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Hexagram 56, Travelling

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Hexagram 56, Travelling

Following your flag The name of Hexagram 56 is lu 旅, Travelling. The Chinese character (which also means a division of troops) originally shows people around the flag, and was normally written simply with two people under the flag, almost as if sheltering under a roof: An ancient Chinese settlement would… Read more »Hexagram 56, Travelling

sand running through fingers

Lost property

A short story In typical Yi style, this is a very short story: ‘Traveller in a place to stay, Gains property and an axe. My heart is not glad.’ ‘Subtly penetrating under the bed, Losing your property and axe. Constancy, pitfall.’ These are lines 56.4 and 57.6, and they have… Read more »Lost property

empty speech bubbles suspended in blue space

When Yi says ‘me’

By and large, we know what sort of thing we expect Yi to say (though not, heaven knows, what it will say): ‘Here’s what you’re doing’ or ‘here’s what would happen’ or ‘here’s how to cope with that’ – something along those lines, describing or advising. Only every now and then… Read more »When Yi says ‘me’

Reading for a subscriber

An audio entry, for a change. You can listen by clicking the ‘play’ button below – – or right-click here and choose ‘save target as’ to download the recording. It’s about 8 minutes long. I Ching reading

Wanderer’s Vessel: a reading

Here is another audio entry (about 15 minutes, this one) – click the ‘play’ button, or right click here to download the file if that doesn’t work. I’m trying something new here: previously I’ve always written myself a script so I wouldn’t embarrass myself too much with endless ‘um’s and… Read more »Wanderer’s Vessel: a reading