...life can be translucent

Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality Part 2


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Jan 25, 2007
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But "so what?" we hear the die-hard "reality-creator" claim "don't we remain untouched by those 'co-existents' as long as we keep secure in the confidence of our own private deservedness, our own authoritative affirmations and specific commissions (self-directives) of positive thought-re-inforcement?"

Report To The Commissioner​

No. Man does not live by "commission" alone. This is why you do not create your own reality, but merely generate reality-hypotheses or scenarios which are continuously reflected and tested against the Whole; and the Whole, being inseparable from the Potential of your own innate-global Being. This is constituted by the explicit and implicit alike, by that which is produced through active or positive commission and that which results from the gaps, blind-spots and vacuums of interpretive omission. All the lines, potential and actual, exist within one's being and are inevitably calculated into the total account. This is what it means when we say there's a context in which all our desire-formulation and "decreeing" takes place.

[In other words, our thoughts are sent out to be “tested” against the rich Creative “frequencies” of the Universe – which includes the inevitable gaps in awareness that make up those reflections. Human perception cannot possibly compete with the Universe AS IS. There is a context and it is this context – the sum total of our awareness that we send out as expressed through our desire – in competition with what we think we know over and above the Universe. This very assumption has implications in itself.]

This is a Deity-centered reality, not an ego-centered reality. Only the totality of the soul-nature is in touch with the Totality of Spirit-being. Anything else necessarily involves a partial perspective, a conceptual, self-estimation producing inevitable blindspots, negative gaps in our awareness as well as "positive" outlines to be filled in by experience. What you have selectively omitted from "your reality", is manifested as well! Gaps in thinking and experience which develop one "side" at the expense of the other, or which temporarily prevent a latent potential of certain centers or combinations of centers * from being realized, do not simply "pass by" as a domain of non-experience. They aren't just quietly tucked away as surplus "potential" with which you're not obliged to have any relation.

* [emotional, intellectual, physical centres of gravity]

On the contrary, such gaps show up; they manifest in the unstoppable/inexplicable erosion of all those things you've materialized as expression of "personal preference". They appear as unanticipated, unexpected or unwanted circumstances which nonetheless bear a negative-identity to the self-selected "positive profile".

[Hence the reason subjective, wishful thinking and singular desire for the Universe to “give you all you want” and to send “love and light to all” may actually increase the chaos in one’s life long-term and increase, in some cases, the negativity that already exists]

The Total potential of the mind-body pattern has what might be called a “deep zero value.” This allows for a "random catalyst" which is a variable that simply cannot be taken into account by the "you create your own reality" proponents.

Most products of omission have very identifiable correspondence to the personality-structure in question. They are drawn into the field of that personality as inevitably as the "positive" products of commission (like the mugging received by the "developer", along with his projected profits). We can of course say the "victim" still deserves his fate or has drawn his fate to himself by a quality of callousness embedded in his characteristic thought-patterns; and occasionally this interpretation may touch on some real factor involved in the negative effect. But neither the simple presence of some attitude toward elements of negativity, nor explanations of residual "karma" (or anything of the kind) may adequately account for all cases in the same category.

It is just simply not true that every rape victim somehow "invited" the experience as a personal form of "commission." The fact of each Soul being a global microcosm of Total potential, automatically means that a certain amount of experience is going to be the resultant "invitation" of sheer aggravated emptiness on the balance-sheet of the self-compensating soul- record.

Note: aggravated emptiness. This is a magnified deficiency with respect to certain outstanding principles involved in the event; it is a smooth break in the soul-record with respect to a whole class of potential, the increasing neglect of which progressively builds a magnetic charge. This places great stress upon the Whole requiring precipitous compensation. (Note again: in a world where you "create your own reality," this potential area of being needn't be taken into account as everything is strictly a reflection of personal commission i.e. what's explicitly thought, actively desired, consciously believed etc.)

