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Hexagram 34, any line

Your Experiences with Unchanging Castings-Hexagram 24
Trojina ⋅ Exploring Divination
58 replies ⋅ Amaterasu, anemos, azzimm, butterfly spider, carlosyung, chingching, Dark Starlight, Doremifasol, emiliana2010, EmMacha, gene, Gmulii, Hashmotor, Juliah, lavalamp, loverofknowledge, mary f, marybluesky, meng, moss elk, patro, Pearlescent, rosada, steve, toblindfoldher, veavea, yasmin, ZeroPoint

Unexpected response from the universe. 23.5?11.2.4?32UC? what should I do?
Topher ⋅ Shared Readings
29 replies ⋅ eyedrian, moss elk, Olga Super Star, Trojina, Willem D, ZeroPoint

Sequence of Events in I Ching
jazevedo ⋅ Exploring Divination
12 replies ⋅ gene, patro, Tohpol

Blog post: A patchwork of hexagrams
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
7 replies ⋅ IrfanK, tacrab, Trojina

Memorizing the I Ching: 33. Tui / Retreat
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
146 replies ⋅ charly, dobro, EmMacha, frank_r, Freedda, gene, getojack, hilary, lienshan, maremaria, martin, my_key, rinda, sparhawk, Tohpol, Trojina

22.5 - the roll of silk, loving, letting go
kestrelw1ngs ⋅ Shared Readings
2 replies ⋅

Common Sense Tells me to Go, I Ching, Not So
marybluesky ⋅ Shared Readings
6 replies ⋅ Hans__, Liselle, my_key

Choosing a therapist: is she the right one? 50.2.4 > 52, 56.4.6 > 15
Flowing like water ⋅ Shared Readings
5 replies ⋅ foxx777, Freedda

what is blocking me? -> 29
elizabeth ⋅ Shared Readings
8 replies ⋅ dobro, GreenHazel, my_key, Tohpol, Trojina

An etymology of Lu.10
confucius ⋅ Exploring Divination
1 reply ⋅ confucius, lightofreason

Whirlpools of Jun
my_key ⋅ Exploring Divination
32 replies ⋅ charly, Freedda, hilary, Liselle, moss elk

Memorizing the I Ching: 32 Heng / Duration
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
116 replies ⋅ charly, frank_r, getojack, hollis, laylab, lightangel, lightofreason, my_key, rinda, sparhawk, Tohpol, Trojina, unsubscribed_cm

Lola1986 ⋅ Shared Readings
6 replies ⋅ Trojina

dobro ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
18 replies ⋅ bradford_h, cellofellow, dharma, jte, Olga Super Star, pakua, Topher

The Zhouyi was an ancient calendar?
Ryan01 ⋅ Exploring Divination
18 replies ⋅ Liselle, my_key, surnevs, tacrab

Do 'moving lines' move?
lilly ⋅ Exploring Divination
16 replies ⋅ bradford, meng, miakoda, russell, sparhawk, Trojina

How do I manage my sexual energy? >4
marybluesky ⋅ Shared Readings
18 replies ⋅ becalm, cavarose, Just_a_Traveler, lavalamp, radiofreewill, rosada, Trojina

What's up with 49?
pakua ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
17 replies ⋅ candid, dobro, pagan

Buying a house with my son
becalm ⋅ Shared Readings
17 replies ⋅ my_key, rosada, Trojina

Pressure for Change 29.2.3>39
marybluesky ⋅ Shared Readings
13 replies ⋅ Albatross, Cometta, my_key, Superflea

"Trigram" Hexagrams
jte ⋅ Exploring Divination
21 replies ⋅ bradford_h, heylise, hmesker, lightofdarkness, pakua

44 and 33
sugarlobster ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
7 replies ⋅ bradford_h, cal val, cheiron, heylise, wanderer, yellowblue

Li, fire and light, |:|
hilary ⋅ Trigram Explorations
17 replies ⋅ frank_r, heylise, jilt, maremaria, Tohpol

Trigrams general
heylise ⋅ WikiWing
0 replies

Superior/Inferior Questions
ddely ⋅ Exploring Divination
15 replies ⋅ getojack, heylise, lienshan, martin, meng, sparhawk

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