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Advantage in the Southwest

Not for the first time, someone’s written to ask me what it means that there’s ‘advantage in the southwest’ for her. So here’s a summary of one thing it means, at least – ‘The southwest’ in Yijing-language doesn’t usually mean literally the southwest. There can be the occasional exception, of… Read more »Advantage in the Southwest

Staying at line 3

I was working on a reading for a client. And the gist of the answer was unmissable: what she’s asking about is a very good idea. I didn’t understand why it is, though – it’s hard to connect these particular positive images with her question or her situation – and I do like to do more than provide just the ‘good idea’/’bad idea’ reading. The oracle does more than that, after all, so I’d feel I was letting people down if I didn’t go deeper.