[In other words, energy has been allowed to be drained away towards the negative until a more gentle “balancing of the books” is no longer possible. A dramatic “charge” is needed to correct things and this serves as a “compensation and rectification of the soul path through it’s personality tool. In YCYOR if everything is about personal needs and desires which can often be subtlely denied inside ourselves then this negative deficit is allowed to increase]

Since such general deficiency with respect to a given area of being produces a massive potential for precipitating "experience" involving just those gapped elements (therefore usually a jarring experience), we may indeed be justified in concluding that such doctrines as "you create your own reality" serve unwittingly to irritate the probability of a "disruptive" or "nasty" experience taking place. Experiences "foreign" and out-of-left-field in nature do manifestly characterize the things that sometimes befall us; they can't just be "owned" by arbitrarily identifying some active or positive thought-structure which through spurious interpretation and vague parallelism ("Oh yes, I must have gotten that dysentery because of my dislike for Mexican architecture!").

It is, then, the standard of the Whole which weighs the balance of thought and Rules on the quality of experience. As long as one is taking an interpretive perspective on that whole which isn't directly aligned with It, the resultant reflection of one's personal self- estimates in the form of experience will resemble a maze of fractionated mirrors, first one side and then the other of one's total Presence being represented in the medium first the overt and then the hidden phase of the overall figure being shown to view.

The converse implication of this of course, is that only in alignment and integral agreement with the Whole-value of Being may Reality be accurately manifested through the medium of "personal expression" for then there is no discrepancy between "personal" and Universal, the perspectival "part" and the indeterminate Whole. It is under this condition that the "impossible" can be manifested (i.e. that which is self-evidently beyond the power of anyone to "personally" manipulate or control).


One last word: contrary to unwarranted popular opinion, such initiated alignment with the Will of Absolute Spirit-being does not result in "working one's will unopposed". On the contrary, the very presence of the Awakened Truth in the form of the Spiritual adept has always generated immediate opposition; it has always "awakened" a corresponding reaction from the collective ego's self-protective slumber. This fact does not belie the Whole-being efficacy of that "will" which is so aligned with the Totality. It simply means that such opposition itself, having become part of the manifesting pattern, incorporates the living breathing example of the “teaching” in whatever form it is expresses through that "confrontation".

Initiated alignment of will with the Creative Whole doesn't guarantee "smooth personal circumstances"; on the contrary, look at the story of every adept, examine the events surrounding the “Masters” known to history. Rather it ensures that such events will possess the character of an authentic teaching-demonstration, to all who have the Soul to see. It ensures the Will of the Whole is always done, regardless the partiality and prejudice by which that Whole may be perceived in any given case.




Jun 13, 1971
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Why You Create Your Own Reality

Hmm, Topper's argument isn't very convincing to me. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of the mind to effect change on a grand scale... BUT I believe this is mainly in the area of our perceptions of reality. This is not to minimize the power of the mind in any way. Our perceptions of reality are very, very important to our understanding of the nature of the universe. In fact, lacking other channels of awareness, our perceptions are the ONLY form of reality that we can know.

As one simple example of how our mind can influence reality, imagine you're on the highway, going to work in heavy traffic. You can deal with this event in different ways... you could be angry and frustrated and in a generally shitty mood, or you could turn on the car radio, crank up the A/C and relax. How you deal with it is completely up to you, but one way leads to more anger and frustration and the other way leads to relaxation and acceptance. And if you are feeling good and enjoying life with all it's twists and turns, then you will most likely draw people to you who have a normal, healthy attitude towards life. And If you're a bitter, angry person, then your perception of reality is that it's a bitter, cruel world.

But how does the bitter, angry, negative person's reality jibe with the reality of the sweet, happy, positive person, both of whom see a different reality? Simply put, there are as many individual realities as there are lifeforms. But given the common environment and similar genetics we all share, I think it's also very limiting to believe that your reality has no influence on the reality of others. I also understand that there is an underlying reality that is more fundamental than the limited-perception reality we hold on to so stubbornly. And that THAT reality is fundamentally the same as our bitter, cruel, lovely, sweet reality... and that it's perfectly complete, as is. So there's no need to try to change it, even if you could.


Both points of view of this very old argument are interesting. The Christian world also continues to battle it out: predestination; the extreme of which predetermines your eternal destiny - vs. free choice; the extreme of which is the ‘name it and claim it’ bunch.

People appear to like things either black or white, as though they are two entirely different things, rather than two sides of the same thing.

