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Hexagram 40 and forgiveness

Apologies if you had higher expectations from that portentous title, but this is just a quick note – the kind of meeting of patterns of ideas that I enjoy. Here’s an article from Bri Saussy about sin. Now I’ve learned that the original Greek, hamartia, means missing the mark, I… Read more »Hexagram 40 and forgiveness

Accidental Yijing commentaries

These are something I can’t write – I can’t help seeing the world through ‘hexagram glasses’ – but I love coming across them: articles about other things that just happen to be really excellent hexagram commentaries. Havi Brooks has been writing some very nice inadvertent Yijing things lately, even to… Read more »Accidental Yijing commentaries


I came across this animation at Patricia Bralley’s excellent blog, where she has it under the title ‘Addiction, Ego, Pain’. Of course, we don’t know what the scarf is made of… but it seems to me that another good title might be, “How to tell when you really need Hexagram… Read more »Knitting?

Release from the foxes

Hexagram 40 is Release: untying knots, removing artificial restraints and compulsions, and restoring complete, natural freedom of movement. Its moving lines talk about different kinds of captivity and release: simple ‘mistake’ at the first line, the release of a firm grip at the fourth, release from a looming, ominous presence… Read more »Release from the foxes

Advantage in the Southwest

Not for the first time, someone’s written to ask me what it means that there’s ‘advantage in the southwest’ for her. So here’s a summary of one thing it means, at least – ‘The southwest’ in Yijing-language doesn’t usually mean literally the southwest. There can be the occasional exception, of… Read more »Advantage in the Southwest

Life lessons from Yi

This is one of those embarrassing experiences with Yi, but I wanted to share it all the same. It’s a very clear example of the difference a question – and the thought behind the question – can make. There’s this course I’m thinking of taking. I like the look of… Read more »Life lessons from Yi