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Well, I’m nicely immersed in all things Christmassy, from tree lights and outings and wrapping paper to the strange dearth of Brussels sprouts in the supermarkets. (Is there a national shortage? Why did nobody tell us?) I fetched my brother over on the 21st, and I’ll take him back on… Read more »De-husking

with thanks

I consulted with Yi about my ideas for an upcoming sale, and took my answer to the I Ching Community for comments and insights. People gave me a whole lot. Have a look at the thread; you’ll see what I mean.

Hexagram 57, in here and out there

The name of Hexagram 57 – Subtle Penetration, the Wind – shows imperial seals on a stand. LiSe describes them as a personal inner blueprint, something that penetrates everything you do. Some influences flow in steadily and shape you, as wind following wind sculpts trees, or rock.

Yi on withdrawal from Iraq

And look – here’s a new, dedicated I Ching political blog, no less: Mme. Zaratamara consults the I Ching (I really must stop browsing and playing with my new toy, and get some proper work done!) Mme Zaratamara – who is left-leaning – asked the oracle how the US could… Read more »Yi on withdrawal from Iraq