Hexagram 15, any line
A thought for today
ann ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
9 replies ⋅ candid, hilary, willow
Blog post: Hexagram 52, Stilling
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
1 reply ⋅ chingching, hilary
Insight > 11
chase ⋅ Exploring Divination
17 replies ⋅ jerryd, jte, martin, pagan, stuart
Coworker/boss went M.I.A, and I worry for the project and for myself: hex 38.1.
luckyseason ⋅ Shared Readings
4 replies ⋅ DSoleil, HansKr, rosada
Watched races in today's primaries: Morse vs. Neal and Markey vs. Kennedy
liquidity ⋅ Shared Readings
4 replies ⋅ rosada
Grandma ⋅ Friends' Area Archives
9 replies ⋅ bruce, dobro, micheline, patty123, yly2pg1
And how am I doing so far? (>15)
grassgrowing ⋅ Shared Readings
1 reply ⋅ grassgrowing, Hypnotist Collector
32.2.4 > 15
deusa ⋅ Shared Readings
9 replies ⋅ diamanda, kkappa, Melissa_here
In relation to ancestral healing (missing ancestors) Hexagram 53.5.6 -> 15
EmMacha ⋅ Shared Readings
4 replies ⋅ Bono-E-Carlos, carlosyung, Liselle
31.4.5 Twice!!!
Marinaflsenda ⋅ Shared Readings
4 replies ⋅ breakmov
Moving to another town with my GF, confused answers. Help
filip102 ⋅ Shared Readings
5 replies ⋅ Hans_K
Hex 48 - lines 2 and 5
lightflower ⋅ Exploring Divination
8 replies ⋅ gene, goddessliss, Samgirl, sparhawk, tuckchang
Tucker Carlson: 36.1 to 15 and 54.2 to 51
Fanofenka ⋅ Shared Readings
9 replies ⋅ moss elk, Querent777, Valmar33
What next step to take regarding him to 51
Valhamilton ⋅ Shared Readings
6 replies ⋅ rosada, Trojina
63.3 The Royal Servant
yellowblue ⋅ Exploring Divination
2 replies ⋅ bradford_h
The past 25 years have been bad. I don’t have much time left.
editorneal ⋅ Shared Readings
13 replies ⋅ Atalanta, hilary, IrfanK, Liselle, Matali, rosada, Trojina
Coworker invited me to a concert 16.5 > 45
floranova ⋅ Shared Readings
4 replies ⋅ Liselle
A revisit to Character Formation
chuko_kungming ⋅ Divination Discussion Archives
2 replies ⋅ gene
Trying to Detrmine Line Pathway for 62.4 Exploding My Head
susieq777 ⋅ Exploring Divination
8 replies ⋅ Freedda, Liselle, Trojina
64 Unchanging - I have no idea?
MeltingPot247 ⋅ Shared Readings
10 replies ⋅ BaronAsh, dfreed, diamant, marybluesky
"COVID is a Hoax" Mob: 37.5 to 22 and 46.2 to 15
Fanofenka ⋅ Shared Readings
37 replies ⋅ EmMacha, moss elk, Olga Super Star, Querent777, rosada, Trojina, Valmar33
Job opportunity
Topher ⋅ Shared Readings
1 reply ⋅ Topher
Blog post: Recurring hexagrams
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
4 replies ⋅ sooo
How will the stock market act in the next month? 7.2.3 to 15
poeticwalking ⋅ Shared Readings
1 reply ⋅ poeticwalking, Viru10
Blog post: Questions of choice
hilary ⋅ Exploring Divination
18 replies ⋅ butterfly spider, hmesker, Sixth Relative, svenrus, Tohpol
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