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Both points of view of this very old argument are interesting. The Christian world also continues to battle it out: predestination; the extreme of which predetermines your eternal destiny - vs. free choice; the extreme of which is the ‘name it and claim it’ bunch.
People appear to like things either black or white, as though they are two entirely different things, rather than two sides of the same thing.
Lately, I’ve been bored and stagnating. Has this been my destiny, my unalterable fate? Recently, I decided to do something about it, by asking the Universe for help. Being an air sign, I tend to trust only what falls from the sky. I can force things to change according to my plan, or I could ask that something falls into my lap from heaven. I trust the latter, but I also know that I must show good faith by doing something. So I started planting seeds, imagining what I’d like to see happen; and though nothing specific was formulated from my desires, I did ask for change to come which would shift my reality to a more emotionally lucrative and rewarding existence. Yesterday I received an email and call from a local studio, which I’ve not heard from in a long while. They asked if I’d help with some projects which they have booked. Not only does this perk up my emotional reality, but my financial reality, as well. They too appear to be related.
...But given the common environment and similar genetics we all share, I think it's also very limiting to believe that your reality has no influence on the reality of others.
Bruce. Are you available for marriage?
When we come here on earth we know that it can get rough. Life on earth is an adventure, there are plans but not everything is planned. You can have bad luck and then the only thing you can do is try to make the best of it.
But God is not to blame. We knew that life in a system like this can be a game of Russian roulette and yet we took the risk. Nobody forced us.
Still, there is a safety valve, we can always ask for help when things get out of hand. Help is always available.
The 'laws' of this system - or the 'rules' of this dangerous game that we chose to play - are such that it may not be possible to change the situation. It may be too late for that. But 'they' can help us to deal with it, guide us through the experience, perhaps soften it if it becomes unbearable. It's never too late for that.
Hmm, I think Topper is quite right about the 'new agy' version of YCYOR, but I wonder if he also read Seth. That's a tiny little bit more sophisticated.
He makes it quite clear, for example, that reality is also a collective creation. No solipsism there.
One of the problems with YCYOR is perhaps that it is often used as an article of (blind) faith or even a kind of mantra. I Create My Own Reality! Yes, maybe, but if you don't see HOW you actually do that, these are just empty words.
Personally I don't know what to make of YCYOR and it's not really my thing, but I've read Seth and I liked it a lot. My dreams are crowded with people that I don't know in everyday life, do I know them in parallel lives? Yes, probably, why not?
I really don't understand at all what you were trying to say in your response. What do Hitler and the President of the U.S. have to do with the idea that you create your own reality?
Thinking some more.......
I was asking myself why in the world I would want to have painful experiences. And when it came to me and I had to smile at myself because I’ve already answered my own question on countless occasions when faced with such experiences: to learn – about myself and others. One of my first posts here I mentioned Shadowlands by C.S. Lewis and that he sees pain as the sculptor’s tool making us into beautiful beings of compassion. For me that answers the question of why some people who have faced such hardship seem to shine and why some of those who seem to have everything they ask for can be so blasé.
Please excuse my public rambling but thanks again for making me think about it.
Does anyone here know?
Simply put, as I see it, YCYOR is half true. The other half is YARC - you are reality created.
Yup I think thats it in a nutshell, YCYOR is only half true. I'd come to that conclusion but thought it would be way too hard to say - and you did it in one Bruce :bows:
Good topic, Topal. Thanks.
Btw, Topal, just got home from the first of those sessions, I'd mentioned earlier. What a trip. Omg! is this world a magnificent and paradoxical place! Great little studio, really nice guys, and fundamental in their Christian theology. white dog just listened, while I put a little bump and grind guitar into the mix . The whole thing was just too funny, and quite lovely. Had fun, made a few bucks.
I share this with you because it seems pretty apparent, you've been going through some similar things as I have. So, don't give up on believing for good things to come, my friend. Put out the cup and pray for rain; maybe even do a rain dance. The gods are neither deaf nor impotent. :bows:
So, don't give up on believing for good things to come, my friend. Put out the cup and pray for rain; maybe even do a rain dance. The gods are neither deaf nor impotent. :bows:
I’m just finishing a degree where there were people of all ages in the class room. Some are re-training for a change in career, some are returning to education after having children and some just because now they have the opportunity where they didn’t 10 or 20 years ago. So believe me, you’re never too old – go for it! And on the flip-side, the wealth of knowledge that is brought into the class-room by such people is beneficial to all – most students that have gone to university straight from school have no life experience to relate the knowledge of their course to … and most lecturers have been stuck in a class-room for so long that sometimes they’ve forgotten what happens in the real world! It’s a learning experience for all!
Thanks Nicky-p,
The problem here is not what others say but the money. That's why I haven't tried to make an application. I have make a research on universities and I know that my age is not a problem. Actually I have started gathering the papers few months ago but I stop the procedure. Lately I thninging it again and again. I don't know what to do if they accept my aplication (where to find the money) but this is something I should think then. Maybe I win in the lottery!!! (just a joke). What is more important for me is to try.
Thanks Nicky-p,
The problem here is not what others say but the money. That's why I haven't tried to make an application. I have make a research on universities and I know that my age is not a problem. Actually I have started gathering the papers few months ago but I stop the procedure. Lately I thninging it again and again. I don't know what to do if they accept my aplication (where to find the money) but this is something I should think then. Maybe I win in the lottery!!! (just a joke). What is more important for me is to try.
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