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I Ching journal software

======================== Update! There’s now software available here at Clarity to keep a complete journal – not only of Yijing readings, but also of dreams, synchronicities and more. Created by Justin Farrell, it’s the successor to his I Ching Journal reviewed below. It’s called the Resonance Journal. ========================   Why would you… Read more »I Ching journal software

Total Yijing software for Vista

================================= Update! ‘Total Yijing’ is no longer available – but if you’re looking for I Ching journal software try the Resonance Journal =================================   Good news! The Total Yijing software is (finally) available in a Vista-compatible form. I’ve downloaded, installed and upgraded and it’s running smoothly. I wouldn’t necessarily suggest… Read more »Total Yijing software for Vista

EclecticEnergies YiJing

Ewald Berkers’ YiJing translation is available for download in pdf format. It’s worth having. I’d recommend you buy your own copy. ~~~ Now that’s a review in Ewald-style: succinct, straightforward, conveying the main point with enviable clarity. But since I’m naturally a wordier animal than he is, I’ll write a… Read more »EclecticEnergies YiJing

The Chameleon Book

When did you last encounter a Yijing translation where the introduction engendered such curiosity that you were itching to read it through? Quite. I’m sure this isn’t supposed to happen, but with the Chameleon Book, Freeman Crouch’s translation, I find it does. He reads the Yijing as a historical document,… Read more »The Chameleon Book