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What Yi answers

It’s one of those FAYQ*: “Does the Yijing always answer the question you ask?” My standard answer is yes, almost always. And yes, it is always good to assume in the first place that this is what’s happened, and you’re looking at an answer to your question. The alternative –… Read more »What Yi answers

I Ching chat tomorrow

There’s an I Ching online chat tomorrow – simple text chat as far as I know – run by our own Petrosianii (aka Eric Bryant). It’s at 2pm Eastern time (you can check other timezones here): full details here.

Living Change I Ching Podcast 2

Here’s the second episode – shorter than I’d intended, but it’s here. Today’s reading is about money, and came out rather more topical than I’d planned. I hope you enjoy; please comment to your heart’s content. Links mentioned in the audio: The music is from here; Change Circle is here… Read more »Living Change I Ching Podcast 2

Gifts of time from the I Ching

I wrote a few days back about how the I Ching unavoidably, undeniably, takes time. I also touched on how it gives time back, re-tuned and humming. Setting aside enough time for a reading means greater clarity, better decisions, and just a more grounded, fluent experience. Also, it makes for… Read more »Gifts of time from the I Ching

Change and Cinderella

I just heard this in an audio sample from Marianne Williamson’s Sacred Dialogue programme: “We say, OK this is not joyous, and so I want another life, and so we pray for another life. …We tend to think of it like, ‘This life isn’t good enough, and I want another… Read more »Change and Cinderella

I Ching Workshops in Manchester

Message from Mick Frankel: “The first of my three Theosophical Society workshops on the I Ching is on Saturday 25th October at the Friends’ Meeting House, Mount Street in Manchester City Centre near the Library. The workshop runs from 2 – 4 and costs £4 which includes a cup of… Read more »I Ching Workshops in Manchester

No time for the I Ching

Ever heard this? “I know the I Ching works, but I don’t have time for it.” Ever said it? I have… which is more embarrassing than I care to think about. Naturally I have endless time to work on readings for clients, and work out the best possible ways to… Read more »No time for the I Ching