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Additive hexagrams?

OK, here’s the off-the-wall idea for the day. What if you could add two hexagrams together? Not changing lines to move from one hexagram to another, but ‘adding’ them, on the basis that yin + yin = yin, but yang + yin = yang, because you imagine the yang line… Read more »Additive hexagrams?

What is the bird’s message?

The Judgement of Hexagram 62 reads: ‘Small overstepping, creating success. Harvest in constancy. Allows small works, does not allow great works. Flying bird calls as it leaves: The above is not right, below is right. Great good fortune.’ The flying bird brings a message; this is something that birds do,… Read more »What is the bird’s message?

Half-baked lunatic idea

I’ve been reading in Kindred Spirit magazine about the evidence (not sure if I need inverted commas there) for an inter-life experience. Lots of people under regression hypnosis (with different therapists) report very similar experiences of a place they go between lives. While there, they review their past life, rejoin… Read more »Half-baked lunatic idea

Hexagram 62, line 3

This is the line Wilhelm translates as, “If one is not extremely careful, Somebody may come up from behind and strike him. Misfortune.” So reading it this way, the line would mean that you should ‘overstep the mark’ in taking care – that you should be extraordinarily defensive, constantly on… Read more »Hexagram 62, line 3