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How will Boots get better from One More Edit?

Your reading resulted in the following hexagrams:


Hexagram 59, Dispersing

Key Questions

Where and how can you be less rigid?
Where were the walls in this situation, and what can you see as they dissolve away?
As energy and vitality is liberated from old boundaries, where will it go?


'Dispersing, creating success.
The king assumes his temple.
Fruitful to cross the great river,
Constancy bears fruit.'

It is as if a great thaw brought the floods, and everything solid were swept away. All the walls – whether they divided, contained or sheltered – are gone. The familiar landmarks have vanished down the river, and there's a clear view for miles over free-flowing waters. Perhaps this liberates the vital energy of the situation; perhaps it is utterly disorientating.

Definitions, dividing lines, agreements, bonds, established patterns of life and thought... all these can be Dispersed, their solidity revealed as an illusion. All that holds things together now is the constancy of the flow itself.

The king 'assumes' his temple: he draws near and enters it, and takes on his most important role as the people's connection to spirits and ancestors. This can also be an inner process: centring your inner authority in your spiritual home; letting your decisions flow from that essential underlying source.

With this reconnection, it becomes possible to 'cross the great river' – which has already come to you. The dissolution of the old forms releases energy into new purpose and direction; staying true to the deep connection through the temple, it's good to make the commitment and venture into the unknown.


'Wind moves above the stream: Dispersing.
The ancient kings made offerings to the Highest to establish the temples.'


Dispersing follows from Hexagram 58, Opening:
'Rejoicing and hence scattering it, and so Dispersing follows. Dispersing means spreading out.'


Dispersing forms a pair with Hexagram 60, Measuring:
'Dispersing means spreading out: Measuring means stopping.'

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