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As simple as possible

Some wise person (who may or may not have been Einstein) once said that everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler. Seems like good advice for divination. Thing is, we do seem to make it complicated. There’s the way we somehow manage to get from spending… Read more »As simple as possible

Ask about the gift

I’ve stumbled across a question to ask Yi that’s rapidly becoming one of my favourites: ‘What’s the gift?’ It can be asked about almost anything, of course. A situation, an approach, a book… I just asked about what my new way of eating gives me, and had a very clear,… Read more »Ask about the gift

Accidental Yijing commentaries

These are something I can’t write – I can’t help seeing the world through ‘hexagram glasses’ – but I love coming across them: articles about other things that just happen to be really excellent hexagram commentaries. Havi Brooks has been writing some very nice inadvertent Yijing things lately, even to… Read more »Accidental Yijing commentaries

Synchronicity with readings

I’m sorry to go so quiet lately. I’ve been having wonderful experiences with Yi, and readings, and connections and shifts happening… and all to do with clients’ readings, so I can never share them here in public. (I’m very happy that I’m blessed with clients who share my joy in… Read more »Synchronicity with readings

The family of 54

Each hexagram of the Yijing contains a nuclear hexagram at its core. And since the nuclear hexagram unfolds from lines 2-5,  it’s the first and last lines, the ‘entrance and exit’ or ‘roots and shoots’ of the hexagram, that vary – so that four hexagrams can be formed around each… Read more »The family of 54