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Shadowy figure in misty forest

Meeting the Yi lord

Each year on my birthday, I ask Yi for guidance for the coming year. Then over the course of the year I revisit the reading, finding guidance and gleaning understanding as I go. At least, such is the theory. Last year’s reading, cast on 7th December 2015, was Hexagram 55,… Read more »Meeting the Yi lord

Book of nuclear stories

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Book of Stories

A ‘nuclear story’ (my term for something many people have described before me) is found within a single hexagram, by ‘unpacking’ its trigrams and nuclear trigrams. It unfolds a kind of ‘hidden adventure’ for the hexagram. I realise I’ve written this up for Change Circle members in some detail (see this… Read more »Book of nuclear stories

falling leaf

23 as relating hexagram

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Hexagram 23

I wrote about a core message of Hexagram 23 when it’s your cast hexagram: how it demands a true tabula rasa, not just a ‘rethink’. What about 23 as relating hexagram – what can that mean? Of course, there are 64 different ways a reading can change to Hexagram 23, but… Read more »23 as relating hexagram

Hexagram 23 in readings

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Hexagram 23

The essential message of Stripping Away is devastatingly simple: ‘Stripping away. Fruitless to have a direction to go.’ Your ‘direction to go’ can be whatever plan you have in mind, your purpose or vision or intent, or something as slight as a curiosity to explore in a certain direction. The root… Read more »Hexagram 23 in readings

Resonance Journal update!

Version 1.5 of the Resonance Journal is ready! This version includes Volume 1 of Bradford Hatcher’s Yijing – the full translation with commentary – as a built-in translation to explore via the hexagram browser and select there for use with your reading entries. [icon name=”exclamation-triangle” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  If you already have the Resonance… Read more »Resonance Journal update!