Hexagram 62, any line
Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings - Hexagram 60
Trojina ⋅ Exploring Divination
22 replies ⋅ Andradelm, anemos, Azul77, beatpoet, Hashmotor, kafuka, MrKind, mulberry, Olga Super Star, rosada, steve, susieq777, veavea, yasmin
55.1 > 62 Can women and men be friends?
GreenBird ⋅ Shared Readings
28 replies ⋅ Freedda, Liselle, marybluesky, Trojina
hexagram > 62 on attitude
Pyramid ⋅ Shared Readings
7 replies ⋅ mandarin_23, rosada, ZeroPoint
Another job offer....really???? 63>48
ontheroad ⋅ Shared Readings
3 replies ⋅ my_key
Boss is flirting with me, how to handle it? 23.4 > 35
floranova ⋅ Shared Readings
48 replies ⋅ Liselle, Marinaflsenda, ontheroad, Sarah_, steve, TheOtherLiss, thisismybody, Trojina, Viru10
Harmen Mesker's trigram-focused approach to readings?
liquidity ⋅ Exploring Divination
16 replies ⋅ dobro p, Freedda, hilary, irfan, IrfanK, Liselle, moss elk, Trojina
Friendship or Love
sbd ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
10 replies ⋅ candid, jeanystar, jerryd, pargenton, yly2pg1
Blog post: Hexagram 64: Not Yet Across
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
20 replies ⋅ Freedda, kevin, Liselle, my_key, rosada
34.4 to 11 and 31.1.2 to 43 re: love
bronwyn ⋅ Shared Readings
21 replies ⋅ Cometta, Trojina
To leave my marriage or to stay? 49.4>63
Kayleighcakes22 ⋅ Shared Readings
20 replies ⋅ Hans_K, hilary, Liselle, marybluesky, Toodles34, Trojina
Neither Three nor Four
yly2pg1 ⋅ Exploring Divination
43 replies ⋅ bradford_h, cal val, candid, freemanc, hilary, hmesker, jeanystar, jerryd, lightofdarkness, martin, mira, pakua
Crosslines, fan yao and squares
heylise ⋅ Exploring Divination
5 replies ⋅ frank, siwert
The diviner Lao Dan
lienshan ⋅ Exploring Divination
8 replies ⋅ sergio, sparhawk
24! -ok ok already! lol!!
rodaki ⋅ Exploring Divination
10 replies ⋅ maremaria, meng, sparhawk
Trigram Gen Mountain
heylise ⋅ WikiWing
0 replies
Hex 16 from Confucian perspective
tuckchang ⋅ Exploring Divination
3 replies ⋅ pocossin
Intro/Starting over...
scorpyon46 ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
24 replies ⋅ candid, hilary, rinda, sparhawk as advice for a marriage
BumpyRide ⋅ Shared Readings
6 replies ⋅ diamanda, diamant, Willem D
Ultimatum.... 50.2 > 56
watersprite2 ⋅ Shared Readings
31 replies ⋅ becalm, breakmov, dfreed, diamanda, kareeva, marybluesky, rosada, Trojina, Win_Po,, hesitation for romance
kestrelw1ngs ⋅ Shared Readings
0 replies
Should I no longer employ my occasional cleaner? 30,5 -- 13
peter2610 ⋅ Exploring Divination
21 replies ⋅ goddessliss, loverofknowledge, peterg, Trojina, veavea
What will happen if I leave 45 uc
lightafterdarkness ⋅ Shared Readings
9 replies ⋅ rosada, Trojina
dobro ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
18 replies ⋅ bradford_h, cellofellow, dharma, jte, Olga Super Star, pakua, Topher
Positive and Negative Hexagrams
bradford ⋅ Exploring Divination
54 replies ⋅ ajdd, anemos, Brendon, bryanmichaelstephens12031986, butterfly spider, carolwdesign24, conniejfoster, el_2, EP Coach, gene, heylise, hilary, leandroscardoso, legume, madcreates7, Manuel Rivas, maremaria, meerkats64, meng, moss elk, mrxemboi, my_key, pocossin, seethis, sooo, sparhawk, steve, svenrus, Trojina, WoodTiger, zelion
How can I help my cousin? -2
rosada ⋅ Shared Readings
19 replies ⋅ becalm, kash, Liselle, moss elk, my_key, radiofreewill, slimshady, Trojina
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