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Thank you for signing up!

Thanks for signing up for the free I Ching course!

You’ll shortly be receiving two emails:

  1. “Please confirm your request for the Beginners’ I Ching Course” Please open this one and click the confirmation link it contains, to confirm it’s really you who requested the download
  2. “Clarity membership details” (if you’re a new member) Please save this one: it contains your username and password, which you’ll use to log in to access the extra downloads for the course, and anything else you sign up for at Clarity.

And if you checked a box to join the I Ching Community too, you’ll also get this one:

  1. “Please verify your subscription to the I Ching Community” Please click the confirmation link in this one, too, so I can send you an introduction to the forum to get you started.

If you’d like to listen to the course, click here to download the complete audio version.

Change Circle

For more help and support as you learn…

…you could join Change Circle.

This is Clarity’s private community, for people who want to develop a deeper, more confident relationship with the I Ching. It gives you access to the Reading Circle and Yi Academy forums, and also to the complete Foundations Course on interpreting your answers from the oracle.

Here are all the details on what’s included.