...life can be translucent

26.1.4 to 50


Jun 23, 2008
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Hello all,

I have been reading the memorizing threads on Hex.26 and it was quite interesting the discussion about line 1 and 4 - which Wilhelm specifically comment.

Rosada posted:

Six in the fourth means:
The headboard of a young bull.
Great good fortune.

This line and the one following it are the two that tame the forward-pushing lower lines. Before a bull's horns grow out, a headboard is fastened to its forhead, so that later when the horns appear they cannot do harm. A good way to restrain wild force is to forestall it. By so doing one achieves an easy and a great success.

The great good fortune of the six in the fourth place consists in the fact that it has JOY.

This line constitutes the horns of the nuclear trigram Tui, which to be sure means sheep and not horned cattle. The line easily restrains the nine at beginning before it has begun to be dangerous, hence the joy.

I was looking at these lines and hex. 50 as relating hexagram. As a neophyte on the I Ching I still don't understand why these lines relate to each other (line 1 and 4), and also wondering if this relation would be coloured by the "tones" of Hex. 50.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thank you!


Aug 31, 2008
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In my opinion, line 4 is the horn-cuff of the calf and line 1 is the calf.
Line 4 restrains line 1 via the correlation relationship.
I would like to invite you to visit www.iching123.com for more details:
Basic concepts > How to read the line: see ‘correlation’.
64 hexagrams > 26. Da Xu: see ‘deduction’, lines 1 and 4.

Best regards
Tuck :bows:


Jun 23, 2008
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Thank you... I've been looking here before, when you first post it. This is very interesting. I'll study it.

Thank you.


Apr 8, 1970
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Agreed - Tuck's accounts of line relationships in each hexagram are some of the clearest and most detailed I've seen. (Note to self - must get his site on the links page. Sorry, Tuck. I'll get there.)

I like your question about whether the two lines connect with 50 somehow. It's relatively easy to go through the Yi and see how each line connects to its own zhi gua, ie how 26.1 connects with 18 or 26.4 connects with 14. But I think it must be equally true that any combination of lines expresses something specific about the changed hexagram they create together (or that creates them, if you prefer looking at it that way) - it's just that these don't always leap to the eye in the same way.

Let me walk round some line pathways here...

‘There is danger.
Harvest in bringing it to an end.’

Danger can also be 'angry ghosts', spirits someone has neglected - which with 18 in the background makes a lot of sense. Some force has been neglected, and turned dark, and is running things - not in a good way.

Another angle on this: the paired line (mark the line and turn the hexagram upside-down to see it) is 25.6, which is so willing to be spontaneous and without agenda that everything it does is a mistake. So 26.1 responds - this flow you're going with is dangerous. Get a grip. Don't let it run away with you. Re-engage!

The inner process, the pathway 'beneath the surface', travels through the fan yao 18.1 and its pair, 17.6. 18.1 starts dealing with corruption when the child accepts responsibility (stops blaming the parents). 17.6 describes a massively powerful connection that binds people and spirit. It all conveys the sense that you're involved, so act like it.

Moving up and out to line 4:

'Young bull's hornboard.
From the source, good fortune.'

That points towards 14, which is obvious in a way: when you take control of the bullock you're cultivating a great possession. You mark this animal out as something special, skillfully direct its growth and nurture its potential.

This is no longer just about stopping danger, nor yet just about asserting control. The key isn't brute strength - the bullock would win every time - but intelligence and position. Maybe something learned from the paired line, 25.3, where the people who can move freely are the ones who gain.

There's a similar message from 14.4 and 13.3: it's not about being dominant, or taking control by force of arms, but something altogether subtler - being able to see from different perspectives, and having an overview (in space and time).

So that makes 26 zhi 50, Great Taming's Vessel, a container for things to be tamed and nurtured. The two hexagrams actually chime together naturally, don't you think? They have that basic idea in common of a process of change that increases the value of things.

Do the two lines bring out the connection? I think they do... on the one hand there's re-establishing control over how things move, not letting inertia run the show. And on the other hand, seeing the potential value and cultivating it intelligently. I think these fit well with two big characteristics of 50: its stability (because a) it founds dynasties and seals your relationship with spirits and b) only a strong, stable culture can cast bronze), and its power to transform/transmute. Take ordinary ingredients and cook offerings for the divine; take an ordinary calf and rear a beautiful sacred animal. Restore stability, cultivate what's valuable - the farm as vessel?


Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Really interesting reading - how the context works on the interpretation. I'm starting to realize how important is to stay and ponder with one reading before going to the next.

After reading your post and reviewing this reading, I wonder if what I see sounds acceptable... that the "theme" of this reading could talk about directing powerful force into or as spiritual transformation, and the lines would give the "how to's" or the circumstances that are driving this situation. And we could take any other reading where there are lines involved.


Apr 8, 1970
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the "theme" of this reading could talk about directing powerful force into or as spiritual transformation, and the lines would give the "how to's" or the circumstances that are driving this situation
That makes sense to me. Of course we're still only at the 'theoretical' level - the real excitement starts when you move on to real readings, and things that may not hang togther 'logically' at all nonetheless trigger huge 'aha's for people...


Aug 31, 2007
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There are many ways to explain a Yi oracle, especially in answer to YOUR specific question. Most of them work most of the time, though some may be contradictory. There is a simple structural perspective that illustrates the skeleton of an oracle, as it were. Then you can complete your oracle interpretation portrait by filling in the flesh, costume and gesture for your interpretation illustration.

Each trigram, having three lines, has a bottom line, middle line and top line. Each hexagram has two trigrams. The lines of each trigram in a hexagram, upper and lower, correspond in terms of their similar line position. So the 1st line of the lower trigram corresponds to the 1st line of the upper trigram or line 1 corresponds to line 4.
In hexagram 26, the upper trigram has the image of a mountain, the lower hexagram sunshine or the creative. The mountain is sitting on the sunshine or the mountain is being energized by sunshine inside it. Given that image, the first line of trigram sunshine or Heaven is being sat upon by the first line of trigram mountain or the 4th line of the whole hexagram. Line one is Yang, line 4 is Yin so they form a complementary couple and the restraint is gentle. Also, the first line is the very beginning line and thus a young thing without great strength of its own. Young things in traditional China were restrained from growing up wild by simple restraints such as binding the feet of baby girls or putting a board on young bulls to prevent the horns from growing in properly.

In interpreting the hexagram overall, these principles continue. Early Yang energy represented in the first line is being kept from its own natural development by the relationship with the open Yin place in the 4th place which gives it a different path to follow.

In any specific situation or oracle, translation or other stuff brought to that fundamental structure, will give extra coloring and content to draw upon.

An oracle of hex 26.1.4 >> 50 is thus about the effect of this co-operative restraint or development which tends to the hexagram which has the same other four lines, and maintains the correspondence of lines 1 and four, the lower one being now Yin and the upper one now Yang. The overall hexagram 26 of restraint of development in general becomes the ultimate expression of sophisticated development in terms of the ceremonial Ting. The gentle restraint of the child who will grow up to produce a proper adult.
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Apr 8, 1970
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The overall hexagram 26 of restraint of development in general becomes the ultimate expression of sophisticated development in terms of the ceremonial Ting.
I like that - nice summary of the relationship between the two.

The lines of each trigram in a hexagram, upper and lower, correspond in terms of their similar line position. So the 1st line of the lower trigram corresponds to the 1st line of the upper trigram or line 1 corresponds to line 4.
As I understand it, you'd only say that two lines 'correspond' if - as with 26.1 and 4 - one is yin and one yang. So in 26 you could say that 1-4 and 2-5 correspond but 3-6 don't.

And then there are all the other rules of line theory... Tuck explains them nicely on his 'How to read the line' page, where he refers to what Wilhelm/Baynes call 'correspondence' as 'correlation'.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Also, the first line is the very beginning line and thus a young thing without great strength of its own. Young things in traditional China were restrained from growing up wild by simple restraints such as binding the feet of baby girls


But the feet of baby girls wouldn't have grown 'wild' they would just have grown into normal feet. Hardly a 'simple' restraint more like barbaric mutilation.
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Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Hilary,

I was limiting myself to just samgirl's original question-- i.e. not the entire theory of corresponding lines. line 1 and 4 are related since they are each the first line of their respective trigrams (lower and upper). In this hex 26 they are a corresponding couple since they are Yang and Yin, in other hexagrams the interpretation of lines 1 and 4 together may be the relationship of their being both of the same kind. I was trying to relate to the specific question without getting into the entire range of theoretical possibilities.

I was looking at these lines and hex. 50 as relating hexagram. As a neophyte on the I Ching I still don't understand why these lines relate to each other (line 1 and 4), and also wondering if this relation would be coloured by the "tones" of Hex. 50.