Lately, I’ve been bored and stagnating. Has this been my destiny, my unalterable fate? Recently, I decided to do something about it, by asking the Universe for help. Being an air sign, I tend to trust only what falls from the sky. I can force things to change according to my plan, or I could ask that something falls into my lap from heaven. I trust the latter, but I also know that I must show good faith by doing something. So I started planting seeds, imagining what I’d like to see happen; and though nothing specific was formulated from my desires, I did ask for change to come which would shift my reality to a more emotionally lucrative and rewarding existence. Yesterday I received an email and call from a local studio, which I’ve not heard from in a long while. They asked if I’d help with some projects which they have booked. Not only does this perk up my emotional reality, but my financial reality, as well. They too appear to be related.

Only one example, I realize, but it’s an example which has played itself out in my life, over and over again.

Someone recently asked me if the Seal of 57 was something they could change according to their desire, or if it was something they were simply stuck with and had to make the best of. I had nothing profound to tell them, nor was it something they didn’t already know, somewhere. “Who creates your seal? “God” does, initially, but it's up to you to do something with that seal, including changing some things in you which you have the ability to change for the better, or at least more to your liking.”


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Both points of view of this very old argument are interesting. The Christian world also continues to battle it out: predestination; the extreme of which predetermines your eternal destiny - vs. free choice; the extreme of which is the ‘name it and claim it’ bunch.

People appear to like things either black or white, as though they are two entirely different things, rather than two sides of the same thing.

Lately, I’ve been bored and stagnating. Has this been my destiny, my unalterable fate? Recently, I decided to do something about it, by asking the Universe for help. Being an air sign, I tend to trust only what falls from the sky. I can force things to change according to my plan, or I could ask that something falls into my lap from heaven. I trust the latter, but I also know that I must show good faith by doing something. So I started planting seeds, imagining what I’d like to see happen; and though nothing specific was formulated from my desires, I did ask for change to come which would shift my reality to a more emotionally lucrative and rewarding existence. Yesterday I received an email and call from a local studio, which I’ve not heard from in a long while. They asked if I’d help with some projects which they have booked. Not only does this perk up my emotional reality, but my financial reality, as well. They too appear to be related.

Bruce. Are you available for marriage?

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Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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...But given the common environment and similar genetics we all share, I think it's also very limiting to believe that your reality has no influence on the reality of others.

From this statement it seems you haven't understood what the article was saying - or I've misunderstood you. The rest of your post seems to be repeating the consensus and what is believed but not addressing what the article was about. Again, I could be missing something.

The power of the mind can work through our perceptions. We cannot give birth to any power unless we have a clear intent as to what the power of thought is being sent out to accomplish. The Power of the Mind is also part of the overall MIND and as such, is a by-product and representation of a chosen stream of manifestation. Perhaps through us, the Universal MIND comes to know itself. That seems to be to be the Key point.

So, the power of the mind and our ability to influence reality is not what Topper and others are arguing against. He is not saying that no change is possible - just want kind of change we want. It's not even about our notions of "power" or the many layered realities but HOW we allow reality to work through us.

Look around the world there's plenty of change, but of what kind? And why? Why did perhaps a billion or so people praying against two world wars taking place end up with over 65 million dead as God's answer? Are we missing something here? Did millions upon millions in the pivitol countries such as Germany and Britain WANT to believe the reality of good vs evil? Did they choose to believe the propaganda that was fed to them? Did the German people WANT to believe in the reality of Hitler as God and for whom they could live a better life and salvation through him? Yes.

And look at the results through our subjective wishes and desires. It is these particular kinds of desires which can be channelled effectively towards a reality that is so often being brokered by whoever is in the driving seat, be it our own "predator" our next door neighbour or the President of the United States. Thus is behooves to understand how these dynamics play out and who seeks to benefit from such a persistent twist of perceptions and beliefs. Certainly not most of humanity.

Topper reminds us that there is a CONTEXT. Context is everything. And this context is dependent on awareness of one's own state and actions which can or cannot furnish what is required to allow an alignment to what is authentic; receptivity to the Universe or to allow Creativity into your receptivity. We "raise" our signal towards the Universe rather than increasing our needs and selfish wants which are inevitably counter to that Universal expansion. Sure, we are here because by nature we are selfishness embodied. But we are here to learn how not to be. We hitch a ride with the Creator the Creator doesn't hitch a ride with us. Therefore we change ourselves and adapt to the Creator rather than seeking to force the Creator into our wants and needs and desires. We seek to create the conditions by which we can create that reality without imposition.

