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The Modern Poet’s I Ching, by Thom Williams

The Modern Poet’s I Ching, by Thom Williams Short poems and commentaries for the hexagrams and lines. One for the collection? (For breathtaking poetry for each hexagram, I recommend Karen Holden’s Book of Changes. Amazing.)

An idea about Hexagram 22

Hexagram 21 is Biting Through; Hexagram 22 is Beauty – only I tend to think of it these days more as Making Beautiful. (In much the same way, Hexagram 13 seems to be more to do with ‘creating harmony between people’ than just finding it already there, a fait accompli.)… Read more »An idea about Hexagram 22

Weekly I Ching reading

This entry is a follow-up to my post on ‘Life lessons from Yi‘ a few weeks ago. Like that one, it’s more personal-journal-ish than I usually write, but I hope it’ll provide a couple of ideas you can use yourself. (Please let me know what you think of this style… Read more »Weekly I Ching reading

Heaven to Earth I Ching

Heaven to Earth I Ching A link to a home-published I Ching book I hadn’t seen before. As far as I can make out from a quick look through the website (in other words – I may have this completely wrong) the book offers a new way of choosing which… Read more »Heaven to Earth I Ching

Wrong answers?

Very interesting email from Donato: “Dear Hilary, I have been consulting I-Ching for many years, during crisis mainly and therefore for really important matters, as well for less decisive problems. In many cases the answers seemed coherent with the question, in some quite ‘to the point’, in many others they… Read more »Wrong answers?

Trigrams in the Sequence IV

*** Warning – highly speculative post coming up *** In a previous post, ‘Looking at hexagram pairs’, I mentioned Carrin Dunne’s names for two distinctive kinds of Pair. The four pairs that are complementary and not inverse she calls Dragon Gates. And the four pairs that are both inverted and… Read more »Trigrams in the Sequence IV