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looking out of a dark castle gate into wide open landscape

Unasked questions

A couple of my most startling, transformative readings lately have come when I asked questions I could and should have asked a year or more ago. The issues were on my mind – in some cases driving all I did – yet it never dawned on me to talk with… Read more »Unasked questions

Christmas I Ching

I’ ve been wondering and delighting in this reading for a year now – it seems a good time to share it. I had a Christian upbringing, and as I started reflecting for myself, I never quite saw the point of the Incarnation. God is here, of course – where… Read more »Christmas I Ching

ICC: One Minute Millionaire 24.2.5 to 60.

I Ching Community Discussion Forum: One Minute Millionaire 24.2.5 to 60. Some good interpretations here into an interesting project. Could be a thread to watch.