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Still no readings, sorry

For some weeks now, there’s been a notice up on my readings order page saying ‘I’m away from work because of family health problems.’ I’m sorry to say that I still am. It’s my Mum who’s unwell: she was in hospital when I first put the notice up; then she… Read more »Still no readings, sorry

I Ching on politics

Jesed, aka Rodrigo – source of many fascinating posts at the I Ching Community – has his own blog, ‘Changes on political affairs‘. In it he presents readings about modern national and international politics, using methods that are not widely known. He doesn’t hedge his answers or beat about any… Read more »I Ching on politics

I Ching articles on

At I just came across a collection of articles offering O’Shea’s reading of the I Ching. The overall orientation is strangely gloomy – since when is Hexagram 59 all about dissipation and aimlessness, and 37 about ‘bottled and stifled ambition and development’? Hm. And some of his assertions are… Read more »I Ching articles on

I Ching on Tarot

Dodging Invisible Rays » 59 – Dispersing Here’s a post about a remarkable reading. Pauline Kilar resolved to learn a divination system, took up the I Ching, and found it inaccessible. (Not helped by starting at the very, very deep end, with yarrow stalks and Total I Ching.) So she… Read more »I Ching on Tarot

I Ching ebook and audio

I reviewed Ron Masa’s I Ching introduction at length here (part 1) and here (part 2). It’s a warm, genuine, clear and straightforward introduction; if you don’t need it yourself, you might consider buying it for a friend. At the time of the review, this was only available as an… Read more »I Ching ebook and audio

Hexagram 14, line 6

Hexagram 14, line 6 was part of my reading for the week. It hasn’t been a great week, and I’ve been using my reading not only for its advice, but also as a reminder, a kind of talisman. Waiting for the pharmacist to make up my Mum’s prescription, I went… Read more »Hexagram 14, line 6