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It takes too long!

Here’s a story I’ve heard, with variations, several times; “The I Ching? Yes, I did try that when I was in college… yes, it was fascinating, I’d almost forgotten… These days? I draw a card, maybe tarot, maybe another oracle deck, and look up the meaning in the book. I… Read more »It takes too long!

I Ching ubiquity…

Wandering the internet, you never know when you might come across work on I Ching prediction, or ‘life reading‘, or a book excerpt on line theory – or, of course, more I Ching blogging…  Update next day: and more I Ching blogging.

The Jewel of Yi

I asked, “What is it about Yi that makes it precious as a spiritual ‘tool’?” And received Hexagram 15, Integrity, with no changing lines: This is one of those answers that gives me an immediate glow of recognition – and then unwraps like a gift, with more and more shining… Read more »The Jewel of Yi

Please take the survey!

I’ve just uploaded a new survey to the members’ area on personal and spiritual growth fundamentals. Please visit and send me your answers – thank you! It has just three questions, so it shouldn’t take you long at all. When you look at the survey, you may wonder why I’m… Read more »Please take the survey!