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compass on an antique map

New blog index page

I’ve just added a dedicated blog index page to the site’s menu. (You’ll find it under ‘blog’ and also under the search icon for good measure.) You can use this to scan a compact list of all posts, or filter the list by category or series. You’ll also find a… Read more »New blog index page

Resonance Journal

New Resonance Journal version

If you’ve opened your Resonance Journal today, you’ll have noticed the ‘Update available’ button is active. Click it! Your journal will update to version 2.5.1, which includes some nifty new features. If you don’t have a copy of the Resonance Journal, you can download a trial from here. It’s available… Read more »New Resonance Journal version

leaves and squash in the garden

‘Character’ hexagrams: Lasting, Decrease, Increase

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series The 'character' hexagrams

Here are the next three ‘character’ hexagrams… 32, Lasting Lasting is de‘s steadfastness. It means [encountering] miscellany and not [feeling] disgust. It provides for a single de. As you can see from the [square brackets], I haven’t quite managed to find English equivalents to the Chinese words for this one.… Read more »‘Character’ hexagrams: Lasting, Decrease, Increase

swan in a flock of ducks

The non-people of Hexagram 8

Some 15 years ago, I wrote on this blog about the non-people of Hexagram 12. ‘Blocking it, non-people.Noble one’s constancy bears no fruit.Great goes, small comes.’ Hexagram 12, the Oracle Back then, I emphasised how the idea of ‘non-people’ (fei ren, 匪人) could mean labelling people and sticking them in… Read more »The non-people of Hexagram 8

hippo wallowing in mud

Nothing quite like it

Ni, 泥 , simply means ‘mud’ – soil, putty, to daub with plaster. It’s the clay that was baked into bricks and tiles. I normally look for how a word is used in the Book of Songs, or the Book of Rites, but ni doesn’t appear anywhere in either of… Read more »Nothing quite like it


The story of Shock

You know how the lines of some hexagrams unfold and tell a story? Hexagram 53 traces the journey of the wild geese; 1 follows the dragon’s journey across the skies; 48 describes well-repair. Well… I’m wondering whether something similar might not be happening in Hexagram 51. The name of the… Read more »The story of Shock