...life can be translucent

Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality Part 1


Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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This is a article from Michael Topper who got a lot of this channeled info. I'm not a fan of channelled info as it goes but this is his own extrapolations from his own source material. I think the info. is fascinating and fits with much of the old Gnostic thoughts and alchemical treatise on reality though couched in terms that are using notions of hyper-dimensional physics.

He also uses particularly obtuse and complex jargon as a way to put off those who are looking for a quick fix. I don't agree with that and think it is utterly pointless and elitist. So, I’ve paraphrased some of it – not much – just the odd sentence, phrase and word for ease of reading. So, it does require careful reading – perhaps a few times and then some time to think about the statements.

These statements are all assumptions of course. He may think he KNOWS but whatever the quality of channeled material and unless he has died and come back to life no one can ever know with 100% accuracy. That said, in terms of quantum/hyperdimensional science it seems to fit very well. It won't be to everyone's taste I'm quite sure. But the ideas behind the verbiage are well worth pondering on in my view.

What he talks about has resonance from the ancient past up to the present day. Hopefully folks will find it useful in the context of recent discussions and how we perceive reality generally. Bold and italics are mine and are not present in the original.

Why You Don't Create Your Own Reality - an antidote to fatuous New Age paradigms
By Michael Topper

A paradigm that is currently running amok through the New Age community, and which is depriving them of their last bit of common sense, is better known as "You Create Your Own Reality" (short: YCYOR). This insidious half-truth is usually placed into a very misleading context and is never completely true.

Let us just look at some basic facts that we can derive if YCYOR would be completely true:

1.) Every war victim, or rape victim, etc. must have wanted to draw whatever misfortune upon itself, since that victim "created his own reality".
Common sense tells us here, that this is nonsense, and that not all war victims, etc. ever wanted to that war to happen them. For me, common sense simply wins, and cuts a long discussion short. :)

2.) We would live in a solipsistic * universe wherein we could do whatever we wanted without further consequences.
But pretty much obviously, we do not live in such a utopian universe, and no, even on higher densities, there is no such universe.

* the theory that only the self exists, or can be proved to exist. Or, extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.

Why You Don't "Create Your Own Reality"​

There is not one thing about ourselves and the environment that we perceive that comes from any idea of a self-creating “you.” Before self-reflection, you are spontaneously endowed and already manifested as a particular pattern of Being - in its totality. This happens without personal interference on your part. The patterns of perception and the modes by which you move and think take place without any conscious effort on our part, or at least without much notice. This amazing creative process is so easily accepted as an inherent expression of your being that you claim it as yourself without even observing that you do so. (i.e., these are "my" thoughts, "my" words, "my" perceptions, "my" ideas, "my" movements).

Wait, we hear the protests: perhaps I don't actually create the basic patterns of Being or the functions of existence, but I do seem to individualize them. I make them my own. I synthesize all these "given" features as personal contents from my unique angle, so that "my" expression of the common pattern is distinguishable from yours and so very intimately identifiable as me. In that sense I create my own reality out of the given materials, which really aren't anything in particular until I endow them with the unique expressive life that is "me".

This ordinary qualification is acceptable, as long as we notice that the vaunted "personalization" or "individualizing" of the general creative endowment of Being is also a function of that endowment, not something privately assumed. The creative pattern of Being, of which we are expression, individualizes. That is its attribute, not ours. It can only be considered innately "mine" insofar as "I" come after the fact, along with the perspectival endowment of individualization. In that sense, I am the process of individualization; but I don't create it.

The Cloud Of One-Knowing

"I" exist in reflective and receptive relation to that process which takes its point of departure from the total, given Pattern of Being. My "knowing" comes structured. It is a function of conscious self-awareness, but it uses a particular interpretive mode or syntax of cognition to that consciousness. It possesses an inbuilt grammar of structured variables.

In other words, all my instrumental processes, modes of action and so forth, are patterned terms of this "knowing". The overall function of my being with its sensory and motor, autonomic and conscious systems is that of knowing. In reality, there aren't a lot of different "systems", diverse organs and instrumental complexes, some for physiological processing and life-sustenance, some for acting and responding, some for perceiving and some for knowledge. There is only an overall system or multi-dimensional Pattern of differentiated currents, properties and phases serving the single common function of Knowing; for the whole pattern is an expression of consciousness.


For example, take the idea of a developer bent upon the "personal, positive affirmation of success." He takes it upon himself to reshape his reality according to his heart's desire by speculating on the huge increase of profits through “low rent” savings and to convert them into mega-buck bungalows for the "upwardly mobile," and anticipating the inflow of even more upwardly mobile folks into that particular district. He then, without hesitation, and as an expression of the faith and supreme confidence he has in his aim, evicts all the low-rent tenants on the spot (who, if we are to believe YCYOR must have wished such misery on themselves). A month later, he's mugged in a back alley by one of those he'd peremptorily displaced, and who'd therefore had no recourse to any but the life of the multiplying homeless.

In both "hypothetical" cases, was it the lingering doubt, the persistence of some conditioned hesitancy or especially in the latter case, a misguided atavism of "compassion", guilt or empathy which secretly served to undermine the perfect correspondence of desired effect, thereby producing an accurate reflection of the "negative" belief-structure?

