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Hexagram 7, any line

Trigram Gen Mountain
heylise ⋅ WikiWing
0 replies

37.3 to 42 my father
Towerofsong ⋅ Shared Readings
22 replies ⋅ becalm, dfreed, diamant, marybluesky, rosada

Blog post: Ten years
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
0 replies

Where is the flower garden
becalm ⋅ Shared Readings
7 replies ⋅ radiofreewill, rosada, Viru10

Reflections on Lasting (from the blog)
hilary ⋅ Shared Readings
5 replies ⋅ heartsunite, Liselle, moss elk

How much longer will my little old car last? 34.3.5>58
BonBon ⋅ Shared Readings
3 replies ⋅ rosada

Making it Through The Crossroads
kestral ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
18 replies ⋅ bradford_h, demitramn, frank, jte, learner

Who are Yi?
lightangel ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
13 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid, dobro, gene, heylise, jerryd, mick

Really 3 years?
Silberfee ⋅ Exploring Divination
18 replies ⋅ Liselle, moss elk, rosada, soshin, surnevs, Trojina

Time to leave or engage more fully????
hillsandvallies ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
6 replies ⋅ micheline, peace, yly2pg1

32.2.4 > 15
deusa ⋅ Shared Readings
9 replies ⋅ diamanda, kkappa, Melissa_here

Friend has faded...Hexagram 4.6 to 7
poeticwalking ⋅ Shared Readings
5 replies ⋅ marybluesky, moss elk, rosada

All Change: Headless Dragons and Perseveringly Upright.
my_key ⋅ Exploring Divination
52 replies ⋅ breakmov, Hans_K, Liselle, moss elk, surnevs, Tihia Viatar, Trojina

Awkward solution to longstanding problem
dharma ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
22 replies ⋅ candid, dobro, gene, heylise, hilary, jte, just_me, lenardthefast, malka, shelley

Car bond return 40.4
ontheroad ⋅ Shared Readings
10 replies ⋅ Liselle, ThePiasa, Trojina

Ideal Purpose and Hexagram 18 ??
richlovejoy ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
14 replies ⋅ bruce, jte, lightofdarkness, micheline, void

Trigram Dui Lake
heylise ⋅ WikiWing
1 reply ⋅ heylise

Simple method for weekly readings from the Yi Jing
Qiaozhi Yeats ⋅ Exploring Divination
2 replies ⋅ Freedda

I need help with Hex 3 (changing 2 and 4) converts #58
lightangel ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
15 replies ⋅ candid, dobro, gene, heylise, julie, stuart

Speechless 18>15
becalm ⋅ Shared Readings
7 replies ⋅ Liselle, marybluesky, ontheroad

#8 "Inquire again..." So I finally did...
willow ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
3 replies ⋅ candid, lindsay

Trigram Xun Wind
heylise ⋅ WikiWing
1 reply ⋅ heylise

pocossin ⋅ Exploring Divination
4 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid

What has happened to my friend's soul? 35.2 to 64
bologna_tendra ⋅ Shared Readings
1 reply ⋅ bologna_tendra, rosada

2.3.4 to 62 where am I now? question suggested by iching with clarity
EsYoSoy ⋅ Shared Readings
4 replies ⋅ marybluesky, redoleander

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