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‘Favourable to have somewhere to go’ in hexagram 24

Hexagram 23 is the Pair of 24, Returning, which Nelson asked about. Unlike Stripping Away, the Judgement of Returning concludes that there is harvest in having a direction to go.

This could get particularly confusing, as the Daxiang (the Image) says that this is time to stay home and most definitely not tour the border regions. But I think this is is a snapshot of just one stage in a whole cycle described by hexagram 24 – and that ‘having a direction to go’ fits naturally within the broader context.

Yijing Dao – ‘The Original I Ching Oracle’ by Rudolf Ritsema and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini

Yijing Dao – ‘The Original I Ching Oracle’ by Rudolf Ritsema and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini Steve Marshall has reviewed the ‘new’ Yijing from Rudolf Ritsema, which is a revised version of the original Eranos I Ching, the Ritsema/Karcher with concordance. (To be published on April 30th, I think, so I… Read more »Yijing Dao – ‘The Original I Ching Oracle’ by Rudolf Ritsema and Shantena Augusto Sabbadini

More Yi blogging

Harmen Mesker has added some entries in English to his blog. One is a critique of Robert Benson’s ‘I Ching for a New Age’, which I didn’t buy when I picked it up in a local bookstore. The general ‘everyone sucks but me’ attitude is feeble, I think, and the basic approach to the text is depressing:

Yi blog riches

Two pieces of excellent news for ‘Yi people’:

Steve Marshall is updating his blog again at On April 2nd (scroll down!) he wrote about hexagram 25, line 2 – something I’ve been wondering and speculating on for years.

I’m (more or less) back

Hello – just to say I am back at work. Backlogged… dozier than usual… but doing readings and giving feedback on ecourse assignments in the usual way.