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I Ching in the blogosphere

Browsing blogs, it’s remarkable how many people mention the I Ching as a regular part of their lives. For instance, have a look at the technorati search results for ‘I Ching’. You’ll need to skip over a few that just have the words ‘I’ and ‘Ching’ in the post, but… Read more »I Ching in the blogosphere

Advantage in the Southwest

Not for the first time, someone’s written to ask me what it means that there’s ‘advantage in the southwest’ for her. So here’s a summary of one thing it means, at least – ‘The southwest’ in Yijing-language doesn’t usually mean literally the southwest. There can be the occasional exception, of… Read more »Advantage in the Southwest

‘Way of Heaven’ has a new address

One of the most popular links I ever posted was Eric Sewert’s ‘Way of Heaven’ site for calculating birth hexagrams. If you’re one of the people who emailed me to ask where it had gone – it’s moved to

Well, there’s synchronicity for you

I posted about hexagram 15, especially line 3. I hadn’t even noticed that Stephen Karcher had posted a reading of his own with the exact same hexagram and line. These grey hamsters get everywhere. There’s also a discussion about Stephen’s reading at the Great Vessel forum.

The noble one completes it?

The Judgement of Hexagram 15 says that, ‘Integrity creates success, The noble one completes things.’ What’s the significance of ‘completing things’ (literally, ‘having completion’), as against just ‘succeeding’? Wilhelm translates this as ‘carries things through’ and describes it as completing one’s work; he mentions how much simpler and more effective… Read more »The noble one completes it?

Deng Ming Tao on divination

Here’s Donna Woodka’s lovely blog, Changing Places, quoting Deng Ming Tao as he speaks out against divination. Specifically, he’s opposed to the use of divination in big, life-changing decisions – because, according to him – divination amounts to looking for reassurance from forces “out there” – which doesn’t work depending… Read more »Deng Ming Tao on divination