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Leave, go out and far away

‘Dispersing blood. Leave, go out and far away. Not a mistake.’ Hexagram 59, line 6 ‘Dispersing blood‘? What does that mean? Wilhelm says it means avoiding an existing danger, ‘dispersion of that which might lead to bloodshed’ for both oneself and others. Lynn, following Wang Bi, has the same idea:… Read more »Leave, go out and far away

Thunder over the lake

What is resonance?

I imagine anyone who’s lived with Yi for a while has also got used to the idea that the world around them gives them signs, and often these signs resonate strongly with readings. I had a ‘big’ Hexagram 10 reading a few years ago, and saw tigers everywhere. (Pictures of… Read more »What is resonance?

Living Change I Ching podcast 4

Well, I’m still getting the hang of my new microphone (I hope), and recovering some voice after the seasonal cold, and experimenting with recording without a script… not sure about the merits of that one… but anyway, here’s podcast 4. The question this time was about opening the channel for… Read more »Living Change I Ching podcast 4

Dispersing armies

…or, more on how relating hexagrams work. This post will have to be somewhat vague in places to avoid going into details about the other people involved in the reading. But the gist is that I had a to-do list as long as my arm of Christmas preparations, and was… Read more »Dispersing armies

Free-flowing answers

Here’s an example from personal experience of how the message of a reading can attune you to the larger flow of what you need. My advice for last week from Yi was Hexagram 59, Dispersing, moving at lines 2 and 3 to 53, Gradual Development. I’m happy to see 53… Read more »Free-flowing answers

I Ching on Tarot

Dodging Invisible Rays » 59 – Dispersing Here’s a post about a remarkable reading. Pauline Kilar resolved to learn a divination system, took up the I Ching, and found it inaccessible. (Not helped by starting at the very, very deep end, with yarrow stalks and Total I Ching.) So she… Read more »I Ching on Tarot