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Recommended I Ching audio

Back before my computer tried to turn into a doorstop, I wrote: “I’ve just recently learned of another provider of really good beginner-level I Ching information online. I’ll be writing a review of his current offering soon and posting it here.” So let me end the suspense: I’m talking about… Read more »Recommended I Ching audio

Light on Disentangling

I found this quotation from Thomas Merton in a beautiful book by Lenedra J Carroll, The Architecture of All Abundance, which I bought from Cygnus Books: “There is a pervasive form of contemporary violence… activism and overwork. The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most… Read more »Light on Disentangling

Trigrams in the sequence from 24 to 25

Hexagram 24, Returning, is made up of the trigrams for thunder within the earth: Hexagram 25, Without Entanglement, has thunder below earth’s complement, heaven: Thunder is the vital spark, often human will and initiative. In a time of Returning, the wise old kings would ‘close the gates. Itinerant merchants did… Read more »Trigrams in the sequence from 24 to 25

Weekly I Ching readings

Weekly readings are a blessing and a joy. I’m finding that the richest rewards come from asking an open-ended question every weekend, and keeping this separate from my readings about whatever pressing issues have come up. Stephen Karcher wrote that the basic question we ask oracles – the question behind… Read more »Weekly I Ching readings

My computer is away

Actually, my computer is dead. It died quite suddenly yesterday night – it was working, and then it wasn’t. End of computer, at least until the manufacturer fixes it. So I am not available for readings, or answering emails, or indeed writing posts and sending you a lamentably overdue newsletter.… Read more »My computer is away

Coming up in early 2006…

… in I Ching-land, that is… I will be releasing a very small, very low-priced, and I hope very useful beginners’ product at the end of this month. I’ll let you know what it is later, when I’ve fixed on a title 🙂 . If you’re not a beginner, you… Read more »Coming up in early 2006…