collected. However if we let our guard drop and rise to the bait, then that will be a different story altogether and really we don't want to go there.

This a perhaps a place where recognition of the things that annoy us, frighten us, sadden us, over-excite us, hit our esteem etc is important so that we can stay on the straight and narrow - address them or ignore them appropriately - and not go off on one by just blowing our top or throwing a wobbly.



Good thoughts.

In the penguin picture of 62.3..


..the antsy penguin was knocked down from behind when he insisted on passing the other by.

He doesn't make that mistake in 62.4. He catches up, but doesn't pass him by.


Dec 9, 2009
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Good thoughts.

In the penguin picture of 62.3..


..the antsy penguin was knocked down from behind when he insisted on passing the other by.

He doesn't make that mistake in 62.4. He catches up, but doesn't pass him by.

Great clip!

At the general line position level of analysis this also captures the minor lord position of line position 3 vs the minister position in line position 4 - in line 3 you will find lords who want to become the ruler and so will need 'regulating' - line position 3 is associated with hexagram 15(10) and so a focus on needing to be 'modest', cover up one's intentions and suffer if not. In line 4 the minister 'knows their place' - in line position 4 the focus is on enthusiasm (hex 16 control) and planning for the future and so not going physically past the present (I.E. the 'lord')


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Jun 3, 2006
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So I'm getting that 62.4 is a place where one has to be very careful not to over react. Maybe like a scene in a Western where the cowboys are watching to see who is going to draw their gun first.
I agree with Mike's observation that this is a time where petty irritations can ruin the ride.
"Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff."

Okay, on to 62.5
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Jun 3, 2006
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0 Six in the fifth place means:
Dense clouds,
No rain from our western territory.
The prince shoots and hits him who is in the cave.

As a high place is pictured here, the image of a flying bird has become that of flying clouds, But dense as the clouds are, they race across the sky and give no rain. Similarly, in exceptional times there may be a born ruler who is qualified to set the world in order, but who cannot achieve anything or confer blessings on the people because he stands alone and has no helpers. In such times a man must seek out helpers with whose aid he can carry out the task. But these helpers must be modestly sought out in the retirement to which they have withdrawn. It is not their fame nor their great names but their genuine achievements that are important. Through such modesty the right man is found, and the exceptional task is carried out in spite of all difficulties.


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Jun 3, 2006
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I think it's interesting to note here at the end of the I Ching the similarities to the issues faced at the beginning.
At 62.5 the seeker is alone and though "a born ruler who is qualified to set the world in order he cannot achieve anything or confer blessings on people because he stands alone and has no helpers. In such times a man must seek out helpers with whose aid he can carry out the task. But these helpers must be modestly sought out in the retirement to which they have withdrawn."

Doesn't that sound a lot like the situation in 3. Difficulty at The Beginning?

3.1 If a person encounters a hindrance at the beginning of an enterprise, he must not try to force advance but must pause and take thought. However, nothing should put him off his course; he must persevere and constantly keep the goal in sight.
It is important to seek out the right assistants, but he can find them only if he avoids arrogance and associates with his fellows in a spirit of humility.



Feb 5, 2007
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Could this be an example of 62.3

Happy New Year everyone!!

I was away for the holidays and unexpectedly was asked to do a Reiki treatment. The person in question suffers from Bi-polarism, a brain disorder that causes fluctuations and manic episodes in one's mood......during the holidays this person forgot to refill their medication. And they were out of their hometown.

When doing the treatment, the individual's third chakra (solar plexus) was congested/overloaded with too power and energy. It was so excessive, the other chakras appeared as if they were being zapped of their energy.

This individual came unexpectedly, dragged by his mother. He was hyperactive and appeared to friends and family as overly dominating, aggressive and angry. When we met, he was restless, irritable and jumping quickly from one topic to another.

His mom mentioned his work issues too. He was a 'rebel' and seen as a problem employee who was either too lackadaisical or with destructive tendencies. But the employers are trying to keep him on, his enthusiasm at times is intoxicating and he has great potential to move up the ladder of his profession. All that's needed is to find a balance these extremes of high/low power. This gentleman is presently in counselling.

His mom surprised him by taking him literally by the 'bull's horns' and bringing him to my friend's home. Speaking in confidence with her before, she felt any type of healing would do to keep peace in the family. The young man was totally unaware of what was happening until their car appeared in my friend's driveway. It was like rosada said....'the past catches up and thumps you on the head'. When he did know what was happening, he did agree to the Reiki treatment and did seem to calm down. How the rest of the holidays went, I'm not sure!

