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Hexagram 42 and thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! – and thank you for being here. What could be a hexagram for the day? How about 42 – Blessing, Increase? Here’s the vessel overflowing with good things (or maybe with good things pouring in) – “My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all… Read more »Hexagram 42 and thanks

Hexagram 31 – making space

My reading for last week was Hexagram 31, Influence. And yesterday afternoon, at the final rehearsal before that evening’s concert, the conductor asked the orchestra to ‘make space’ for the solo violinist. ‘Above the mountain is a lake. Influence. Noble one accepts people with emptiness.’ Being part of an orchestra… Read more »Hexagram 31 – making space

Multiple changing lines again

Here is a wholly new approach to multiple changing lines, from an equally new I Ching blog. It’s another method for isolating a single line among the many to focus on. This isn’t something I’m generally very interested in, myself. I take the view that you’re given more than one… Read more »Multiple changing lines again

Free-flowing answers

Here’s an example from personal experience of how the message of a reading can attune you to the larger flow of what you need. My advice for last week from Yi was Hexagram 59, Dispersing, moving at lines 2 and 3 to 53, Gradual Development. I’m happy to see 53… Read more »Free-flowing answers

Divination and confidence

Somewhat to my surprise, I found one of my favourite ‘personal growth’ writers, Charles Burke, blogging about a day he spent doing palm reading, of all things. Here’s his article, with pictures. I get the impression that he doesn’t take the ‘fortune telling’ aspect especially seriously, but is moved by… Read more »Divination and confidence

Mountain, keeping still

Have you noticed how the same ideas cluster together in different cultures? Here’s the name of Hexagram 52, Keeping Still (mountain): – a human figure, standing. And here is the mountain pose.