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Hexagram 15, any line

Hexagram 15. Ch'ien / Modesty
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
111 replies ⋅ bruce_g, dobro, frank_r, hilary, lightofreason, lindsay, martin, rinda, sparhawk

"Aha!!" Answers - little chat, just post your favourite or encouraging results
laylab ⋅ Shared Readings
408 replies ⋅ -herher, afabi, alex_p, Ana Maria, Anemoon, anemos, ann, arableparable, arbole, ariel13, asci_blue, bamboo, beadasil, blossom, Boadicea27, Bourbonist, brassfeather, BriteJay, brockville, butterfly spider, cal val, Catela, chingching, circe, cris, dancing white ferret, deepstillwater, desertlark, deusa, dhahi, Dotsbox, dragona, duddbudda, elias, elkoholik, em ching, emc2cme, Endless, fallada, flashlight, floranova, freimuth, galatea11, gato, gnichi, goddessliss, greekgoddess, halifax, heylise, hilary, hollis, Hujambo, iams girl, itsyourlife, jiang, jolibidi, journeyer, Juliah, junzi, jzy369, ka-ching!, kafuka, kash, kataniki, katching, kestrelw1ngs, kevin, kevrem, knot, Lakewater, Lankey, lavalamp, lecubiste, legume, lem ming, Liselle, listener, littlebuddha, Liza80, lucia, lydiaeverst, MaggieM, magik, marciella, maremaria, marien, mary f, marybluesky, maurey, Mayorka, mazaru, memobook, meng, miakoda, mirian, missann, moss elk, mousse, Myra01, myway, nAstWr, Nata_liV, neegula, nicky_p, nothing5, novht1, nykkic, Olga Super Star, pallasathena, parsee, Pearlescent, persephone, Philip_Aladdin, Pineapple, pink_mandolin, poetztoy, precision grace, ragini, redblue, Redcat, rodaki, rosada, schastlivchik, Seeker0970, Sennnn, shmemily, soleil, solun, sooo, sparhawk, suivis, suryauday, susieq777, SuzanneB, svenrus, thunderwave, tifa, Tim K, tiziano, Trojina, vikk, viola, Vissino, wbh4305, yasmin, yxeli, zander, zelion, _jte

The I Ching Book of Jokes and Riddles
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
58 replies ⋅ charly, hilary, iams girl, Liselle, Pearlescent, peterg, svenrus, Tim K, Tohpol, Trojina

What does 40.3 mean?
unsubscribed_cm ⋅ Exploring Divination
41 replies ⋅ bradford, bruce_g, charly, dobro p, Freedda, hilary, lavalamp, lightofreason, magictortoise, MethodNix, my_key, Navadurga, radiofreewill, rosada, sparhawk, Topher, Trojina, usilser

In tune
pakua ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
43 replies ⋅ cellofellow, dharma, dobro, hilary, jte, kevin, lightangel, lightofdarkness, micheline, yly2pg1

Lao Tzu and the Hexagrams
pocossin ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
22 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid, cheiron, dobro, gene, hilary, lindsay, someone, soshin

47.2 and Addiction
Senecatwo ⋅ Shared Readings
16 replies ⋅ IrfanK, Matali, rosada, Trojina

Blog post: Sharing the I Ching
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
11 replies ⋅ ChrisLef, Liselle, my_key, rosada, surnevs

East of the sun and west of the moon....
rinda ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
28 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid, cheiron, chrislofting, dharma, gene, hilary, lenardthefast

The I Ching on The I Ching
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
599 replies ⋅ bruce, bruce_g, chewthecud, chingching, cipriana, frank, frank_r, getojack, hal_c, hester, heylise, hilary, jerryd, jesed, jte, justanotherme, lightangel, lindsay, listener, martin, matt, megabbobby, micheline, nicky_p, pakua, peace, philippa, poised, soshin, stillwillow, Tohpol, Trojina, void, white_dog, willow, yellowknife

Hexagram 62 Unchanging
kumarsahab ⋅ Exploring Divination
49 replies ⋅ anemos, bradford, knot, Liselle, pocossin, rodaki, sooo, Trojina

Memorizing the I Ching Hexagram 21. Shih Ho / Biting Through
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
111 replies ⋅ bruce_g, getojack, heylise, hilary, iamtheyeti, lightofreason, lucia, martin, meng, my_key, nicky_p, pocossin, rinda, sparhawk, Trojina

Similarities and differences of 51.2 and 38.1
nicky_p ⋅ Exploring Divination
25 replies ⋅ lightofdarkness, martin, pakua, philippa, white_dog

Memorizing the I Ching: 33. Tui / Retreat
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
146 replies ⋅ charly, dobro, EmMacha, frank_r, Freedda, gene, getojack, hilary, lienshan, maremaria, martin, my_key, rinda, sparhawk, Tohpol, Trojina

Are birth-readings a good idea?
lindsay ⋅ Exploring Divination
15 replies ⋅ bradford_h, candid, martin, richlovejoy, rinda, yly2pg1

The Species I Ching
chrislofting ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
2 replies ⋅ dharma

There is more to your oracle: I have found a third hexagram, describing the cha
Philip_Aladdin ⋅ Exploring Divination
39 replies ⋅ Freedda, hilary, moss elk, Trojina

40. Hsieh / Deliverance
rosada ⋅ Exploring Divination
61 replies ⋅ answeredquestions, bradford, charly, fkegan, frank_r, getojack, hilary, maremaria, my_key, sparhawk, Tohpol

An Yijing reading from a dream
buzzurro ⋅ Exploring Divination
22 replies ⋅ anemos, bamboo, chingching, heylise, neegula, pocossin, rinda, rodaki, sooo

Introduction to Daeluin's methodologies for working with the Yi
Daeluin ⋅ Exploring Divination
24 replies ⋅ moss elk, Thomas6

Reading the Hexagram on its own, without the text
mryou1 ⋅ Exploring Divination
92 replies ⋅ answeredquestions, blackred, bluprplsage, charly, cjgait, dharmamom, forty two, heylise, hilary, hmesker, jilt, meng, notatirem, peter_liu, pocossin, precision grace, Trojina, weiwuwei

The Takashima Ekidan
marcelomac ⋅ Exploring Divination
20 replies ⋅ peterg, pocossin, russell, sparhawk

Beginners' room
hilary ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
156 replies ⋅ alvaro, ann, annietyme, anya, bradford_h, candid, cheiron, cherrypicka, chrislofting, davidl, deanna, dharma, doesilus, drbob, elisabete, eve, frandoch, geene, gene, heylise, hitchhiker, jada, joang, just_me, keeping_still, kerry, kiya, learner, lenardthefast, lindsay, madversity, martin, mick, mst, mtpathy, nikip, ninepatch, pedro, pmccormack, rho, ryder, seeker, sheilae, shelley, silver_jaguar, soshin, sparhawk, tashiiij, thomas, willow

(Hex 23.6 to 2) About my estranged wife
Enqquery ⋅ Shared Readings
110 replies ⋅ angelatlantis14, bologna_tendra, breakmov, Cuddly_Balrog, diamanda, elm sauce, Freedda, hilary, irfan, marybluesky, moss elk, my_key, Olga Super Star, RindaR, rosada, sylvia1ching, Trojina, Virupaksha

Seeking input on Hex 28 changing to 56
lenardthefast ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
29 replies ⋅ angel, candid, gene, heylise, hilary, johanna, louise, pedro

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