But the feet of baby girls wouldn't have grown 'wild' they would just have grown into normal feet. Hardly a 'simple' restraint more like barbaric mutilation.

Yes, we all know that such practices are no longer acceptable even in China. However, the Yi is from ancient China and understanding the metaphor used required accepting enough of the Tao or context to perceive the thinking involved. The ancient notion was that social order was best when females stayed inside the house and served the family (cf. hex 37 especially line 3) rather than taking off to meet boys and do wild things. Similar hobbling of little girls happens on the psychological level still in our society to keep them on the straight and narrow.

The method used to achieve that end was ugly but I was only referring to the metaphor to explain the specific oracle and what the headboard of a young bull might mean in more general consideration. The notion is that if you start when the situation or subject of your control is young you only have to interfere with its natural growth to achieve your purpose. The metaphor could have been that if you feed a captured young animal (of an appropriate species) it will grow up domesticated--but in ancient China wasting food on some animal might have brought as many difficult questions as the mention of foot binding caused from you.

Of course, how relevant any of this is to samgirl's actual oracle depends upon how she interprets the Yi answer in light of her question. The rest is just academic commentary in the abstract.



Apr 8, 1970
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I was limiting myself to just samgirl's original question-- i.e. not the entire theory of corresponding lines. line 1 and 4 are related since they are each the first line of their respective trigrams (lower and upper). In this hex 26 they are a corresponding couple since they are Yang and Yin, in other hexagrams the interpretation of lines 1 and 4 together may be the relationship of their being both of the same kind. I was trying to relate to the specific question without getting into the entire range of theoretical possibilities.
Yes - I didn't doubt you knew - I was only being persnickety about terminology.

On which subject... ;) When we talk about 'ancient China' we can mean many things. Foot binding, according to Wikipedia (warning - the article is graphic), likely began in or around the Tang dynasty, 937AD - a couple of thousand years more recent than the line we're discussing. And come to that, line theory is also not as old as Yi - didn't it begin with the Han?


Aug 31, 2007
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Yes - I didn't doubt you knew - I was only being persnickety about terminology.

That was clear, I even accept that you couldn't help yourself--I was mostly just pointing out the quibble about terminology was irrelevant to the thread and the discussion of the underlying structure of a Yi hexagrams which carries the meaning of personal oracles which is then butchered and hung up in the display window by academics.
On which subject... ;) When we talk about 'ancient China' we can mean many things. Foot binding, according to Wikipedia (warning - the article is graphic), likely began in or around the Tang dynasty, 937AD - a couple of thousand years more recent than the line we're discussing. And come to that, line theory is also not as old as Yi - didn't it begin with the Han?

Perhaps that is why the line in the Yi refers to the headboard of a young bull. However to explain the underlying process the more evocative later practice of foot binding came up. Another advantage of using underlying structure than the various layers of theory is there aren't any those quibbles to play gotcha with.

The two open Yin places at 4th and 5th place in the midst of the 4 Yang lines make for the meaning of hex 26 as restraining natural development process. If lines 1 and 4 are moving lines in an oracle this restraint is focused upon the early intervention at the first stage to channel development into the heart or soul image of proper development before it becomes more set in its own ways. Everything else as they say is just commentary.

Since samgirl is unlikely to have asked the Yi about ancient techniques of raising less dangerous bulls or about the arcane history of Yi terminology a focus upon the underlying process description in general is more likely to explain her oracle in terms that can be applied to her situation and further her understanding in her own terms of the elegant magic of Yi oracles. Better, in my perspective, to assist new understanding than sit upon the library tomes arguing footnote details continuing the medieval cloistered tradition.



Apr 8, 1970
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Hm, OK, this is a tricky one to respond to...

I think we're agreed that the meaning comes alive when there is a reading, that readings are what the oracle is for, and the rest is theory. Good interesting theory, worth studying, but theory.

If you look back at Samgirl's original post, you'll see that there actually isn't a reading here. If there were, I would be the first person to enquire as to what it was and start work on making connections. (It's what I do.) The topic of those two lines and their resulting hexagram just came up on a discussion thread, and she was interested in how the lines and the hexagram related. So where shall we look for help in elucidating the meanings and connections, and all the things these lines and hexagrams could mean if this were a reading?

Well, we have lots of choices. Tuck offered the concepts from the theory of line relationships that you've helped to elucidate. I offered an alternative approach, something less abstract, delving into the rich blend of imagery in and around each line. Different people will find each approach more evocative and easier to relate to, and hence more helpful in their own individual readings. We're lucky to work with an oracle that has the means of talking to so many different minds.