We plant seeds as Bruce mentions and we take action to that end dependent on the context i.e. what we SEE about ourselves and thus who we are. We define ourselves by our actions which are taken through our own efforts, our own willingness to seek out objective truth of the situation; by our own will and with some non-pleading, non-anticipatory prayer thrown in is how I see it. We repeat the lessons until we "get it"and we learn thereby. Then we are in a better place to know how we can help the Creative Universe or conversely the Entropic one.

Depends who you are and what you see. It depends on context...Clusters of context. That context is missing in our present perceptions of reality and the world is showing us those huge gaps in awareness. The New Age promotes YCYOR without the caveats of what it means when you seek to create that reality as a mirror of yourself: you send out an imprint of your desires - ALL of you - warts and all. Sure, you'll get a response all right - along with everything that you are denying within yourself but serving as lessons for greater awareness should we wish to see them. The Cosmic joker or what?!

"It is, then, the standard of the Whole which weighs the balance of thought and Rules on the quality of experience."


"The converse implication of this of course, is that only in alignment and integral agreement with the Whole-value of Being may Reality be accurately manifested through the medium of "personal expression" for then there is no discrepancy between "personal" and Universal, the perspectival "part" and the indeterminate Whole. It is under this condition that the "impossible" can be manifested (i.e. that which is self-evidently beyond the power of anyone to "personally" manipulate or control)."

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Oct 2, 1971
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Hmm, I think Topper is quite right about the 'new agey' version of YCYOR, but I wonder if he also read Seth. That's a tiny little bit more sophisticated. :)
He makes it quite clear, for example, that reality is also a collective creation. No solipsism there.

One of the problems with YCYOR is perhaps that it is often used as an article of (blind) faith or even a kind of mantra. I Create My Own Reality! Yes, maybe, but if you don't see HOW you actually do that, these are just empty words.

Personally I don't know what to make of YCYOR and it's not really my thing, but I've read Seth and I liked it a lot. My dreams are crowded with people that I don't know in everyday life, do I know them in parallel lives? Yes, probably, why not? :)
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Oct 2, 1971
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When we come here on earth we know that it can get rough. Life on earth is an adventure, there are plans but not everything is planned. You can have bad luck and then the only thing you can do is try to make the best of it.
But God is not to blame. We knew that life in a system like this can be a game of Russian roulette and yet we took the risk. Nobody forced us.

Still, there is a safety valve, we can always ask for help when things get out of hand. Help is always available.
The 'laws' of this system - or the 'rules' of this dangerous game that we chose to play - are such that it may not be possible to change the situation. It may be too late for that. But 'they' can help us to deal with it, guide us through the experience, perhaps soften it if it becomes unbearable. It's never too late for that.


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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When we come here on earth we know that it can get rough. Life on earth is an adventure, there are plans but not everything is planned. You can have bad luck and then the only thing you can do is try to make the best of it.
But God is not to blame. We knew that life in a system like this can be a game of Russian roulette and yet we took the risk. Nobody forced us.

Still, there is a safety valve, we can always ask for help when things get out of hand. Help is always available.
The 'laws' of this system - or the 'rules' of this dangerous game that we chose to play - are such that it may not be possible to change the situation. It may be too late for that. But 'they' can help us to deal with it, guide us through the experience, perhaps soften it if it becomes unbearable. It's never too late for that.

I was forced, i swear I didn't want to come, i never saw this place as an 'adventure', someone pushed me :mischief: I'll get even with them when I'm back on 'the other side' lol


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Hmm, I think Topper is quite right about the 'new agy' version of YCYOR, but I wonder if he also read Seth. That's a tiny little bit more sophisticated. :)
He makes it quite clear, for example, that reality is also a collective creation. No solipsism there.

One of the problems with YCYOR is perhaps that it is often used as an article of (blind) faith or even a kind of mantra. I Create My Own Reality! Yes, maybe, but if you don't see HOW you actually do that, these are just empty words.

