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Hexagram 53, any line

How to treat recurring health condition 25u
Liolik ⋅ Shared Readings
7 replies ⋅ Benthos, Liselle, my_key, rosada

Nuclear Hexagrams
Bourbonist ⋅ Exploring Divination
15 replies ⋅ bradford, deflatormouse, kttuan, markgravitygood, moss elk, peter2610, Rks1157, svenrus, Trojina

Here's the Truth: Part II
malka ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
12 replies ⋅ cal val, candid, cheiron, jte, kevin, seeker

Taking the JLPT: 15 uc and 12.3.4 to 53
Fanofenka ⋅ Shared Readings
2 replies ⋅ Matali

Missing package 37.1>53
Amaterasu ⋅ Shared Readings
11 replies ⋅ becalm, Trojina, Viru10, Willem D

What if i go ahead wishing X in the grp?
luckjade59 ⋅ Shared Readings
6 replies ⋅ dfreed, redoleander, rosada

Different approach of receiving answers
SHONNA_D ⋅ Exploring Divination
9 replies ⋅ equinox, Liselle, moss elk, Nevermind

Any good hexagrams for relationships?
Marinaflsenda ⋅ Exploring Divination
11 replies ⋅ my_key, rosada, Trojina

Annual Hexagrams
willow ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
13 replies ⋅ ann, cal val, candid, cheiron, jeg, shelley

20.3 to 53 on relationship advice...
Pyramid ⋅ Shared Readings
14 replies ⋅ Blue Eagle, diamanda, Lettuce, lorna23, loverofknowledge, maggie may, Sixth Relative

Will I marry so and so: Hex: 53.5.6 > 15
jerusalem ⋅ Shared Readings
17 replies ⋅ ginnie, hilary, je_vaisseule, meerkats64, rosada, Trojina, troubadour, willowfox

3 Questions of Graduate School, Self-Development, and Relationships (53.6, 43.3
settan3579 ⋅ Shared Readings
3 replies ⋅ Hans_K

Trying to recover a relationship after a fight: 25.1.2 > 6
Criss_01 ⋅ Shared Readings
4 replies ⋅ my_key, rosada

Etymology of Zhun's (3) Transition level
confucius ⋅ Exploring Divination
0 replies

What does it mean?
dij ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
4 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid, heylise

LMAO -- This just in... too funny
cal val ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
5 replies ⋅ jte, martin

Art Venture
northland ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
14 replies ⋅ hilary, pocossin

When is Divination Appropriate?
sunpuerh ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
9 replies ⋅ bradford_h, cheiron, hilary, wanderer

Moving house... 56.3.4 > 23
Lola1986 ⋅ Shared Readings
3 replies ⋅ Liselle, my_key

Cemetery Visit and Xenophobia: to 53 and 30.3.4 to 27
Fanofenka ⋅ Shared Readings
0 replies

General question about changing lines.
jacord ⋅ Exploring Divination
4 replies ⋅ Freedda, marybluesky, Trojina

Ghosting -
WindRose ⋅ Shared Readings
10 replies ⋅ marybluesky, moss elk, my_key, revolverocelot, rosada, Trojina>53 When should I hand in my notice?
LuckyGuy ⋅ Shared Readings
12 replies ⋅ becalm, Olga Super Star, rosada, Trojina

Medical visit
cris ⋅ Shared Readings
15 replies ⋅ goddessliss, Olga Super Star, pocossin, rinda

I Ching and predictions for Elections.
mirian ⋅ Exploring Divination
2 replies ⋅ loverofknowledge

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