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aerial view of road winding through forest

How Yi helps with planning

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series How Yi helps

Not just for decisions It’s no secret that Yi is tremendously helpful when it comes to decision-making. You look at your options, single out the most likely one, and ask Yi, ‘What about this?’ And the oracle tells you what to expect if you take that road – be that… Read more »How Yi helps with planning

unknown tree

One way Yi helps

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series How Yi helps

One of the good things about our little rented home has always been the thick shield of trees that stands between us and the road. Great glossy green laurels, disappearing in late spring under huge white blossoms, blanketing the whole house in heavy scent. The slender, fragile-looking deciduous tree with… Read more »One way Yi helps

Identical doors in a grey wall

Yi, emotions and decisions

How often have you heard someone say they need to consult with Yi (and perhaps need help with the interpretation) because they’re ‘too subjective’ or ‘too emotionally involved’ with the topic? In a way, that can be true. We can be too close to something, too caught up in its… Read more »Yi, emotions and decisions