Personally I don't know what to make of YCYOR and it's not really my thing, but I've read Seth and I liked it a lot. My dreams are crowded with people that I don't know in everyday life, do I know them in parallel lives? Yes, probably, why not? :)

Nice thoughts Martin.

I agree with you about Seth - some great stuff coming through on that one. Jane Roberts was also highly skeptical too which really helped the quality and subjective leakage so to say.

I think Seth was actually a collective or a small group and the material served as a kind of primer for other communications, the quality of which is very VERY difficult to find. The Law of One by Ra is good as is Bringers of the Dawn (the other books are corrupted imo) and the Cassiopaea Experiment which is phenomenal stuff - not much else. Those folks built on the Seth material and extended it into the stratosphere, imo.

Anyhow, channelling is largely to be avoided in my view as I think you can literally name a handful of transmissions which are worth a look and the rest is pretty much corrupted. But then you have to know what to look for. A lot of channelling is big on YCYOR that's for certain.

I think Topper is aware of Seth and just about anything you'd care to mention it would seem. I'm not sure he'd see Seth as "sophisticated" rather a b c. for the likes of him.:D Anyway, enough of this channelling business...

Seeing as I have little work at the moment (how can you guess?) I thought I'd follow up this exploration with some IC input. I asked which hex best represented the REAL DEAL behind YCYOR minus the twists:

17 unchanging.

Seems like a perfect response. All the ingredients are there. With 17 as far as I understand it, we must first learn to serve and adapt to circumstances before we can lead. Profound implications in this hex.

As Karcher says:

"Through Following your accumulated power and virtue connects with the flow of events in such a way that the spirit moves into the world through you." The earliest images of this come from the mysterious identity between hunter and prey reflected in the relation between celebrant and sacrificial victim. Through Following avery basic and much prized quality, you are in direct touch with the flow of the Way. You insert yourself into the Universal flow of events, the river of time and are thus able to conform effectively and spontaneously to the unfolding of the moment.(shi).

[i.e. Living in the Present without ANTICIPATION. Believing in the New Age YCYOR angle you become a victim and the prey of those using such a twist against you. The hunter and the prey - which are you? We can become neither.]

...You are drawn into an ancestral line and the power of its unfolding. The root of the word shows a hill or grave mound and great abundance, growing riches and a spreading multitude. It suggests excepting the spirit's influence gladly, letting yourself be moved and drawn, being connected to the Way, one foot in the world of light, one foot in the darkness. This term also refers to Following a Way, or school of thought, tradition or spiritual practice and the paradoxical freedom that occurs when you submit to that discipline.

There's also stuff about letting the old go so that the new can arrive, being helped by the spirits but you gotta DO the work and nurture those seeds. "let yourself be led you can realise hidden potential. The POTENTIA. Deep inside.

Again, Wihelm says the same thing - "positive thinking" yes. Joy - yes. But allowing yourself to drawn instead enforcing your will using it to persevere in trusting the Universe without recourse to centre your-Self as the primary abitor of your reality:

"In order to obtain a following one must first know how to adapt oneself. If a
man would rule he must first learn to serve, for only in this way does he
secure from those below him the joyous assent that is necessary if they are to
follow him. If he has to obtain a following by force or cunning, by conspiracy
or by creating faction, he invariably arouses resistance, which obstructs
willing adherence. But even joyous movement can lead to evil
consequences, hence the added stipulation, "Perseverance furthers" --that is,
consistency in doing right-- together with "No blame."
Just as we should not
ask others to follow us unless this condition is fulfilled, so it is only under
this condition that we can in turn follow others without coming to harm.
The thought of obtaining a following through adaptation to the demands of
the time is a great and significant idea; this is why the appended judgment is
so favorable."

[...] "No situation can become favorable until one is able to adapt to it and does not wear himself out with mistaken resistance."

So....Let go of fantasy, retain objectivity, faith and positivity that the Universe is with you as a natural process. Adapt - DO THE WORK SEEK the WAY and live joyously despite it. Have the discipline to trust and Let go. Live in the present. And events, material things, people will Follow without the need for the mantra of desire but because they fall into the slipstream of your own innate abundance that you allow to accumulate within. Then the Universe is allowed to respond, as it always does, to "signals" that are in alignment rather than an insistent dissonance.