Now... what you seem to be saying - and I may have got the wrong end of the stick here - is that this set of rules about line relationships is the original source of meaning in the oracle, and all the rest is secondary to that, 'just commentary'. And that's not true. The Yi's an organic creation that melds line dynamics and imagery, and the idea that it could all be explained through a single set of abstract rules about correspondence, correctness etc is the product of a different time altogether.

Useful rules, helpful in readings? Absolutely. (So who cares when they were created?)
Always helpful? I don't find them so.
A replacement for the richness and depth of the whole? No, absolutely not.


Apr 8, 1970
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Afterthought: yes, if you like, it's a 'quibble' to point out that the authors of the hexagrams definitely couldn't have had foot-binding in mind. But it's important to say that 26.4 is not about the cruel and brutal distortion of natural growth, but about using skill and intelligence to cultivate potential through restraint, in a situation where brute strength wouldn't be effective. Very different.


Aug 31, 2007
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Afterthought: yes, if you like, it's a 'quibble' to point out that the authors of the hexagrams definitely couldn't have had foot-binding in mind. But it's important to say that 26.4 is not about the cruel and brutal distortion of natural growth, but about using skill and intelligence to cultivate potential through restraint, in a situation where brute strength wouldn't be effective. Very different.

NO! Hilary you're not hearing at all. The process described by the structure of the hexagram is not at about cruel or brutal rather about the ease of bending a young twig compared to trying to bend a large mature branch. Your references have to do with the pain of the bent twig or other growing thing involved, which is quite specifically EXCLUDED from the Yi image. It is all about using time and design from first stages rather than force ( brute or otherwise--note line 5). But one can only understand the relevant process involved by not getting hung up in personal reactions and historical commentary details.

Ultimately the point is whether assisting new understanding in new students in new ways is important or rather all that matters is binding their intellectual feet to maintain expected old ways as the only ways. I would agree with you that this is cruel and brutal application of verbal brute force, though whether it is called persnickety or quibbling or any other euphemism.

As to Original Intent in this thread, samgirl clarified after her post 1 with [in part]

Really interesting reading - how the context works on the interpretation. I'm starting to realize how important is to stay and ponder with one reading before going to the next.

Not a specific "Shared Reading" to simplify things, but a realization of the added depth involved in line interpretation. Structural analysis is a perpendicular dimension or depth addition to the two-dimensional study of verbal commentary and historical details. Rather than getting caught up in various centuries of differing remarks, the structure of the lines remains the same for each and all regardless of time or place.

The two can be used together to great effect. The reflex and tunnel vision assumption that only the academic book learning exists is quite silly for anyone who has access to greater diversity. Knowledge is Power and monopoly only works with control of alternatives. We each have our own perspective, we can share together on various specifics, but demands that certain views are the right or best because they have the largest shelf space in the library is a bit too parochial.



Apr 8, 1970
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This is really weird - 'reflex and tunnel vision assumption that only academic book learning exists', 'power and monopoly', etc etc... - I don't know who you're arguing with here, but it's not me.


Jun 23, 2008
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I think this discussion is very rich and full of tips from where to analyse a reading. I love Frank's synthesis as well... [QUOTE:] The overall hexagram 26 of restraint of development in general becomes the ultimate expression of sophisticated development in terms of the ceremonial Ting. The gentle restraint of the child who will grow up to produce a proper adult. [/QUOTE]

My question came from a real reading. My original question was about what I wanted in regards of a situation... if I wanted to do something. I can relate the bull taking it as internal force. Maybe the answer, even when it was not part of the question, is talking about sexual drives as well, sexual energy that is just awaking (line 1) and that is domesticated in line 4. Hex. 50 could talk about the transformation of this energy. well, I believe Frank's image that I quoted here is a beautiful expression of this that I am seeing.

I was reading different posts about lines and trigrams, and in some cases it is said that the lower trigram is taken as the current situation, the higher as the future. In other cases, the second line is taken as the main line when there are two lines involve, and and things change when there are too many lines.

I don't know if this is possible, but what I would like to achieve is to be able of a kind of "objective" reading for myself. Basically, I would like to avoid reading what I "would like" but reading what the Yi has to say. I know that for many of you this is piece of cake :) I sometimes struggle though. It's not that I see everything pink on the Yi answers but rather the contrary, I see black, because somehow I have an inherent pessimism in personal causes... oh well...


