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Raindrops on lake surface.

The Inner Truth of Waiting

In this episode, Katie – a psychotherapist in training – asks, “What do I most need to know right now?” Behind this question lies a worry that she ought to be doing more, or achieving faster or maybe starting a side business: she was wondering, she said, whether she ought… Read more »The Inner Truth of Waiting

frozen bubble with ice crystals

The words and the magic

The Yi is an oracle; it speaks. (The word ‘oracle’ has its roots in the Latin orare, to speak, and oraculum, the name of the priest/ess who gave voice to the god.) Other oracles people use now, like tarot, have interpreters to speak their meanings, but Yi is unique: it… Read more »The words and the magic

An outsider seeking nourishment

Here’s the 30th episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast – a short one, this time, with a reading of my own. I asked for an auspice or advice for joining a new orchestra, and received Hexagram 38, Opposing, changing at lines 2 and 4 to 27, Nourishment: changing… Read more »An outsider seeking nourishment

hay bales in sunlit field

35 as relating hexagram

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Relating hexagrams

Make hay while the sun shines Hexagram 35 is one of the sunniest in the Yijing: ‘Advancing, Prince Kang used a gift of horses to breed a multitude.In the course of a day, he mated them three times.’ Look, it says, you are recognised, you have wonderful gifts, and now… Read more »35 as relating hexagram

Lake below the mountain

A relationship without anxiety?

Here’s a new episode of the I Ching with Clarity podcast for you, with a listener’s reading about a relationship problem that a lot of people will be able to relate to. Danielle’s reading was Hexagram 41, Decreasing, changing to 42, Increasing: changing to Seven minutes or so into the… Read more »A relationship without anxiety?

Signpost pointing to 'yes' and 'no'

Yes/no questions

As you might know, I’m very keen on keeping things as simple as possible – not least the questions we ask the Yijing. But this can cause some bafflement when I advise against asking questions that are looking for a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ answer. What could be simpler than… Read more »Yes/no questions

kayak on the river

Changes of heart

At the very end of Hexagram 16, Enthusiasm, in its final line, ‘results bring a change of heart’: ‘Enthusiasm in the dark.Results bring a change of heart,No mistake.’ And then at the very beginning of Hexagram 17, Following, its first line begins with an official’s change of heart: ‘An official… Read more »Changes of heart