That's one possibility anyway. Hmm I might even try it. :p



Jun 13, 1971
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I really don't understand at all what you were trying to say in your response. What do Hitler and the President of the U.S. have to do with the idea that you create your own reality? :confused:


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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I really don't understand at all what you were trying to say in your response. What do Hitler and the President of the U.S. have to do with the idea that you create your own reality? :confused:

Everything! Ah well, another time Jack. I think you can get the answer if you re-read everything. If you want to, that is. I realise I can go on a bit...:D

Night night,



Aug 18, 2006
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My maternal great grandmother taught me one thing, "surrender". Give up all hope or wish to control outcomes for any important situation, especially if it involves other people.Instead, become a neutral force on the outcome. Move to the centre of any dispute or opportunity and be still. By finding the central or neutral position we can see the whole vista of ways to 'perceive reality'. Good, bad, ugly.
By choosing to control these situation through willpower, (or co creation) we can make huge leaps in understanding and often make big mistakes. Thats life, thats the game.
Time is the master of the game, the gaurdian at the gate, and the great revealer of the 'secret to bliss'. Time allows us to live with the consequences of our 'perceptions' and actions, but like a toddler in a play pen, we cant go too far.
Outside of time, when one has passed the guardian, we can safely enter the world of co creation. Problem is,

How many of us feel responsible enough to live with the consequences of instant manifestation of the will? (not me).

So, as we play in time, practicing to be co creators, the new agey 'I am the creator of my own reality mantra' is not unlike a nice peppy thing to say and feel for a moment,
makes you feel good, a bit like saying 'hey, Im alive', but its not bliss.

Bliss is found in that boring 'neutrality'. Like a drug, neutrality brings on bliss,
let the outcome pass to a greater will than mine.
David l.


Jan 14, 1971
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I find these arguments very interesting – not least because they make me ask myself what I think by relating their arguments and proposals to my experience and my perception of the experiences of those around me. I do wonder why there seem to be people in this world who, lovely as they are, attract all manner of bad luck and conversely there are people who are spiteful and bitter that seem to attract the best. Doesn’t this fly in the face of such YCYOR theories? Don’t get me wrong – I’m very much in favour of positive thinking and I can ‘see’ how this yields positive results but Topper’s first points in the article: that every war or rape victim must have subconsciously wanted to draw this upon themselves, has stuck in my throat since watching The Secret. It leaves me unable to whitewash the world with this easy-fix formula that IMO absolves people of any collective responsibility. I think it’s also very dangerous to tell these people that the awful things that have happened to them are fundamentally their fault because of the vibrations their thoughts give off. There is a lot of guilt involved with being a victim of any crime: If only I’d walked down a different side of the road, if only I hadn’t worn that outfit, if only I’d left the country when I had the opportunity etc. Etc, and these YCYOR theories can compound that. Thanks for the counter argument Topal.



Jan 14, 1971
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Thinking some more....... :D

I was asking myself why in the world I would want to have painful experiences. And when it came to me and I had to smile at myself because I’ve already answered my own question on countless occasions when faced with such experiences: to learn – about myself and others. One of my first posts here I mentioned Shadowlands by C.S. Lewis and that he sees pain as the sculptor’s tool making us into beautiful beings of compassion. For me that answers the question of why some people who have faced such hardship seem to shine and why some of those who seem to have everything they ask for can be so blasé.

Please excuse my public rambling but thanks again for making me think about it.


Jun 13, 1971
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Thinking some more....... :D

I was asking myself why in the world I would want to have painful experiences. And when it came to me and I had to smile at myself because I’ve already answered my own question on countless occasions when faced with such experiences: to learn – about myself and others. One of my first posts here I mentioned Shadowlands by C.S. Lewis and that he sees pain as the sculptor’s tool making us into beautiful beings of compassion. For me that answers the question of why some people who have faced such hardship seem to shine and why some of those who seem to have everything they ask for can be so blasé.

Please excuse my public rambling but thanks again for making me think about it.

If I hadn't experienced all the pain and suffering I've experienced in my life, I wouldn't have learned as much as I have. I believe that I DID ask for it, and I have no problem at all with saying that. I know that I'm a better person now for having gone through the **** I've gone through. Suffering is good. Suffering is helpful. I thank God and the Universe for suffering and hardship. It made me what I am today. There can be no 30 without 29, no brightness without the dark pits.