No that just doesn't account for it. We can say for the sake of "hypothesis" that the given developer had no such remorse. But there's that word fatuous! What makes him fatuous? Evidently, not taking into account the obvious context! Remember, we said the potential viability of the term "fatuous" had to do with context! What makes the "you-create-your-own- reality" evangelist fatuous…is precisely the fact that all such "personal decreeing", "positive thinking" and confident imagining takes place in an inevitable context. There are implications! There are repercussions! No one "decrees" in a personal or private, solipsistic vacuum.


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Feb 22, 1971
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I think what is "fatuous" is the way this idea of YCYOR is misperceived by the "ego" mind ( if you will) which imagines itself separate from the Whole in the first place. The fact that we are intrinsic to a WHole is precisely the reason we are capable of creating. The world is a whole and it is made of energy. To put it simplistically, the universe is vibrational. The vibrational tone of an individual (which is not static) corresponds to the matching vibrational patterns of the universe. It is a relationship we are in with the universe, it is not 'every man for himself'.

I would say the highest pattern of vibration is what we would call creative and purely loving, while the "lowest" vibrational patterns are the opposite pole. The competitive mind is not the creative mind. One who is involved in being competitive is not in a vibration of creation.

To " create ones own reality" sounds omnipotent, but consider that one is certainly capable of changing vibrational tone and thus experiencing differing "realities" or a given reality in a wholly different way

the builder in the example above is a wonderful example of the separate ego mind, operating a a level of separateness and competition. He approached the YCYOR as a get-rich quick scheme and in his haste to create his wealth tramples over the people in his way. HIs aim/desire/intention was to get rich but his vibrational pattern is the thing which attracts and gives form to his reality!

There is a principle for creating..and an example of it is to give more value in exchange for the money you are given. Had this developer used this principle, he would have worked hard to provide even better homes and be an most excellent landlord for the tenants. Always improving and expanding on his offering, making way for increase. Thus he incurs gratitude, and also raises the vibrational level of the homes he is providing. People who correspond with that vibration are drawn to his homes, and those who are not move on. No harsh eviction out of greed, only doing one's absolute best with integrity and a focus on betterment and expansion. The whole universe corresponds to the vibration he and his business emit. It is the universe and attendant vibrations that "handle the details".

I am not saying that one has to be carefful to be "loving" or careful of not stepping on anyone's toes in order to create in the "right" way....I am saying that your vibrational pattern either will correspond with creative energy/loving actions or it will not. If it does not, no amount of trying to be a do-gooder will win "heaven's favor." If you are continually creating and attracting dastardly events, the antidote is to change your vibration...and your reality will change, too. Ultimately, i would guess that the aim is to come into vibrational harmony with the formless Substance from which allness springs

How do you change your vibration? ...prayer, meditation? healthy foods, better thoughts, music that lifts your spirits? you can't change vibration and go from a to z.....ie, hard to go from depressed and suicidal all the way to joyous loving bliss....but you can choose to go from depressed and suicidal to a little higher vibration by small steps...pet a dog, write a letter, eat some cheerios. From "comforted" vibration, then maybe you can move up to "content" ...and so on.

As far as war, child abuse, animal cruelty...all those things which tend to make it impossible to believe that we create our own reality....cultures and countries and famiies have vibrational patterns too. people get swept up into mass vibrations all the time. it is the easist thng in the world to be swayed by a cultural vibrational pattern. It doesnt change the fact that we, as microscosms of the whole, have inherent creative power, esp when we align with the flow of Creative Power. we have the power to mis-create too.
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Clarity Supporter
Jan 25, 2007
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I think what is "fatuous" is the way this idea of YCYOR is misperceived by the "ego" mind ( if you will) which imagines itself separate from the Whole in the first place.

If you read the beginning without any filters he says precisely that: we do not live in a solipsistic Universe. But, there are complexities before we are arrive at the pure bliss of simplicity.

Topper and others are not saying we are intrinsically separate as a cog in a wheel, but our individual intent, desires and wishes can so often go counter to the natural order of things in subtle ways, and therefore set up our own sense of separateness. Sure, we may be, in an abstract sense, as One. All is One they tell us. What a twist! But hey, at this level that is not the reality - as you can see. Vibrational influence is wholly dependent upon who we are, how we think, how we feel and thus how we "radiate" and disburse that energy or "contract" an suck in others energy. Or course, we can talk about vibration and energy and sound as they are vague enough to lend themselves to all kinds of theories and yes, what you say might be absolutely true - but it is in what WAY we interpret these precepts and concepts is the key, not the belief that life is about energy and vibration - how is that utilised and known? I think it is how our "vibrational pattern" is "sent out" and how we interact with the world based on our knowledge that is important.

The amplitude of our awareness has a direct relationship to that, as does the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure of the individual; the human energy field and all its various manifestations the centres of gravity that are focused within - all manner of biological and non-biological influences and external factors play a complex part and therefore our choices and the ability to be truly creative. There are all kinds of other variables before we reach the top of the tree where vibration, sound, energy and - especially light - reside. There are many possibilities. Yes, it could be that all of our ideas and theories can be explained through the idea "all is energy" or "energy follows thought" - in fact I think it can. But it is the HOW and the WAY we interpret these possible truths before we arrive at that point. Otherwise, such concepts open themselves to distortion and we will be led astray as most of us are, all the time and in infinite ways.

Therefore, what you say doesn't preclude the points being made in the article - in fact they underscore their importance.

Anyhow, we could go through point by point ad nauseum but I get the feeling you are very happy with your explanation so it's probably not a good idea :D- I think I've written enough on this to provide food for thought - at least for myself! :rofl:

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