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Welcome to Clarity

… and thank you for joining!

Two emails to look out for

As a member, you also have access to an assortment of extra I Ching downloads, as well as the I Ching Community. There are two emails to look out for to ensure you can access everything:

  1. ‘Clarity membership details’: this contains your username and password, so you can always log back in. Keep this one safe!
  2. ‘Please confirm your request for I Ching pdfs from Clarity’. You need to click the confirmation link in this one so I can send you details of how to access the extra downloads (‘Seven Ways to Live a Reading’ and ‘Opening Questions’ and others) and I Ching Community.

I’ll be in touch about once a month with the ‘Clarity Friends’ Notes’ email: links to new blog posts, the best of the I Ching Community, and assorted I Ching news.

How to download your pdf

To download that pdf you wanted, you’ll need to go back to the blog post where you started. Now you’ve joined, you’ll see a download link in place of the invitation to sign up you saw before. (You may need to refresh the page to view it as a logged-in member).