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Stephen Karcher: Shuogua

The Shuogua, ‘explanation of the gua’, is the Yijing’s 8th Wing. It’s in three parts: the first is an origin story of how the sages made the Yi from first principles; the remaining two describe the characteristics of the individual trigrams. You’ll occasionally find references to these characteristics in Wilhelm’s… Read more »Stephen Karcher: Shuogua

Thoughts on Wilhelm/Baynes

Someone wrote to ask what I think of the Wilhelm/Baynes translation. I have mixed feelings about it. For a lot of people, I know, asking ‘what do you think of Wilhelm/Baynes?’ is much the same as asking, ‘What do you think of the Bible?’ This is the edition the great… Read more »Thoughts on Wilhelm/Baynes

I Ching ebook and audio

I reviewed Ron Masa’s I Ching introduction at length here (part 1) and here (part 2). It’s a warm, genuine, clear and straightforward introduction; if you don’t need it yourself, you might consider buying it for a friend. At the time of the review, this was only available as an… Read more »I Ching ebook and audio

Recommended I Ching audio

Back before my computer tried to turn into a doorstop, I wrote: “I’ve just recently learned of another provider of really good beginner-level I Ching information online. I’ll be writing a review of his current offering soon and posting it here.” So let me end the suspense: I’m talking about… Read more »Recommended I Ching audio

I Ching Poetry

Lately, I’ve been exploring ways to immerse myself in readings more completely – and I Ching poetry seems to be a way to do that. Of course the book is poetry itself, but the attempts I know of to translate it directly into rhyme basically reduce it to jingles. I… Read more »I Ching Poetry