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Ways to involve the I Ching in decision making

It’s a cliché of every I Ching introduction: the oracle is an aid to decision-making. Of course, it’s also perfectly true. Historically, the ancient Chinese divined on decisions about marriage, warfare, whether to open the fields, what to offer to the ancestors. Nowadays people consult the I Ching on which job to take, whether to buy a house, whether to stick with a relationship or leave it…

Good I Ching introduction

I’ve been enjoying this I Ching introduction from CJ Stone. He goes straight to the heart of the thing: “The I-Ching also has a central character, and a definite place and time period, but its central character is not divine or even remotely inspired, and its time period is not… Read more »Good I Ching introduction

New look coming up

Today’s Changeover Day – the day I transfer the whole site, bit by bit, to its new look and feel. I’ll be doing this in installments, which means that for a while you may find weird incongruities when clicking links. It should all be completed today, though, so if you… Read more »New look coming up

The I Ching and badminton

My husband and I go out on the back lawn when the weather’s good enough, and play badminton. Let’s see… David’s six feet tall, lean and wiry and a natural athlete; I’m five foot two, about two stone overweight, and hopelessly uncoordinated – you know the one who can’t even… Read more »The I Ching and badminton

Engagement in Hexagram 18

Hexagram 18, Corruption, demands that we actively engage with how things are. And things are a mess: there are ‘negative patterns’ playing themselves out, or in other words the same old bad things keep on happening.