Aug 31, 2007
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Hi Samgirl,
I am glad my structural analysis was personally useful to you. That is one of the most impressive results of this objective approach to the lines in the hexagram places--it is all a description of symbolic process rather than specific words to quibble about. From what you describe, words tend to excite associations in your mind that you use to revisit old tapes in your mind. Does the Yi have any words necessary to any oracle? I would say NO! it answers in pure symbolic terms.

The words have been added and commented upon to make it easier for folks to get practical answers without dealing with the abstract realities of symbolism. All the commentary is based upon the expected oracle questions being considered and the perspective of the folks generally expected to be asking. Traditionally, the Yi was used by government bureaucrats asking how do they keep from getting blamed if something went wrong. My website (in my signature) goes on and on at great length on my theories, perspective and interpretation of the hexagrams and the King Wen Sequence if you need some different perspective material when you find your oracles keeping you from getting to sleep.



Apr 8, 1970
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No words necessary? Well, I suggest we simply agree to differ.

Samgirl - you actually asked if you want to do something? Getting the oracle to talk about your own motives? Very interesting idea for a question... maybe the answer is something like 'yes, but under control, gradually, and really cherishing its potential'? (At a guess, since I'm not clear on the question... and also have to go out in 5 minutes...)

About the idea of an 'objective' reading - the difficulty with that is that the real answers in divination arise somewhere in your response to the words on the page. (And the lines on the page ;) .) You feel things 'click' and fall into place - or you howl with laughter or burst into tears or jump up and shout at the book, however the recognition takes you...! - and this is how you know you have your answer.

Have to run... I'll try to come back this afternoon...


Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
No words necessary? Well, I suggest we simply agree to differ.

Samgirl - you actually asked if you want to do something? Getting the oracle to talk about your own motives? Very interesting idea for a question... maybe the answer is something like 'yes, but under control, gradually, and really cherishing its potential'? (At a guess, since I'm not clear on the question... and also have to go out in 5 minutes...)

About the idea of an 'objective' reading - the difficulty with that is that the real answers in divination arise somewhere in your response to the words on the page. (And the lines on the page ;) .) You feel things 'click' and fall into place - or you howl with laughter or burst into tears or jump up and shout at the book, however the recognition takes you...! - and this is how you know you have your answer.

Have to run... I'll try to come back this afternoon...

Thank you, Hilary. I believe I am starting to experiment all that you are describing. And when I see different points of view at the same time I can see how they relate and form a bigger spectrum of what is discussed. I am learning so much here. I tend to ask a lot about my own motives because I found that, in many occasions, I believe I want something for X reason, and then I find that deep inside me the reason was not X but Y... For example, I feel I want to be with someone I know because I love them. But I know that "love" does not have to do with "need" - at least on my own understanding of what love is- but I am not sure about what is triggering this need. This is when I ask stuff like: "why do I want this" or "what do I really want in this situation". I find it like a sort of meditation, self-discovery, removing layers of my own mind. Maybe the questions are not the best ones as well, but perhaps it is my confused state reflecting in them. Even when I am not very fond of astrology, someone made my chart lately and they told me that it was my Sun-Neptune conjunction what makes me see everything blurred sometimes. Who knows... perhaps it's true and my nebulous mind is all over the place here. :) This is what I mean for objective reading... it's more for myself, so I can see clearly, or feel clearly, what the Yi is telling me. As I said in another comment, I tend to look for the "bad news" on the Yi responses, and when I receive only undoubted good news I keep asking and asking about the same object until I get something that sounds as expected... Isn't is crazy? So what I am trying to find is a way of bypassing my own traps! Wow... when I am writing this I find it ridiculous, it's basically plain self-sabotage. This is the reason of my questions about my motives... I never know when I am lying to myself just to keep me down. :brickwall:


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Samgirl,

Neptune is horribly active these days for all of us which is generally difficult. Hurricane Ike and the current financial crisis are also Neptune expressions.

Sun conjunct Neptune places your Individual Quest with your Mysterious Attachments--what you must obey when they impose upon you while they just slip through your fingers if you try to pin them down--like the sea which commands all as a hurricane but is just lapping waves when you go into it other times.
The exact details of your conjunction describes how to best deal with this for you and and of your Saturn position helps explain the pain it causes you.

