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I Ching and business

An email that arrived the other day…


I was recently introduced to the IChing by some good friends and I am very pleased with its content and outlook on life.

Bearing in mind that the IChing constantly mentions the ‘collective ego’ as the main obstacle to the true self – how do I approach business areas from an IChing point of view i.e. if I try my best to earn money then it is my ego which is getting involved and not my true self.

So, can the IChing be applied to business at all or is it simply a matter of doing one’s best to get to the true self and let the sage handle all money areas ?

Stephen Karcher webinar update

You know our next webinar is with Stephen Karcher?

It’s on 26th March, 6pm UK time (morning or early afternoon across the USA – see timezone converter). Online, as usual, in our own private ‘virtual meeting room’. (So long as you have a Windows computer with an internet connection, you can come.) (Sorry, Mac users. I’m looking into alternatives.)

If you’re not familiar with Stephen and his work, have a look at the Amazon page for Total I Ching – especially the reader reviews – to get an idea of what he’s about.

Yi on withdrawal from Iraq

And look – here’s a new, dedicated I Ching political blog, no less: Mme. Zaratamara consults the I Ching (I really must stop browsing and playing with my new toy, and get some proper work done!) Mme Zaratamara – who is left-leaning – asked the oracle how the US could… Read more »Yi on withdrawal from Iraq

Sometimes It’s Peaceful

You never know what’s out there until you look… Here’s Gill, up in West Yorkshire, posting an introduction to the I Ching and also a couple of readings about it on her own blog. She asked about explaining it in this way, and received Hexagram 30, Clarity ( 🙂 )… Read more »Sometimes It’s Peaceful


As you see – the new blog version of ‘Answers’ is underway! and for once, I’ve actually got something done sooner than I expected.

Well, I’m impressed with myself, anyway 😉

I Ching Landscape

I Ching Articles by Danny Van den Berghe. In the latest pdf file downloadable from here, I Ching Landscape, Danny not only describes the contours of the King Wen sequence in terms of the trigrams, but also maps this onto a Chinese landscape: specific rivers, lakes, and the Taishan mountain… Read more »I Ching Landscape

Help Joan Bunning

You may know Joan Bunning as the author of a very generous free tarot course. This page is her appeal for sponsorship: she’s running her first marathon to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, as her husband has just recently been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.