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Hexagrams as pictures

Some hexagrams – like 29 – seem to derive much of their meaning from their component trigrams. Some – like 27 – seem to derive it in the first place from the picture made by the lines themselves. Hexagram 27 looks like jaws; Hexagram 21 looks as though an obstacle’s… Read more »Hexagrams as pictures

reflections and concentric ripples in water's surface

Patterns to look for

… in your I Ching reading journal. Recently I’ve been thinking (with help from some wise and generous mentoring clients!) about what can show up when you review a series of readings. The way they start to fit together, unfolding a single story or interweaving many themes, always gives me… Read more »Patterns to look for

Inside and outside

The other day, after a series of readings circulating between hexagrams 58, 47, 48, 57, I noticed another little nugget of patterns within the Sequence of hexagrams. Hexagram 37 describes life inside the home, defined by its boundaries (37.1). Hexagram 38 is outside the walls: opposed, seeing differently, alien. Hexagram… Read more »Inside and outside


I had a lovely day out yesterday, visiting a friend. She left me at the station for the return journey – and I found the train was delayed, so I’d have an extra hour or so of travel. Happily even this very modest-sized station had its own modest-sized shop, with… Read more »Coincidence