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News from Clarity

I asked Yi for work advice recently, and received hexagram 58. It seems that work has a lot to do with communicating – who’d’ve thought, right? So I will do more of that and less keeping of things under wraps, and if I ever seem to have gone a bit quiet, please… Read more »News from Clarity

Consulting under the sky

From time to time, someone asks me about the validity of consulting with a computer program. Does it work – are the answers real? I always say yes, it works. What matters is not the physical method, but the quality of your attention. I have plenty of experience to back… Read more »Consulting under the sky

Hexagram 40, Release

The ancient character for jie, the name of Hexagram 40, shows hands with a knife removing a cow’s horn. Perhaps this has to do with a horn implement for prising knots apart – Chinese boys could carry a knot-horn at their belt when they became men – or perhaps simply with… Read more »Hexagram 40, Release

More on hexagram 44

Hexagram 44 is – famously – a tricky one. ‘Coupling, the woman is powerful. Do not take this woman.’ That’s all it says – which is more than enough to give rise to all kinds of ideas. The traditional one is that the woman represents something malevolent, the seductress, power-grabbing… Read more »More on hexagram 44

Rethinking the Well

Lars Bo Christensen has brought out a very interesting new translation of the Zhouyi: Book of Changes – the original core of  the I Ching. I should post a full review one of these days (short version: yes, definitely buy it), but for now I just wanted to share something that’s… Read more »Rethinking the Well