Hexagram 16, any line
The Takashima Ekidan
marcelomac ⋅ Exploring Divination
20 replies ⋅ peterg, pocossin, russell, sparhawk
could 56 be Transcedence?
rodaki ⋅ Exploring Divination
87 replies ⋅ bamboo, bradford, dobro, jilt, lucia, maremaria, meng, miakoda, rosada, sparhawk, Trojina
Stress and tension
frank_r ⋅ Exploring Divination
9 replies ⋅ changes81, lightofreason, rosada, Trojina
Receiving 1 moving line for a hexagram
peter ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
2 replies ⋅
Euro Soccer
water 0n earth ⋅ Exploring Divination
57 replies ⋅ answeredquestions, dragona, long yi, peterg, pocossin, sergio, yamabushi
Hex 22 What does it mean for my love life
tranquillity8 ⋅ Shared Readings
18 replies ⋅ blue_tiger, bradford, ciprianaleme, exnihilo, heylise, jesed, lightofreason, listener, rosada, Sofocles, sollina, Trojina, willowfox
22.4 Why haven't I gotten married yet?
Gaia99 ⋅ Shared Readings
17 replies ⋅ becalm, loverofknowledge, mirian, rosada, Sixth Relative, springflower, Tim K
Memorizing the I Ching Hexagram 9
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
68 replies ⋅ autumn, bruce_g, dobro, ewald, frank_r, jesed, jte, lightofreason, listener, martin, nicky_p, sparhawk, Trojina
Yin into Yang - A definite universal
chrislofting ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
15 replies ⋅ bradford_h, dharma, dobro, gene, lenardthefast
Memorizing the I Ching Hexagram 12. P'i Standstill [Stagnation]
lightofreason ⋅ Exploring Divination
50 replies ⋅ bruce_g, dobro, ewald, frank_r, hilary, martin, rinda, rosada, sparhawk
Explanations of tools and methods
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
15 replies ⋅ BaronAsh, blewbubbles, iams girl, Liselle, mary f, matej1486, prismatic, Trojina, wanlihonghu
The Sequence Problem as It Is?
peter ⋅ Exploring Divination
26 replies ⋅ bradford, bruce_g, denis_m, dobro, frank_r, heylise, hmesker, lindsay, martin, toganm
Memorizing the I Ching Hexagram 13. T'ung Jen / Fellowship with men
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
38 replies ⋅ bruce_g, dobro, frank_r, heylise, hilary, lightofreason, martin, sparhawk
Hexagram 8.....Changing Lines.....and the Months
dharma ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
11 replies ⋅ Dani23, peter, pocossin
Unconditional/Conditional Natures in Hexagrams
lightofdarkness ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
20 replies ⋅ megabbobby, omshante, yly2pg1
Identifying the 'clay' of hexagram meanings
chrislofting ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
0 replies
Karcher's Total I Ching - Myths for change, questions
antonioacuna ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
19 replies ⋅ anita, cal val, heylise, hilary, stephen
Divination illegal in China?
andreas ⋅ Exploring Divination
23 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid, freemanc, hilary, jonaswizard, jte, megabbobby, pedro, sparhawk, yly2pg1
Memorizing the I Ching 23. Po / Splitting Apart
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
92 replies ⋅ bradford, bruce_g, frank_r, getojack, heylise, hilary, hollis, lightofreason, Liselle, listener, martin, olga, rinda, sparhawk, thedave, Tim K, Trojina
I Ching in the Old Testament
Zimbali ⋅ Exploring Divination
16 replies ⋅ moss elk, pocossin, russell, sooo, sparhawk, svenrus
Why throw 3 coins when 2 is enough?
Tim K ⋅ Exploring Divination
15 replies ⋅ bradford, hilary, hmesker, remod, svenrus
Lao Tzu and the Hexagrams
pocossin ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
22 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid, cheiron, dobro, gene, hilary, lindsay, someone, soshin
Your Experiences With Unchanging Castings -- Hexagram 2
arabella ⋅ Exploring Divination
53 replies ⋅ Aaaaaa, andrea, angeleyes, butterfly spider, charly, Delphinius, EmMacha, eowyndernhelme, heylise, hilary, knot, Liselle, lorna23, lucuma, marybluesky, millionsoftrees, pooja123, rodaki, Seeker0970, steve, Tim K, toblindfoldher, Trojina, veavea, Viru10, WinterStar
50. Ting / The Caldron
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
206 replies ⋅ Annamaria, bamboo, charly, chushel, diamanda, dobro, fkegan, frank_r, heylise, jilt, lilita, lucia, maremaria, meng, my_key, pocossin, pompomwall, ravenstar, rdspringer, rodaki, sparhawk, susieq777, Tohpol, Trojina
maremaria ⋅ Exploring Divination
35 replies ⋅ bradford, charly, dobro, jilt, meng
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