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What is the bird’s message?

The Judgement of Hexagram 62 reads: ‘Small overstepping, creating success. Harvest in constancy. Allows small works, does not allow great works. Flying bird calls as it leaves: The above is not right, below is right. Great good fortune.’ The flying bird brings a message; this is something that birds do,… Read more »What is the bird’s message?

Lake reflections

Yesterday some Change Circle members went on a remarkable inner journey, visiting a Lake and a Mountain, receiving some unexpected gifts. (Thank you, Kevin, who guided the guided imagery.) Change Circle members can access the recording from our home page; if you’d like to join us for future explorations, you… Read more »Lake reflections

Total Yijing software for Vista

================================= Update! ‘Total Yijing’ is no longer available – but if you’re looking for I Ching journal software try the Resonance Journal =================================   Good news! The Total Yijing software is (finally) available in a Vista-compatible form. I’ve downloaded, installed and upgraded and it’s running smoothly. I wouldn’t necessarily suggest… Read more »Total Yijing software for Vista

Constancy of the woman

One of the things we Westerners need to learn when divining with the Yijing is a certain flexibility about gender. Women need to be able to identify with a series of male kings and heroes (Kings Wen and Wu, Yu the Great, King Hai…), to say nothing of finding a… Read more »Constancy of the woman

Change Circle is open to Friends

Friends of Clarity – that’s everyone who’s joined the free membership – can now access the sign-up page for Change Circle. The doors are creaking open gradually like this to ensure that customers and then members have first dibs on the Founder Member places in Change Circle – which means… Read more »Change Circle is open to Friends