Just to complete my thoughts, true compassion for the suffering of others would be impossible without having experienced it first-hand. How can you feel compassion for someone in pain if you've never felt pain yourself? How can you commiserate with someone who has been dumped by someone they loved, if you haven't experienced it yourself? How can you feel for those who don't have enough to eat if you haven't ever been truly hungry? How can you feel empathy for the poor if you haven't been poor yourself?
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Deepak Chopra, a man I have great admiration for, was recently interviewed on TV, and was asked, why do good people suffer? He said, I don’t know the answer; it is a mystery of karma. Doesn’t sound like the kind of answer which would come from a master, but I admired his candor. Does anyone here know?



Simply put, as I see it, YCYOR is half true. The other half is YARC - you are reality created.


Oct 2, 1971
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Does anyone here know?

People are different, I can not speak for others. But I can speak for myself.

So, why does this good :D man suffer?

I know why, I also know that I asked for it sometimes. Not for suffering per se, but for a breakthrough. For acceleration of 'the process'.
And acceleration is often possible but it usually hurts. :eek:


Clarity Supporter
May 29, 2006
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Simply put, as I see it, YCYOR is half true. The other half is YARC - you are reality created.

Yup I think thats it in a nutshell, YCYOR is only half true. I'd come to that conclusion but thought it would be way too hard to say - and you did it in one Bruce :bows:


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Yup I think thats it in a nutshell, YCYOR is only half true. I'd come to that conclusion but thought it would be way too hard to say - and you did it in one Bruce :bows:

It's his white fang - catches the desert sunlight....:cool: ;)

Really enjoyed the responses in this thread.



Good topic, Topal. Thanks.

Btw, Topal, just got home from the first of those sessions, I'd mentioned earlier. What a trip. Omg! is this world a magnificent and paradoxical place! Great little studio, really nice guys, and fundamental in their Christian theology. white dog just listened, while I put a little bump and grind guitar into the mix :mischief:. The whole thing was just too funny, and quite lovely. Had fun, made a few bucks.

I share this with you because it seems pretty apparent, you've been going through some similar things as I have. So, don't give up on believing for good things to come, my friend. Put out the cup and pray for rain; maybe even do a rain dance. The gods are neither deaf nor impotent. :bows:


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Good topic, Topal. Thanks.

Btw, Topal, just got home from the first of those sessions, I'd mentioned earlier. What a trip. Omg! is this world a magnificent and paradoxical place! Great little studio, really nice guys, and fundamental in their Christian theology. white dog just listened, while I put a little bump and grind guitar into the mix :mischief:. The whole thing was just too funny, and quite lovely. Had fun, made a few bucks.

I share this with you because it seems pretty apparent, you've been going through some similar things as I have. So, don't give up on believing for good things to come, my friend. Put out the cup and pray for rain; maybe even do a rain dance. The gods are neither deaf nor impotent. :bows:

:D Sounds like a laugh. Music - there's nourishment for you...

Yeah the well is a bit dry that's for sure. Gotta just keep on keeping on eh? So, just going outside to do a rain dance with cup in hand...:)



So, don't give up on believing for good things to come, my friend. Put out the cup and pray for rain; maybe even do a rain dance. The gods are neither deaf nor impotent. :bows:

Sounds good news about your job. Happy for you. :)

I don't know about topal, but I will go out and do a rain dance. Or start gathering all the documents needed for my MBA degree application. ! It's crazy, it's not a good investement because I am too old for this, I don't have the money, I should think about finding a husband and make a family (my mothers words) etc. but if there is a chance to celebrate my 40th birthday as a stundent I'll never know unless I try it.