Bi-polar does seem to have genetic tendencies (past) and it's quite possible this gentleman was born with it. Something, somewhere, somehow caused it to flare up .....perhaps severe stress or from being pushed to the limit.

Could this be an example of 62.3?



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Jun 3, 2006
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Wilhelm comments on 62.3 "Self-confidence deludes," so yes, I would agree that your bi-polar friend seems to be an example of 62.3. Karcher says at this line, "You are over-reaching when you should be Small."


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Jun 3, 2006
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Anyway, going back to what I was saying about how this line seems to be a repeat of 3.1.
It seems to me in that at 3 we're new to the planet and just have to try anything and hopefully something will work before we starve and then at 62.5 we're in a situation again where we have to find others to connect with. Only at 3 it seems to be more random chance and at 62 we recognize there seems to be a repeating pattern. And if there is a repeating pattern what is creating it? Something outside ourselves or is the outer world totally random and it is our reaction that keeps shaping experiences the same way and can we change our experience by changing our reaction?
I'm sorry this writing effort here is so spacey. If you can't connect with it please just go around me!


Aug 31, 2007
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Anyway, going back to what I was saying about how this line seems to be a repeat of 3.1.
It seems to me in that at 3 we're new to the planet and just have to try anything and hopefully something will work before we starve and then at 62.5 we're in a situation again where we have to find others to connect with. Only at 3 it seems to be more random chance and at 62 we recognize there seems to be a repeating pattern. And if there is a repeating pattern what is creating it? Something outside ourselves or is the outer world totally random and it is our reaction that keeps shaping experiences the same way and can we change our experience by changing our reaction?
I'm sorry this writing effort here is so spacey. If you can't connect with it please just go around me!

Hi Rosada,

Another way to explain why both hex 3 and hex 62 deal with situations needing effort to find helpers and support is that they are both composed of only 2 Yang lines and 4 Yin lines. Hex 62 moving either the 3rd Yang line or the 4th is exhausting that little focus that hex 62 has which can be either very difficult or a bit hopeful depending upon the potentials of the line place. In hex 62.5 a third Yang line is developing to make a solid block of Yang that has the ability to brings things together as the Prince can use his arrow to hit the hawk.

Hex 3 and hex 62 have a number of similarities, they are the first and last hexagrams forming 360 lines within the bookends of the four absolute archetype hexagrams of 1,2, 63 and 64.

Hex 3 is not so much random as recurring. It is associated with the regular spring thunderstorms that begin the growing season. Hex 62 is more personal, dealing with human problems of having all one's focus Inside oneself and lacking all external awareness.



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Jun 3, 2006
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Six at the top:

a) He passes him by, not meeting him.
The flying bird leaves him.
This means bad luck and injury.

b) " He passes him by, not meeting him." He is already arrogant.
The six at the top really stands in the relationship of correspondence to the nine in the third place, but at a time when the small passes by the great, this relationship does not apply. The six at the top is directed upward only. Thus the image of the bird appears again. In the case of the six at the beginning, disaster results from impatience; here it comes from the fact that the line is too high, too arrogant, and unwilling to come back. As a result, it loses its way, leaves the others, and draws disaster upon itself from both gods and men.


Feb 5, 2007
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0 Six in the fifth place means:
Dense clouds,
No rain from our western territory.
The prince shoots and hits him who is in the cave.

As a high place is pictured here, the image of a flying bird has become that of flying clouds, But dense as the clouds are, they race across the sky and give no rain. Similarly, in exceptional times there may be a born ruler who is qualified to set the world in order, but who cannot achieve anything or confer blessings on the people because he stands alone and has no helpers. In such times a man must seek out helpers with whose aid he can carry out the task. But these helpers must be modestly sought out in the retirement to which they have withdrawn. It is not their fame nor their great names but their genuine achievements that are important. Through such modesty the right man is found, and the exceptional task is carried out in spite of all difficulties.

In trying to understand 62.5, the symbolism of the cave caught my eye. The cave has been symbolized as the womb, of rebirth, the unconscious, etc., as well as a respository of wisdom through experience....the heart of experience....many sages and hermits have visited/lived here.

In this instance is the prince to open his mind and heart for in the cave itself lies the answer to what or whom he seeks? Are we being asked or did something ignite our spiritual eye to see or take us beneath the surface.....is this where the truth lies? Is this where we step back and take a wider view........small things we never noticed before take on a new importance.


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