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Hexagram 3, any line

What each Hexagram has taught me
McGarr178 ⋅ Exploring Divination
5 replies ⋅ donato, xuesongyu

Can someone explain dynamic, magnetic, correlate, and associate mean?
twilightshadow ⋅ Exploring Divination
18 replies ⋅ IrfanK, Liselle, moss elk, Plutonian, qafinaf, Trojina

what does the Yi think of the Covid vaccine 21.3 to 30
Lettuce ⋅ Shared Readings
65 replies ⋅ BaronAsh, Daeluin, dfreed, diamant, Gulpygoo, Hypnotist Collector, IrfanK, Liselle, marybluesky, redoleander, rosada, Yasmin

Home Birth ( or Hospital Birth (14.3.4)
SunnyJoy ⋅ Shared Readings
9 replies ⋅ breakmov, Olga Super Star, Trojina

39.3>8 Wilhelm v. Karcher
miakoda ⋅ Exploring Divination
17 replies ⋅ bruce_g, charly, heylise, lightofreason, rosada, sparhawk

Moving to a new city: 14.2.4>22 twice
lechatnoir ⋅ Shared Readings
10 replies ⋅ Hans__, Liselle, marybluesky, my_key, tiger_glaring

esolo ⋅ Exploring Divination
77 replies ⋅ bradford, bruce_g, dobro, EmMacha, ewald, hmesker, kestrelw1ngs, lavalamp, Mayorka, rosada, sparhawk, surnevs, Trojina, willowfox

9 and 5?
sugarlobster ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
35 replies ⋅ cal val, candid, chrislofting, dharma, hilary, martin, tashiiij, void

Archetypal Qualities of Hexagrams
my_key ⋅ Exploring Divination
37 replies ⋅ dobro p, Hans_K, Tihia Viatar

To Eat or Not to Eat
demitramn ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
37 replies ⋅ brian, cal val, dobro, gene, Grandma, hilary, jte, lightangel, martin, micheline, yly2pg1

Blog post - 51, Shock, as relating hexagram
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
3 replies ⋅ my_key

To do or not to do... 50.4>18
loulisnowdrop ⋅ Shared Readings
19 replies ⋅ Atalanta, BlindedFox, Liselle, marybluesky, moss elk, my_key, rainbowgirl, rosada, Trojina

55. Feng / Abundance [Fullness]
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
153 replies ⋅ charly, fkegan, frank_r, heylise, jilt, lsdavis, maremaria, meng, my_key, rodaki, sparhawk, Tohpol, Trojina

Ceaselessy active
Tohpol ⋅ Exploring Divination
31 replies ⋅ bradford, dobro, fkegan, heylise, jesed, maremaria, meng, rosada, sparhawk, Trojina, willowfox

Your personal I Ching Reading.
rosada ⋅ Shared Readings
209 replies ⋅ amy luisa, anemos, angeleyes, answeredquestions, bamagirl, bamboo, bianatree, bourrique, breakmov, butterfly spider, candii, canislulu, casstone, che, chingching, chucklesthegirl, cornucopia, cris, danceofthegods, dancing white ferret, dancingfox, deepstillwater, dohara, dragona, emiliana2010, EmMacha, Enqquery, Erik58, Fansong, gardeniamoon, gato, ginnie, Hartloper, Hashmotor, hebe, hilary, hopex, icegrapefruit, isacosmo, jade10, jadefalls, jasmines, kestrelw1ngs, kitty, knot, knotxx, kzena7, Laurengoodey, lavalamp, legume, leika, lightafterdarkness, lilita, lindorita, liquidity, Liselle, LuckyGuy, mariah kaze, marybluesky, mazaru, Medusazul, meganj, megs, MeltingPot247, miakoda, Morning, mryou1, my_key, oldwillow, olga, Olga Super Star, Pearlescent, Piscean, pocossin, poised, precision grace, radiofreewill, redoleander, RemRem, rinda, rodaki, serinasioux, sooo, stark tree, susieq777, tigerintheboat, Tim K, Tohpol, Trojina, tubinluv, Viru10, viviank, weaver, willow, yasmin

50. Ting / The Caldron
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
206 replies ⋅ Annamaria, bamboo, charly, chushel, diamanda, dobro, fkegan, frank_r, heylise, jilt, lilita, lucia, maremaria, meng, my_key, pocossin, pompomwall, ravenstar, rdspringer, rodaki, sparhawk, susieq777, Tohpol, Trojina

Beatles iching
loverofknowledge ⋅ Exploring Divination
4 replies ⋅ remod, rosada

40.4 - Showdown at the 'Not OK' Corral
my_key ⋅ Exploring Divination
46 replies ⋅ Cometta, hilary, Liselle, moss elk, Trojina

I Ching with Clarity podcast episodes
Liselle ⋅ Shared Readings
0 replies

Uncannily responsive answers that are nonetheless wrong: What is Yi doing?
greenowl ⋅ Exploring Divination
56 replies ⋅ bradford_h, bruce, cal val, freemanc, Grandma, heylise, hilary, jesed, kevin, lightangel, martin, micheline, peter

The I Ching Book of Proverbs
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
94 replies ⋅ butterfly spider, charly, heylise, hilary, iams girl, lena_p, loverofknowledge, moss elk, susannah, Tohpol, Trojina, willowjati, ZeroPoint

Fan Yao - reverse line-pairs
heylise ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
7 replies ⋅ bfireman, candid, cassandra, willow

62. Hsiao Kuo / Preponderance of the Small
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
148 replies ⋅ answeredquestions, charly, elvis, fkegan, frank_r, gene, heylise, hilary, jesed, maremaria, meng, my_key, pantherpanther, ravenstar, rodaki, sparhawk, Trojina

did a stupid thing, not sure what to do now hex 43 1.4. 48
Lola1986 ⋅ Shared Readings
14 replies ⋅ Liselle, my_key

3 ways to consult an oracle
heylise ⋅ Exploring Divination
63 replies ⋅ candid, hilary, jeanystar, jte, kevin, lindsay, luz, martin, pagan, tashij

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