Jan 14, 1971
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I’m just finishing a degree where there were people of all ages in the class room. Some are re-training for a change in career, some are returning to education after having children and some just because now they have the opportunity where they didn’t 10 or 20 years ago. So believe me, you’re never too old – go for it! And on the flip-side, the wealth of knowledge that is brought into the class-room by such people is beneficial to all – most students that have gone to university straight from school have no life experience to relate the knowledge of their course to … and most lecturers have been stuck in a class-room for so long that sometimes they’ve forgotten what happens in the real world! It’s a learning experience for all! :D


I’m just finishing a degree where there were people of all ages in the class room. Some are re-training for a change in career, some are returning to education after having children and some just because now they have the opportunity where they didn’t 10 or 20 years ago. So believe me, you’re never too old – go for it! And on the flip-side, the wealth of knowledge that is brought into the class-room by such people is beneficial to all – most students that have gone to university straight from school have no life experience to relate the knowledge of their course to … and most lecturers have been stuck in a class-room for so long that sometimes they’ve forgotten what happens in the real world! It’s a learning experience for all! :D

Thanks Nicky-p,

The problem here is not what others say but the money. That's why I haven't tried to make an application. I have make a research on universities and I know that my age is not a problem. Actually I have started gathering the papers few months ago but I stop the procedure. Lately I thninging it again and again. I don't know what to do if they accept my aplication (where to find the money) but this is something I should think then. Maybe I win in the lottery!!! :) (just a joke). What is more important for me is to try.


Thanks Nicky-p,

The problem here is not what others say but the money. That's why I haven't tried to make an application. I have make a research on universities and I know that my age is not a problem. Actually I have started gathering the papers few months ago but I stop the procedure. Lately I thninging it again and again. I don't know what to do if they accept my aplication (where to find the money) but this is something I should think then. Maybe I win in the lottery!!! :) (just a joke). What is more important for me is to try.

This is what this thread is about in practical terms. You make no claims, but you plant seeds according to what your inner voice tells you. I don't mean the critic's voice, the other one. :mischief:

Worse case? You get accepted and can't afford to go. At least you know you were accepted. That accounts for something.

But I believe that when we move in a direction, such as you're doing, the Universe moves with you in the same direction. A good prayer that I've found is: Make a way where there seems to be no way. A way always opens. It may not be the exact way which we pictured, but it always leads to something expanding in a good way. Trials come with that, of course; no way to avoid that, but that's how we grow.


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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Thanks Nicky-p,

The problem here is not what others say but the money. That's why I haven't tried to make an application. I have make a research on universities and I know that my age is not a problem. Actually I have started gathering the papers few months ago but I stop the procedure. Lately I thninging it again and again. I don't know what to do if they accept my aplication (where to find the money) but this is something I should think then. Maybe I win in the lottery!!! :) (just a joke). What is more important for me is to try.

I think you are approaching things in the right way Maria. Sometimes we have to do things as if we had everything as we wanted it. If we don't anticipate and fixate on the future but BE in the present as much as we can - this is vital. What seems to have been thrashed out in this thread is that there IS help but we have to meet the Universe half way as Bruce illustrated. We have to let go of fears and our own assumptions and presumptions and let the Big River take us. Sure, we'll have to navigate the rapids and we may even have to hold our breath under water at times ;) - those necessary trials, as Bruce mentions - but we CAN do it. Courage, persistence and a dollop of faith is necessary too I reckon.

I'm kinda saying this to myself too right now. I'm following the advice from Ms. Yi which seems to be following a definite pattern of 15, 17, 25, 62 and 5. All pretty much saying let go, don't force, be humble and slowly work to accumulate energy back into the situation. Behind all that is 34. And of course, I know that is precisely what I need to cultivate: patience and energy that is correctly utilised.

Same for all of us in different ways who are consciously seeking to better themselves. (that sounds a bit pretentious but ya know what I mean) I guess we must get to know ourselves so that we can direct that intellectual, emotional and physical energy and try to allow them to work as family. Master the Horse of the emotions and throw the instincts some meat to keep them happy ;) Once we can begin to do that - BEGIN - to do that - the Universe picks up the signal and naturally responds. But I think facets of Creation respond not just for our individual destinies but how each of us fits into the bigger picture. Kinda like holons within holons. Thus our individual successes (like doing an MBA ;)) can effect folks in ways undreamt of no matter how small.

I keep remembering the fact that you get what you give in life. By the same token, you can't give in order to get. Done that before. We can judge the usefulness of our lives - whoever and wherever we are from the effects we produce in those around us. That's a good barometer.

Looking back on my life so far I think my barometer needs fixing! lol!


P.S. Love the pics Bruce.

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