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I Ching talk in Manchester tonight

A last-minute notice from Mick Frankel: he’s giving a talk on the I Ching at the Friends’ Meeting House in Manchester at 7 this evening. Details here.

I Ching string offer

Over at the I Ching Community, Rosada has just very generously offered to make an ‘I Ching string’ for the next ten people to donate more than $20. An ‘I Ching string’ is a bead set to consult with, which gives you a perfect blend of natural flow and meditative… Read more »I Ching string offer

Yi on Twitter

Yi on Twitter – or, “three thousand year old oracle meets microblogging app” – or something. Hm. What’s Twitter? As far as I can make out, it’s a strange little hybrid of a blog and an instant messaging client: people post personal updates, thoughts of the moment and links to… Read more »Yi on Twitter

Harmen on Change

I only just stumbled across this excellent article from Harmen about the origin of the character Yi. Read and enjoy! I relish Harmen’s own willingness to change his own mind, too; it’s easy to get married to one’s own theories and settle down into undisturbed domestic bliss – I catch… Read more »Harmen on Change

Wild geese and small child

Following on from a post on hexagram 53, line 1… ‘Wild geese gradually advance to the shore. The small child, danger, There are words, No mistake.’ The obvious question about this line – and I always like to ask the most obvious question – is ‘Why is the small child… Read more »Wild geese and small child