From a totally different angle,
when I am writing this I find it ridiculous, it's basically plain self-sabotage. This is the reason of my questions about my motives... I never know when I am lying to myself just to keep me down.

describes a family dynamics issue. No one automatically acts to keep themselves down. This is generally a response to some form or script or strong influence from important people in your life (usually a parent or two). Hopefully, they don't really mean to have you kept down, or at least not any more; however parental instructions whether accurately understood or misconstrued by us in our early years are powerful. Keeping you down doesn't really help anyone and ultimately is a mistake. Figuring it all out and making it different for you is its own challenge.

Oracle hex 26.1,4 >> 50 or Virgin Land expressing and exhausting its roots or grounding while filling in its heart or soul image approaching The Altar (Flux Tome oracle interpretation from structural analysis) involves cutting yourself free from your grounding in your background or grounding while you develop more fully your own image in your heart or soul toward finding your own independent adult process. Hex 50 represents the process (4 Yang lines of the six) being drawn back from simply moving forward (first place Yin) to develop within itself with the overall organization (line place 5) being open like the hub of a wheel. (Lao Tzu poem 11--what you have (or are) makes for profit, what you are open to makes for opportunity).



Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Samgirl,

Neptune is horribly active these days for all of us which is generally difficult. Hurricane Ike and the current financial crisis are also Neptune expressions.

Sun conjunct Neptune places your Individual Quest with your Mysterious Attachments--what you must obey when they impose upon you while they just slip through your fingers if you try to pin them down--like the sea which commands all as a hurricane but is just lapping waves when you go into it other times.
The exact details of your conjunction describes how to best deal with this for you and and of your Saturn position helps explain the pain it causes you.

Oh... certainly this is something I was not are of. It's interesting that I could describe internal situations as hurricanes and others as peaceful bays... I know that my conjunction is in Scorpio, in 4th house, and Saturn is in Taurus, in 9th house. How can I find how best to deal with this and where the pain is cause? I am very interested in finding this out!

From a totally different angle,

describes a family dynamics issue. No one automatically acts to keep themselves down. This is generally a response to some form or script or strong influence from important people in your life (usually a parent or two). Hopefully, they don't really mean to have you kept down, or at least not any more; however parental instructions whether accurately understood or misconstrued by us in our early years are powerful. Keeping you down doesn't really help anyone and ultimately is a mistake. Figuring it all out and making it different for you is its own challenge.

Yeah, I can see where this is coming from. I'm aware of this and can see improvements on my own dealings. Work in progress here.

Oracle hex 26.1,4 >> 50 or Virgin Land expressing and exhausting its roots or grounding while filling in its heart or soul image approaching The Altar (Flux Tome oracle interpretation from structural analysis) involves cutting yourself free from your grounding in your background or grounding while you develop more fully your own image in your heart or soul toward finding your own independent adult process. Hex 50 represents the process (4 Yang lines of the six) being drawn back from simply moving forward (first place Yin) to develop within itself with the overall organization (line place 5) being open like the hub of a wheel. (Lao Tzu poem 11--what you have (or are) makes for profit, what you are open to makes for opportunity).


Thank you for all this. It's really helpful!


Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Oh... certainly this is something I was not are of. It's interesting that I could describe internal situations as hurricanes and others as peaceful bays... I know that my conjunction is in Scorpio, in 4th house, and Saturn is in Taurus, in 9th house. How can I find how best to deal with this and where the pain is cause? I am very interested in finding this out!

Sun conjunct Neptune in Scorpio (sign of power and passion) in the 4th the house of one's private home and your father as the one who is responsible for securing the home.

Beyond that has to do with the details of planetary position, in terms of what degrees of the signs are involved, not so much what houses. But that is an entire different question of horoscope interpretation.



Apr 8, 1970
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I think the questions you're asking are brilliant, by the way. I recommend them from time to time, but it's rare to find someone who's as willing to ask 'what do I want from him?' as 'what does he want from me?'

26 and 50 as something you want... to respond in a very, very simple-minded way... something to nurture; potential that's worth caring for because it can grow into something sacred and powerful; controlled power, like something stored up in a battery, held within a safe space where it can be 'cooked' and transformed into something new.


Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
I think the questions you're asking are brilliant, by the way. I recommend them from time to time, but it's rare to find someone who's as willing to ask 'what do I want from him?' as 'what does he want from me?'

26 and 50 as something you want... to respond in a very, very simple-minded way... something to nurture; potential that's worth caring for because it can grow into something sacred and powerful; controlled power, like something stored up in a battery, held within a safe space where it can be 'cooked' and transformed into something new.

Thank you, Hilary! This is very helpful and clarifying. Thanks so much!

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