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Living Change I Ching podcast 4

Well, I’m still getting the hang of my new microphone (I hope), and recovering some voice after the seasonal cold, and experimenting with recording without a script… not sure about the merits of that one… but anyway, here’s podcast 4. The question this time was about opening the channel for… Read more »Living Change I Ching podcast 4


Browsing Allan Lian’s blog, with a New Year post offering a Confucian perspective on self-cultivation, got me thinking. What is self-cultivation – where and how does this idea show up in the Yijing? Luckily, I don’t have far to look: my guiding principle for the year for Clarity, as given… Read more »Self-cultivation?


or – why is Clarity here? I’ve been running Clarity now for some eight years, so this post’s probably about eight years overdue. What can I say? I’m a bit slow at times. Also, hopefully some things have got clearer for me since 2000. Why is Clarity here? Because I… Read more »Direction

Are you free at the weekend?

…because if enough people are interested, we could get together online to chat and explore a shared reading. These live events are normally only for Change Circle people, but this one’s open to all Clarity members. Please come and read the thread about this and… vote in the poll to… Read more »Are you free at the weekend?

Turnaround in Hexagram 39

Hexagram 39 is called ‘Difficulties’ or ‘Limping’. It describes the experience of a perpetual uphill struggle: just one thing after another, grinding on and on, battling with handicaps or with the elements or with an unforgivingly inhospitable world… …and it also describes the moment when you turn this around. I’ve… Read more »Turnaround in Hexagram 39